Archer Street Rockhampton QLD 4700 Australia
The new RGS uniform collection is now available for purchase at the newly refurbished Red and Black Shop.
Please remember that appointments are required prior to your visit; you can schedule your uniform appointment here: Uniform Appointments .
Please be aware that, due to supplier delays, the K-2 red bucket hats will not arrive until November. In the meantime, K-2 students may continue to wear their current hats with the new uniform until the new stock is available. The Years 3-12 sports shirts and hats are also expected to arrive in November.
Students are welcome to begin wearing the new uniform collection this term, and it has been wonderful to see them around campus.
Term 4 Significant Dates
9 October:
Secondary School Formal Assembly – The Duggan Hall
Primary School Formal Assembly – The Duggan Hall
18 October:
Last day in class for Year 12 students
Formal Induction of School Leaders and Year 12 Leadership Ceremony – Duggan Hall
19 - 21 October:
Boarders’ long weekend
20 October:
Year 6 Canberra Trip departs until 25 October
21 October:
Student Free Day (Primary & Secondary)
Year 12 External examinations commence - until 13 November
11 November:
Secondary School Remembrance Day Assembly - Spaceframe
15 November:
Last day for Year 12
Valedictory Dinner - The Duggan Hall
25 November:
Year 6 Dinner
26 November:
Primary School Speech Day
27 November:
Secondary School Speech Day
28 November:
Last day of Term 4 for students (Prep to Year 11)
29 November – 4 December
Student Free Days
It was an evening of glitz and glamour, as a talented group of RGS DMTA students delivered a stunning performance at the Dance Council's fundraising event, "Lights, Camera, Gala!" in the RGS Theatre on Saturday night.
The students captivated the audience with their skill and artistry, adding an unforgettable touch of elegance to the star-studded affair. Congratulations to all the dance students and teachers involved in producing an amazing show.
The Queensland Independent Schools Parents Network is hosting an information evening for parents.
Parent Engagement Connect: Screens, Social Media and our kids will be held on Thursday 24 October from 6pm to 8pm.
The session is free and you can either attend online or in-person at the ISQ Southbank Office in Brisbane. You can register at
If you feel overwhelmed by your child’s screen time, you are not alone. Today’s parents report that excessive screen time is the top health concern they have for their children.
In this special in-person event, designed by parents - for parents, we will take a rational, measured look at:
Event Management (
* the facts around screen time, social media and age limits
* the different ways Queensland families are tackling the issue of phones and screens
* practical strategies, tips, and insights on fostering a healthy relationship with technology, including how to report online bullying and image-based abuse.
Speakers include parenting expert Michelle Mitchell, an Australian Federal Police representative, Screen Sanity’s Fiona Foxon and Mackenzie Forrester, Cybernetic Shield's Jean Yates, and parents from a diverse range of Queensland independent schools.
As we embark on our final term of 2024, I extend a warm welcome to all.
Term 4 is always a whirlwind—filled with learning, co-curricular activities, assessments, and celebrations—all packed into just nine short weeks.
This term, we are delighted to welcome nine new students and their families to The Rockhampton Grammar School. We hope they feel a strong sense of belonging as they join our vibrant community.
It is also the time of year when we begin to see some staff movement. While farewells are always bittersweet, they also mark exciting new chapters. After over twenty years of dedicated service to RGS and over thirty years to the teaching profession, Janet Spark, our Deputy Head of Primary, is retiring. We deeply thank Janet for her unwavering commitment and leadership over the years. Fortunately, this is not a full goodbye, as she will continue to support our school in a relief teaching capacity.
A key focus during this term is preparing for the upcoming school year, particularly the allocation of students to their 2025 classes. We are pleased to announce an additional Year 1 and Year 5 class to accommodate growth. Our teachers put great thought and care into the class-building process, considering a wide range of factors such as academic balance, learning needs, and social dynamics. To support this effort, we use Class Solver , a program that helps refine placement decisions, considering data from previous years.
I would like to thank parents for their trust and understanding as we undertake this complex process. It involves extensive planning and careful consideration. While I will not be taking specific teacher requests, I encourage any parents who have significant or complex concerns regarding their child’s placement to reach out to me in writing within the next three weeks. Once classes are finalised, we will be unable to make changes.
We recognise that transitioning to a new school year and a new teacher can bring anxiety for some children and families. However, your positive attitude and support play a crucial role in making these transitions smoother.
We greatly appreciate your support as we work to create balanced classes that will nurture the academic, emotional, and social development of all students.
Health Education
This week we welcomed Liz Hills back with Life Education modules – Welcome to Puberty and Thriving in Puberty for our Year 5 and Year 6 students.
Liz presented to Parents of Year 5/6 students on Tuesday and commenced the lessons with some Year 6 classes on Thursday.
She asks the children to interview their trusted puberty experts (Parents/Caregivers), about what life was like for them growing up. It is a lovely way to start the conversations on what can be an awkward subject for many.
Liz was so impressed with the maturity of the students and the way they accepted her and trusted her with the health information.
We look forward to a few more sessions with the Year 5 cohort and the rest of the Year 6 classes before they head off to Canberra for their annual tour.
When I receive the parent materials Liz mentioned at the parent session, I will send home via the class teachers.
Primary Academic Awards and Writing
Primary Academic Awards - 2024
At the beginning of 2024 we formed a curriculum team in Primary who have been discussing the current pennant system. Our team has been collaboratively working on amendments to the academic award criteria to align more closely with the curriculum and to celebrate individual academic achievements. We will be communicating further information on these updates in our next newsletter.
Mrs Nugent was very excited to share and celebrate the success of her class this week. Students shared their incredible persuasive writing with Mrs Spark and me. After listening to their reasons as to why either the beach or the pool was the best place to swim, we were left very undecided because they had each convinced us that their swimming location was the best. In the end we decided that we should swim in the pool first followed by a dip at the beach. I was so impressed with the wonderful effort that each student put into their writing and how beautifully they read and participated as an audience. Well done 1N!
RGS Year 6 students will be undertaking an educational tour to Canberra from 20 - 25 October 2024.
Students will be given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.
The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding of $150.00 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate programme towards those costs.
The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.
Naviah Cook, Year 6, produced some amazing results at the National Gymnastics Clubs Carnival over the holidays.
Naviah competed in Trampoline and Double Mini Trampoline against over 60 athletes from around Australia and New Zealand. Naviah is National Champion, placing first in the Level 5 Women’s Trampoline and 12th in Level 5 Women’s Double Mini Trampoline. She also placed 7th for National Level 5 All Around Female Champion (scores accumulate for this award from Trampoline, Double Mini and Tumbling).
Term 4 information:
Year 12
Confirmation – IA3
Last term, the School uploaded all student results for IA3 to QCAA along with requested samples. As part of the confirmation process, these papers were reviewed by QCAA trained confirmers and the outcome for all but one subject has been received. This data is available in each student’s learning account.
External Assessment Preparation
One of the final tasks for the Year 12 journey is the completion of external examinations. To ensure Year 12 RGS graduates know exactly what is required for the EA block commencing on Monday 21 October, I will be taking the Prep for Senior class on Wednesday 9 October. It is important Year 12 students ask any questions they have at this lesson (or prior to commencement of the EA block).
Students must attend external examinations for all relevant subjects and are required to wear full day or formal uniform .
The two files which have been sent to Year 12 students (Directions for Students / Equipment List) are available at this link .
The School will email an RGS External Assessment Tutorial Timetable to students and parents. I strongly encourage students to attend the tutorials.
What to do if
you are
sick on the day of an external examination
– you must contact Ms Reniece Carter (
[email protected]
or 0429995680,
49 360 609
Mr Julien Wright (
[email protected]
or 49360606) asap. QCAA has a strict process in place for students to remain eligible for subject credit.
you are late on the day of an external examination – you must call or text Ms Reniece Carter asap on 0429 995680 or Mr Julien Wright on 0408 324 448 .
you are unsure of an examination date/start time or equipment required – refer to the examination timetable with venues which was sent last term or the RGS Year 12 Teams page. You can also refer to the MyQCE website (specifically the Year 12, 2024 Student Guide).
Current Year
Subjects on offer at the School for 2025 have been finalised. A reminder that parents and students in Year 7-10 need to be aware, to aid the School to plan accordingly,
subject changes will not be possible (unless there are exceptional circumstances) after Friday 25 October.
Hence it is vital students have selected subjects they enjoy, find interesting, wish to engage with and which will be useful for their interests and post school aspirations.
As always, please contact me if you have any concerns relating to the academic domain. My contact details are Reniece Carter 49360 609 or
[email protected]
A warm welcome back to Term 4.
It is hard to believe we are nearing the end of Year 7 and getting ready to move the students into Year 8. This term we will focus on preparing the students for next year in terms of their growing independence and readiness for Year 8.
In our Form programme, our focus will be on Service Learning and looking at the different communities we live in. We explore the idea of the real world ‘hero’ and who we look up to in our lives.
Last week in Tutorial, we looked at our final round Subject Selections and you should have received an email with your child’s preferences for you to check, approve and sign as well as an email from me with step-by-step instructions on what to do. This will automatically enter the system here at school. Thank you for your assistance with the Subject Selection process. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for the positive and lovely emails I received regarding my upcoming Long Service leave and again I welcome Mr Neil Hardy-Johnson as Acting Head of Year 7 from week 4 of this term.
Welcome back to Term 4!
I trust you all had a fantastic break and are ready for the busy term ahead. Term 4 is both a short and a busy term, so time can quickly get away from students. Exam timetables will be distributed over the coming week. If you are away for a planned absence, please make sure you let us know in advance so necessary arrangements can be made.
In Form this term, we are focusing on the importance of community service and will be undertaking our major charity fundraiser for the year. This year, the Year 8’s will be supporting the Salvation Army’s Christmas Appeal through their collection of non-perishable items, and fundraising at snack stall at Carols in the. Please keep an eye out for more information about how to contribute over the next couple of weeks.
This week, our final Year 8 camp of the year departs. We wish 8C and Ms Russell the same perfect weather each of the other classes have experienced and look forward to hearing about their adventures. We look forward to hearing about their adventures when they return.
From the start of Term 4, our new uniform items are available to purchase. Please remember that while we do have a two year roll out period for the new uniform, students are not permitted to mix new and old uniforms. Thank you for your support during this process.
Term 4 is always a busy term, with lots happening for students, and their families. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I wish you all a fantastic Term 4!
A big welcome back to term 4 to all of the Year 9 students and their families.
This term is only short with a total of nine weeks of schooling time and exams that will occur in week 6. Given that, it is important that all students are up to date with their exam requirements and what expectations there will be on them for this important occasion.
By now the students of Year 9 have made their selections for subjects next year and they have been emailed to students. If there are students who want to change their mind or if parents still need some clarification, please let me know as soon as possible.
I would like to encourage our students to continue to be involved in co-curricular activities as much as they can. There is no doubt that being grounded and involved in all areas of life will contribute to better academic results overall.
This Wednesday there is a formal assembly. This will take the place of form class for all the students in Year 9.
I am looking forward to exploring the issue of “Happiness” in tutorials this term. This concept of Happiness is so important to our functioning as human beings but many of us in this modern society have no idea what it means or how to go about attaining it.
I also look forward to spending some quality time with the cohort before they begin the next chapter of life as Year 10 or senior school students at The Rockhampton Grammar School
Welcome to Term to all Year 10 families.
It has been wonderful reconnecting with students and hearing about their holiday adventures, including the Outdoor Recreation Camps many attended before the break. It sounds like a fun and refreshing time for most.
As always, Term 4 is expected to be fast-paced and full of activity, with many tasks in the process of being wrapped up. I strongly urge all Year 10 students to keep a close watch on their emails throughout the term, as there will be important communication from various departments.
The initial priority this term is to complete the remaining SET Plan Interviews over the next three weeks. If any students have yet to schedule their interviews, please do so promptly.
Additionally, Mrs. Murray has been working over the break to ensure all marking for the Certificate I Active Volunteering is finalised. Students now have the chance to submit their final work and volunteer logs to complete their certificates. Well done to those who have already achieved this!
During this week’s tutorial lessons, I noticed that some Year 10 students still have outstanding volunteer hours. Without completing these hours, they will not be able to finish the certificate. As I mentioned to them, the school has provided ample opportunities to complete these hours, and now it's up to the students to ensure this requirement is met. If there are any questions regarding subject selections or the Certificate I Active Volunteering, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m happy to assist.
Here’s to a productive and positive term, as Year 10 students take the final steps in preparing for Years 11 and 12.
Welcome to Term 4, and the beginning of Year 12 for our Year 11s.
Last week started the term off on a high, it was wonderful to see our Year 11s step up at Ritamada and demonstrate their leadership skills. We spent the days working as teams, problem solving and enjoying the togetherness the days presented. Fortunately, the weather was kind enough for us to enjoy some down time on the beach. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful venue at our disposal and staff who are all invested in the growth and development of our 11s. Hopefully your student/s came home happy and thoroughly enjoyed their time!
This term, the Year 11s start Year 12 work in some subjects. These assessment tasks will go directly toward their ATAR, so please ensure that students are making the most of their spares and working hard to set the bar high for Year 12. This does also include ensuring students have subject specific textbooks for Year 12 this term, 2025 booklist can be found on the RGS website next week. Some subjects will have diagnostic exams. As the term is quite short, this may be quite a stressful time for the Year 11s, please ensure they are looking after themselves, and are not burning the candle at both ends.
This Wednesday nominated captains will present their captaincy speeches at 1:30pm. We have asked students to attend and support their peers. If possible, please encourage your child to attend. It would be a great show of support and unity for the students presenting. We wish all applications for leadership positions the best of luck. The outcomes of all applications will be announced before the end of this term.
In the coming weeks students will have presentations from the AFS on Road Safety and our RGS I.T. Department will present Cybersafety and I.C.T. information to the cohort.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email or call me.
Welcome back to the final term of schooling for Year 12’s.
Whilst this is both an incredibly exciting and poignant time, it can also be when reality sets in that they are about to spread their wings and discover the world which can be a little daunting or overwhelming for some. While I know they will be celebrating many ‘lasts’ of their schooling journey, I have impressed that they place importance on staying healthy, both physically and mentally, over this term.
Over the last week, students have already been involved in All School’s Touch tournament, DMTA Gala evening and the Year 12 music students held their Music Presentation evening.
A reminder below of the upcoming events and presenters that we have during the final weeks of Year 12:
* Leadership Colours Ceremony rehearsal – Wednesday 16 October
* Headmasters lunch – Wednesday 16 October
* Mocktails – Thursday 17 October
* Final day of classes – Friday 18 October
* Leadership Colours Ceremony and Handover – Friday 18 October
* Curriculum Prep days - Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 November
* Valedictory – Friday 15 November
* Year 12 Final Day – Friday 15 November (ALL students MUST attend)
* Speech Day – Wednesday 27 November
Further information regarding external exams will be emailed to students in the coming week. From feedback, students found that the mocks were very beneficial in providing them an idea of the setting and structure of the externals and have provided valuable feedback towards further preparation for these exams.
I wish students all the best in their preparation for the coming weeks, including exams, interviews for jobs and apprenticeships, and other plans for their life beyond school. While busy, this term is very rewarding for students, and I do hope they make the most of their final couple of months as a student of The Rockhampton Grammar School.
Secondary School - Term 4 Significant Dates
7 October:
King’s Birthday Public Holiday
9 October:
Secondary School Formal Assembly – Duggan Hall
18 October:
Last day in class for Year 12 students
Formal Induction of School Leaders and Year 12 Leadership Ceremony – Duggan Hall
19 - 21 October:
Boarders’ long weekend
21 October:
Student Free Day (Primary and Secondary)
Year 12 External examinations commence - until 13 November
11 November:
Secondary School Remembrance Day Assembly – Duggan Hall
15 November:
Last day for Year 12
Valedictory Dinner - Duggan Hall
27 November:
Secondary School Speech Day - Duggan Hall
28 November:
Last day of Term 4 for students (Prep to Year 11)
Parents and Guardians of Year 12 students
The Induction of School Leaders & Year 12 Leadership Ceremony will be held on Friday 18 October in The Duggan Hall, commencing at 9.30 am.
Parents/Guardians who are attending refreshments and/or the ceremony are required to RSVP via the
. Please RSVP by 9.00 am, Friday 11 October.
Please note this important information regarding the Induction of School Leaders and Year 12 Leadership Ceremony.
Year 12 students are to arrive at school on Friday 18 October with their parents/guardians for roll call in The Duggan Hall at 8:30 am.
Refreshments will be provided for parents/guardians during this time in the MAH.
At 9:15 am, parents/guardians will move into The Duggan Hall in preparation for the ceremony, which will begin at 9:30 am.
At the conclusion of the Ceremony, staff and students will be asked to move outside, forming an Honour Guard from The Duggan Hall to the School’s front gate on Archer Street.
Parents/guardians will be asked to move to the School’s front gate so they can greet their student at the end of the Honour Guard.
The Honour Guard will signal the end of the final in-class day for Year 12 students. At the conclusion of the Honour Guard, Year 12 students will leave with their families.
Year 12 students will only be permitted on campus later that day if they are attending a timetabled tutorial. They will need to sign in at the SSO to indicate their presence on campus.
Boarding students remaining on campus will be expected to return to their respective boarding houses for private study.
Secondary School Formal Assembly
: Wednesday 9 October 2024
9.50 am – 10.30 am
Duggan Hall
: Formal Uniform for Captains, Award Recipients, and band/choir members and Day Uniform for all other students.
RGS students in Years 7 to 9 participated in the 2024 Premier's Reading Challenge last term.
This challenge asks students to read more than 15 texts during the reading window, May to August. A total of 2054 books were read across the three year levels. Year 7 students read 1248 books, Year 8 read 370 books, and Year 9 read 436 books! One student read 36 books on their own during this time; what an exceptional achievement!
Proudly, 41 students succeeded in the challenge and are receiving certificates for their accomplishment. 23 of these students are in Year 7, six are in Year 8 and 12 in Year 9. Today, these 41 students were celebrated with Galactic Donuts at morning tea!
Congratulations to RGS Year 12 Music students who were recognised at a presentation ceremony on Friday night for their dedicated contribution to the RGS Music programme during their school years at RGS.
Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme
Applications for the Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme (NSSTAS) are now open for Semester 2 travel.
The scheme provides financial assistance for families transporting students to non-state schools in Queensland. Find out if you are eligible here:
RGS Careers Information
QTAC Applications
Term 4, 2024
Students in Year 12 have had two ‘Applying for QTAC’ sessions with me during Prep for Senior in term 3. If there are any students who wish to meet with me to go through the university application process or who have questions about interstate applications (VTAC, UAC, TISC, SATAC) are strongly encouraged to book an appointment via the RGS Career Website here
If there are no appointments available, please contact me via email to organise an alternative time.
University Early Offers / Principal’s Recommendations
Term 4, 2024
Students who wish to apply for early offers or Principal’s Recommendation Schemes at university are strongly encouraged to check the application due dates and any extra documentation that needs to be signed/filled in by a school representative. If students have any questions about Early Offers/Principal’s Recommendation – please book an appointment with me at your earliest convenience via the RGS Career Website.
Reducing Your University Student Fees by Studying a Language
There has never been a better or more affordable time for Australian students to pick up a language at university. Rich with possibility for self-discovery and career development, under the Australian Government’s Job-ready Graduates Package studying a language at university can now also significantly reduce the cost of your studies and the size of your HECS debt. The below table lists the available courses in Queensland that offer the incentive. To find out more about the Job-ready graduates’ package, please visit
Australian Catholic University -
Griffith University -
Queensland University of Technology -
The University of Queensland -
University of the Sunshine Coast -
Career Conversations @ Home – Helping parents have positive career convos!
October 16, 2024
Come join Tyson Day, the Co-Founder and Lead Facilitator of Arrive & Thrive, as he shares the best way to have impactful career conversations in and around your home environment that produce clarity, career discovery, and momentum. Tyson will share concepts and practices that he has learned through his 10+ years of experience in career education and the 85,000 students who have attended Arrive & Thrive workshops since 2019.
In our webinar, you can expect to learn:
* How can you positively influence your young person in their career decisions.
* How can you effectively navigate the future of work and understand your young person's options.
* How to communicate effectively through the GROW model to support your young person in career exploration.
* We can't wait for you to join us!
All participants will receive a Career Conversation Kit to kick off conversations with their young person as soon as possible! Find out more
JCU | Future Horizons Townsville
November 22, 2024
JCU, in partnership with the Business Liaison Association, invites Year 9 and 10 high school students to explore the business world’s challenges and opportunities and learn how to become leaders in this evolving field. Connect with industry experts and entrepreneurs for invaluable insights into the future of business and commerce.
From this one-day conference, you’ll gain insights into the diverse professions within business and commerce while discovering how these fields shape our world. This event highlights the pivotal role of entrepreneurial thinking and strategic decision-making in driving economic growth and societal progress. You’ll participate in interactive sessions with JCU academics, including creating and pitching marketing campaigns and exploring financial management strategies. Additionally, you’ll have the chance to engage with industry professionals in a Q&A, gaining firsthand knowledge from those working in the field. Find out more
JCU | UniX Year 8, Townsville
November 25 to November 29, 2024
Schools are invited to bring their Year 8 students to JCU Townsville for a day of excitement, fun and discovery. The Year 8 UniX experience provides students with an opportunity to sample what it’s like to study different subjects broadly covering science, engineering, medicine, nursing, education, social sciences, business and law.
We aim to provide students with various career tasters to help identify and shape their future ambitions, assist with student subject choices in senior schooling years, and to promote positive post-school pathways to tertiary education.
A residential program is available for schools in regional or remote areas that need to travel overnight to attend the JCU UniX Year 8, Townsville event. Student registrations for the residential program must be completed by Friday 1 November 2024. Find out more
Future Doctors Australia, Brisbane
December 14 to December 17, 2024
Gaining medical work experience is essential for young people considering a career in medicine. It provides insight into the field, helps develop skills and attributes, and provides networking opportunities. However, obtaining medical work experience can be challenging due to various restrictions such as limited opportunities, safety concerns, and confidentiality issues.
That's why NIE has developed the "Future Doctors Australia" program. It is an engaging and high-impact 4-day program that provides young people with a unique opportunity to gain medical work experience in a safe and structured environment. Participants will have the opportunity to spend time with current junior and senior medical students. They will also have the rare opportunity to spend time with more senior clinicians and various medical specialists. You will get to learn about clinical specialist's relevant fields of work, ask them questions, and learn some hands-on skills from them.
* Over 15 hours of face-to-face interaction with leading specialists and clinicians
* Meet current medical students
* Develop advanced communication and team working skills
* Create new friendships with like-minded, highly driven young individuals
* Learn about the admission process into various medical universities in Australia
* Morning tea and lunch included
AFTRS First Nations Scholarships
Up to $25,000 AUD
Open date:
June 19, 2024
Closing date:
November 11, 2024
AFTRS First Nations Scholarships are awarded based on creative excellence or equity. The scholarships are intended to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students with the costs associated with higher education at AFTRS. AFTRS First Nations Scholarship funds are provided by The Kenneth Myer Fellowship Trust.
Find out more
QUT Budding Entrepreneur Scholarship
$24,000 AUD
Open date:
July 28, 2024
Closing date:
January 10, 2025
The scholarship will support budding student entrepreneurs and engage their passion for entrepreneurial action in the for-profit or for-purpose space.
Find out more
Macquarie Regional and Remote Support Scholarship
$10,000 AUD per year
Open date:
April 1, 2024
Closing date:
January 31, 2025
A scholarship to support rural and remote students who are from disadvantaged backgrounds studying an undergraduate degree.
Find out more
International Short Story Writing Competition ’24
Closing date:
October 31, 2024
We’re looking for short stories! Think you can write a winning story in 1,500 words or less? Enter GEMA’s International Short Story Writing Competition today!
Find out more
Mental Health Youth Design Challenge
Open date:
July 1, 2024
Closing date:
December 1, 2024
Addressing mental health issues among young people is crucial for ensuring they have the necessary support and resources to thrive during adolescence and beyond. By prioritising mental health, Australia can create a healthier and more resilient generation capable of facing future challenges with strength and optimism.
That’s why between July and December 2024, we will be challenging young people aged 10-21 across Australia to ideate solutions to:
“How might we create a generation of resilient young people who proactively build positive mental health?” Find out more
5 unusual degrees you’ve never heard of
Are you tired of hearing about the same old university courses? Do you dream of studying something truly unique? Well, you’re in luck! The world of higher education is full of surprising and fascinating degree programs that you might never have imagined existed. Let’s explore 7 unusual degrees that could lead you down an exciting and unconventional career path.
Fermentation Sciences
For those with a passion for food and science, a degree in Fermentation Sciences might be the perfect blend. Offered by institutions like
Appalachian State University
, this program covers the science behind brewing, winemaking, and food fermentation. Graduates often find work in the booming craft beer and artisanal food industries.
Outdoor Education
If you love the great outdoors and want to make a career out of it, consider a degree in Outdoor Education.
La Trobe University
offers a unique program which combines outdoor skills, leadership training, and environmental studies. Graduates often become outdoor guides, environmental educators, or work in outdoor therapy programs.
Ocean Exploration
If you’ve ever dreamed of exploring the depths of the ocean, Plymouth University offers a
BSc (Hons) in Ocean Exploration and Surveying
. This course isn’t just about swimming – it’s a comprehensive program that prepares you for a career in hydrographic surveying and marine exploration industries. You’ll dive into subjects like offshore and environmental surveying, marine remote sensing, oceanography, underwater acoustics, digital mapping, and geographical information systems.
Think you’re funny? Why not make a degree out of it? Emerson College offers a
BFA in Comedic Arts
, covering everything from stand-up to sketch writing. This degree could launch you into careers in performance, writing for television or film, or even corporate communications.
For those who’ve always wondered about life beyond Earth, a degree in Astrobiology might be the perfect fit.
Florida Institute of Technology
offers an interdisciplinary program that combines astronomy, biology, and geology. Graduates often work in space agencies, research institutions, or continue on to advanced studies in related fields.
There really is something for everyone
Who knows? Your perfect degree might be one you haven’t even heard of yet. Even if none of these unusual degrees are quite right for you, always keep exploring, stay curious, and don’t be afraid to follow your passions – no matter how different they might seem! Want to learn more about different study options and pathways? Check out our other blogs on university and further study on our website
Gap year or straight to university: Plotting your post-high school journey
As you near the end of your schooling years, you’re faced with a big decision: should you head straight to university or take a gap year? Both paths have their merits, and the right choice depends on your personal goals, circumstances, and aspirations. Let’s explore the pros and cons of each option to help you make an informed decision.
Straight to university
For many students, the traditional path of heading straight to university after high school is the default choice. This option allows you to continue your education without interruption, potentially setting you on a fast track to your career goals. It’s a path that offers structure, academic challenge, and the opportunity to immerse yourself in a new learning environment right away. Still, it’s important to consider both the advantages and potential drawbacks of this approach – so let’s dive in.
Maintain academic momentum
: Going straight to uni keeps you in “study mode,” which can make the transition to higher education smoother.
Graduate earlier : By starting uni immediately, you’ll complete your degree sooner and potentially enter the workforce earlier.
Access to resources : Universities offer various support services, academic resources, and networking opportunities that can benefit your personal and professional growth.
Clear path : If you have a specific career goal in mind, starting uni right away can help you stay focused on achieving it.
Burnout risk
: After years of high school, you might feel academically exhausted and struggle to maintain motivation – that’s totally normal and a valid reason to take some time out.
Less real-world experience : You may miss out on opportunities to gain practical life skills and experiences outside the classroom.
Uncertainty about course : If you’re unsure about your study path, you might end up changing majors or feeling dissatisfied with your choice. But don’t panic – lots of universities allow you to transfer between courses .
Financial pressure : Starting university immediately means taking on the financial responsibilities of higher education sooner, which can be stressful if you’re not fully prepared.
Taking a gap year
A gap year is a deliberate choice to take time off between high school and university. This option has gained popularity in recent years as more students recognise the value of
learning and growth
outside of formal education. A gap year can provide opportunities for travel, work experience, skill development, or simply time for self-reflection. However, it’s not without its challenges and requires careful consideration – here are some things to keep in mind.
Personal growth
: A gap year can provide time for self-reflection, helping you gain clarity about your goals and interests.
Work experience : You can use this time to gain valuable work experience, potentially in fields related to your future studies.
Travel opportunities : If you have the means, you could travel and experience different cultures, broadening your worldview.
Skill development : You can focus on developing practical skills, learning a new language, or pursuing passions outside of academics.
Financial considerations
: Gap years can be expensive, especially if you plan to travel. You’ll need to budget carefully.
Potential loss of momentum : Some students find it challenging to return to academic life after a year away.
Peer pressure : You might feel left behind as you watch your friends start university. Just remember, the choice is entirely up to you .
Careful planning required : Without a structured plan, a gap year could turn into unproductive time. Having a solid plan is the best way to ensure your time doesn’t go to waste.
Making your decision
Choosing between going straight to university and taking a gap year is a highly personal decision. It requires careful consideration of your goals, circumstances, and personal readiness for the next stage of your life. Here are some key factors to consider as you weigh your options:
Career goals : Does your chosen field require immediate entry into uni, or could you benefit from some real-world experience first?
Financial situation : Can you afford a gap year or study, or do you need to start earning right away? Don’t forget there may be options such as scholarships to help ease the pressure.
Personal readiness : Do you feel prepared for the demands of university life, or do you need more time to mature and develop life skills?
Opportunities available : Are there specific gap year programs , internships, or travel opportunities that align with your interests?
University policies : Check if your chosen universities allow deferral of admission for a gap year without penalties.
It’s about doing what’s right for you
Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. What works for your friends might not be the best choice for you. Take time to reflect on your goals, speak with trusted adults, and consider seeking advice from career counsellors or university admissions officers.
Whether you choose to dive straight into uni or take a gap year, approach your decision with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Both paths can lead to success – it’s about finding the route that best suits your individual journey.
Want to explore more options for your post-high school journey? Check out our other resources on university life, pathways, and future planning here .
RGS Co-Curricular - Term 4
Congratulations to the RGS Campdraft team on placing third overall at the High School Campdraft Percentile Cup in Pittsworth on the weekend. RGS was represented by 10 students at the event, which hosted 36 schools from around the state. RGS placed third on 86.66 points behind 2024 winners Glen Innes High School (88.33 points) and Toowoomba Grammar School (87.33 points) in second place.
In the individual final results, congratulations to Year 8 student Ryleigh Bonisch, and her horse Pepper, on placing 4th overall. Year 12 student Lachlan Donoghue, and his horse Too Suen, also placed second in the First Round event Congratulations to all the students involved and to the families who committed to this activity throughout the year so their children could represent the school in this activity.
State Champions:
Congratulations to the RGS First XI cricket team on winning the Queensland Cricket T20 State Final in Brisbane. Playing All Saints Anglican School from the Gold Coast in the final, RGS bowled All Saints out for 99 in the 20th over with Ben Van Bael taking 4/18 (4 overs) and two wickets each for Riley McDonald (2/7, 4 overs) and Archie Clifford (2/22, 4 overs).
In reply, RGS reached the required target with 15 balls to spare.
Opening batsmen Josh Peckett (18 off 20 balls) and Riley McDonald (18 off 13 balls) made a strong start with the bat and Rory Connor produced another big innings with 37 off 44 balls. Cayden Kent was unbeaten with 32 runs off 30 balls, including hitting a six down the ground to win the State Final.
RGS First XI coach Todd Wells said he was proud of the whole team's effort.
"Everyone contributed whether with the bat, the ball, taking a catch, or some great fielding. There was great energy in the team,'' Mr Wells said.
RGS last won the State Final in 2015, also defeating All Saints Anglican School. Both teams also had the same coaches in 2024.
Team members: Rory Connor, Cayden Kent, Ben Van Bael, Nick Taylor, Jacob Petersen, Abbey Harvey, Riley McDonald, Josh Peckett, Archie Clifford, Toby Rowland, Tom Macrae, Lila Atkinson.
First XI Cricket Brisbane Tour
The First XI Cricket Team participated in their biannual cricket tour during the September holidays with the team travelling to Brisbane for four days of cricket. The tour consisted of three 50 over games against Matthew Flinders College, St Gregorey Terrace and Nudgee College before finishing with two T20 matches vs Brisbane Grammar School and Brisbane Boys College. The first match was against Mathhew Flinders College with the Schools playing for the Anthony Vincent Cup. This trophy is recognises the significant contribution Mr Anthony Vincent made to both schools during his time as Deputy Headmaster at RGS and Headmaster at Matthew Flinders College. Each time the schools play each other at a first level the winning team retains the trophy. Winning the toss and batting first, RGS amassed an amazing 6 for 392 off 50 overs. In a first for Schoolboy cricket within our region, Riley McDonald top scored with 210 off 157 balls. This was an amazing achievement and something that everyone that witnessed the innings will never forget. Defending the total was led by Cayden Kent with 3-25 off 8 overs as Flinders were bowled out for 165. The second game of the tour saw the team play St Gregory Terrace and saw the First XI batting first and again nearly scoring 400 from 50 overs to finish with 6 for 396. Rory Connor and Henry Lau both scored in the seventies before a blistering 83no. off 27 balls from Josh Peckett pushed the score to that amazing total. For the second day in a row the team had achieved something amazing with some stand out individual performances. With the ball, wickets were shared around with Ben Van Bael, Henry Lau and Griffin Bennett getting 2 wickets as St Gregory Terrace were bowled out for 214. The match against Nudgee College saw the team bat first again and another dominant performance saw the team reach 5 for 316 off 50 overs. Riley McDonald top scored with 104ret. off 112 balls with captain Rory Connor scoring 57 off 27 balls. Cayden Kent led the bowling attack taking 4 for 10 off 9 overs to restrict Nudgee to be bowled out for 144. In the first of the two T20s, RGS again batted first and scored 7-217 off 20 overs with Archie Clifford top scoring with 51 off 31 ball, Herny Lau 37 off 21 balls and Cayden Kent 29 off 18 balls. In reply, Brisbane Grammar School were bowled out for 136 with Riley McDonald taking 5 for 7 off 4 overs. The final match of the tour saw RGS taking on Brisbane Boys College with the team having to bowl first for the first time on tour. BBC batted well to score 4 for 192 of their 20 overs with Ban Van Bael taking 3 for 40 off his 4 overs. In reply, RGS finished at 9 for 175 with Cayden Kent finishing with 52no. off 34 balls. Off the field the team enjoyed a variety of activities including swimming at Kawana Beach, watching the Australia vs New Zealand T20 match at Allan Border Oval and XGolf at Southbank. Thank you to the RGS Families that were able to come down and support as well as the coaching staff who provided this wonderful opportunity.
Congratulations to the RGS students who participated in the Rockhampton District Secondary Schoolgirls Football competition in Term 3. RGS entered four teams, three Senior and one Junior team.
Congratulations to the RGS Junior team on winning their Junior A division grand final against Emmaus College. RGS won 4-3 in a penalty shootout with Neve Gassman named RGS player of the final.
The RGS Black team finished runners-up in the Senior B division grand final at RGS, going down 5-3 in a penalty shootout against Heights College. Scores were locked at 1-all at full time, and again after extra time, before Heights edged ahead in the penalty shootout. Congratulations to Martha Dingle on being named RGS player of the final.
Well done also to both the RGS Senior A team and the RGS Red Senior B team on qualifying for their respective semi-finals this season.
Thanks to all the RGS supporters on the sideline throughout the Term 3 competition.
Congratulations to RGS rowers and coaches on their amazing results at the 2024 Queensland Schools' Championship Regatta at the State Rowing Centre at Wyaralong. Well done to all the RGS Year 12 rowers on competing at your final Queensland Schools' Championships and thank you for representing RGS in rowing. RGS competed in 16 finals and won eight medals.
RGS results:
* Year 8 boys singles - Archie Becker
* Year 10 boys quad - Ryan Hendrie, Henry Lau, Jackson Taylor, Oliver Weyling-Cain, Evan Peff (cox)
* Open boys quad - Ryan Hendrie, Matthew Shen, George Rayner, Henry Lau, Alexander Connell (cox)
* Open boys double - George Rayner, Matthew Shen
* Year 10 boys double - Ryan Hendrie, Henry Lau
* Year 8 boys quad - Archie Becker, Samuel Pulford, Jack Moir, Aarya Goswami, Isaac Vogan (cox)
* Year 8 boys double - Archie Becker, Samuel Pulford
* Open boys single - George Rayner
RGS students representing Capricornia region boats:
* Open boys quad - George Rayner
* Open girls quad - Caroline Sparks, Asha Stewart, Evan Peff (cox)
Touch Football
The School participated in the annual All Schools Touch Competition over the last weekend which is the largest touch competition in the world. Entering teams in U13, U15 and U18 Boys and Girls divisions provided students with opportunities to experience this competition on the Gold Coast. Both the Open Boys and Girls teams made it through to the Round of 16 where they were defeated by Ormeau Woods SHS and Fairholme College respectively. Congratulations to all teams on their results –
U13 Boys team has three wins and three losses
U13 Girls had 4 wins, a draw and 2 losses
U15 Boys had 6 wins and 1 loss and missed out on finals on count back
U15 Girls had 1 win, a draw and 5 losses
Open boys had 5 wins and 1 loss in their pool matches
Open Girls had 6 wins and 1 loss in their pool matches
Notifications of Achievements
Due to the vast array of core and non-core sporting activities that students participate in, can all students’ sporting achievements be emailed through to Mrs Coetzer, the Sports Administrator –
[email protected]
Student Achievements
Congratulations to Mia Bourke who won a gold medal in the 200m and a silver medal in the 100m at the Capricornia Track and Field Trials. Mia will be attending the State Championships during October.
RAD Shirley Treacy Awards is a State Level competition that visits Townsville, Cairns, Mackay and Rockhampton. RGS hosted the Rockhampton semi-finals and were represented by DMTA Dancers. Primary student, Addison Maurer and secondary students, Tillie Hungerford and Charlie King were selected as finalists and moved onto the next round of the competition.
During the finals Charlie King was named Runner-Up in the Advanced section. This is a huge achievement and a credit to Charlie’s hard work.
Congratulations to Lachlan Segond who represented Queensland at the SKIA(Shotokan Karate International Australia)National Tournament. Lachlan received the following medals:
Silver – Kumite 15-16 Years Male Black Belt
Bronze – Kata 16-19 Years Male Black Belt
In addition, Lachlan also passed his 2nd Dan(Black Belt) grading, achieving Nidan Level.
Capricornia Representatives
(Please note that all Rockhampton and Capricornia representative recognitions are updated in the newsletter once final teams are provided to the School)
Oliver Bennett, Lawson Paine, Harry Wright, Presley Acton.
Yuto Yokoyama, Alyssa Lewis.