Archer Street Rockhampton QLD 4700 Australia
For the month of March, the RGS Leadership Team are hitting the track to raise money for childhood cancer research with the 86k for a Cure Challenge and you can join them to.
Whether you walk, run, skip, hop or jump - every step counts toward making a difference. Save the dates and invite the RGS community.
RGS Run the Range
Date: Monday 10 March 2025
Time: 6.00 am – 6.45 am
Location: Top Oval
Cost: Gold coin donation*
Sign up via the Daily Notices
RGS Run Club: Cross Country
Date: Thursday 20 March 2025
Time: 5.00 pm – 5.45 pm
Location: RGS Rugby Park
Cost: Gold coin donation*
’Main Event’
will take place on Tuesday 25 March from 6.15 am with each member doing 21.5 laps of the bottom oval. Come cheer them on and do a lap for a good cause.
Time: Tuesday 25 March
Location: RGS Bottom Oval
A dress down day (House/PE shirts) will also be held on Tuesday 25 March for the whole school community for a gold coin donation.
*QR codes will be available to make donations on the spot with all proceeds going directly to the 86 km for a cure for childhood cancer.
Together, we can make a difference.
Important dates to remember to start the 2025 school year.
26 March:
Secondary School Formal Assembly
Primary School Formal Assembly
4 April:
All School Cross Country
Last day of Term 1
To keep you informed, this section of the newsletter will provide regular updates on uniform-related matters, including stock availability. We appreciate your patience and cooperation at the Red and Black Shop as we navigate this busy period.
Important Information:
Shop Hours:
The Red and Black Shop is operating under Term Time hours – Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Uniform Standards: Please review the Uniform and Grooming Standards to ensure uniforms are worn correctly.
Appointments: Visits to the Shop that require a fitting must be scheduled in advance. Please book your appointment through the RGS website.
Uniform Guidelines: Students must wear either the old or new uniform in its entirety—mixing items from both in one ensemble is not permitted, except for the School Blazer. However, students may alternate between the old and new uniforms on different days.
Garment Care: Please follow the washing instructions carefully. If you have experienced colour running on the red dress, kindly visit the Red and Black Shop for assistance.
Refund and Returns Policy: We encourage you to review this policy.
Stock Update:
Netball and Touch Uniforms
– There is plenty of stock available in store of the Netball dress and Touch shirt
GOAT Supporter Caps & Water Bottles – Now available! Open to all members of the RGS community (please note that GOAT supporter cap cannot be worn to school).
Please note that there will be no Vacation Care available after the Cross Country on Friday 4 April.
As we reach the midpoint of the term, it’s great to reflect on the learning challenges and successes so far.
Our students and teachers continue to embrace new learning experiences, and I’m proud of their willingness to step outside their comfort zones.
This week, our Year 6 students showed courage by putting themselves forward for leadership positions. At RGS, we are fortunate to have an abundance of outstanding young individuals eager to contribute to our leadership program. I extend my congratulations to those who were shortlisted and commend all students who showcased grace in the face of disappointment. It was a privilege to engage in discussions with the candidates alongside Ms Duggan, Mrs Odewahn and the Year 6 teachers, navigating both the moments of celebration and the instances of disappointment with our students. They should take great pride in their efforts and conduct, and we wish them all the best as they progress to the next stage of voting.
In Primary, we believe that children are learning how to develop themselves as leaders, and we aim to provide many opportunities for this growth. From our school-run Leadership Day in February to the Aspire Higher program visiting this week for a full day of leadership training, we are committed to equipping our students with the skills and confidence to start their leadership journey.
Disappointment can be tough, but psychologist Judith Locke reminds us that facing challenges helps children build resilience, self-regulation, and resourcefulness. Shielding them from failure can limit their confidence to take risks and try new things.
As parents, we aspire for our children to continue raising their hands and embracing new experiences. While setbacks are inevitable, we are here to provide unwavering support, helping them dust themselves off and set forth with renewed determination.
Let’s continue to foster an environment where our children feel empowered to try new things learn from setbacks, and ultimately thrive in their new learnings.
Warm regards.
As we focus on our school value Respect and Care this term, we are reminded of the vital role these values play in shaping a positive and nurturing environment for all.
By fostering respect and care, we create a space where every member feels safe, valued, and supported in their journey of learning and personal growth.
This week, I had the pleasure of working with the Year One cohort, where we discussed ways to show care for others. One of the key lessons we explored was the importance of noticing . Before we can offer support to someone, we need to first observe and recognise when things may seem different or troubling for them. Once we notice, we are better able to check in and offer help in a way that is meaningful and kind.
The act of noticing is something we can all practice, regardless of age. It teaches us to be present, to see and understand the needs of others, and to respond with empathy and care. These simple actions are at the heart of what makes our school community strong. As we reach the midway point of the term, some students may be feeling more comfortable in their routines, while others may face new challenges.
As adults, we are the role models who help bring these values to life. Our children learn from us not only through our words but also through our actions. By demonstrating genuine care for people, places, and things, we provide our students with a powerful example of how to live these values.
On Friday, information was sent out regarding our RGS Mobile Phone register. If you could please complete the form sent out, this will support our accurate record and register of information to ensure the care and safety of our students.
Updates from Head of Primary (Academic)
Habits of Attention
It's incredible to think that we’ve already reached the halfway mark of Term 1. Time seems to be flying by, and it has been wonderful to see how well our students have settled into their routines. Across the school, classrooms are buzzing with energy as students actively engage in their learning, demonstrating curiosity and enthusiasm.
In the primary school, we have placed a strong emphasis on developing habits of attention during these early weeks. Establishing and reinforcing these habits is essential in fostering focus, persistence, and a positive attitude towards learning. Our teachers have been working diligently to create structured, supportive environments that encourage students to build stronger attentional skills. Through carefully designed routines and procedures, they are helping students develop the ability to concentrate, stay on task, and deepen their understanding of key concepts.
You may have heard your child talking about Learner’s Position this term. Our entire primary school team has been using this terminology as a consistent cue to remind students to focus their attention on the speaker. By implementing a shared language across all classrooms and learning spaces, we are helping students develop a clear understanding of the expectations for active listening and engagement in their learning environment.
The feedback from staff has been positive, with many teachers noticing a significant improvement in students' ability to maintain focus and demonstrate respect during lessons. Having a unified approach across the school has not only reinforced the importance of attentive behaviour but has also contributed to a more structured and supportive learning atmosphere, inclusive of specialist lessons.
It has been wonderful to witness students actively tracking the speaker, showing greater awareness of their surroundings, and fostering a stronger sense of belonging within the classroom. This simple yet effective strategy is helping to cultivate an environment where all students feel valued, heard, and motivated to participate fully in their education.
Below is a photograph of our students in 1S eagerly modelling Learner’s Position.
Starting at a new school is a big adventure, and at RGS, we want every new student to feel at home from day one.
At this half way point in the term, we took some time to chat with our newest arrivals, sharing an icy pole and getting to know each other. More importantly, we listened—because their voices matter.
When asked about the best parts of their new school, there were plenty of smiles and enthusiastic responses. Playtimes were a clear favourite, with handball battles and games on the oval topping the list. Duggan Hall also received a special mention as a great place to gather, learn, and play. Many students spoke warmly about their new teachers, describing them as kind, helpful, and fun.
Of course, adjusting to a new environment comes with challenges too. A few students mentioned missing friends from their previous schools or suggested small ways to make settling in even easier. These insights are valuable, helping us continue to improve the way we welcome new students into the RGS family.
By sharing experiences, listening to each other, and enjoying a simple treat together, we strengthened the connections that make our school such a wonderful place to learn and grow. We are so glad to have our new students with us and look forward to seeing them thrive!
Central Queensland Life Education visited RGS this term, inspiring children to build life-long healthy habits.
At RGS, Liz and Harold delivered their new junior module on cyber safety, “Harold’s Online World” to the Year 2 students where the students engaged from start to finish.
Harold’s Online World encourages students to develop the knowledge and skills to make safe choices online and develop healthy digital habits. Through hands-on activities, games and interactive stories, children practice how to balance screen time with offline activities, recognise and report harmful content, engage in positive online interactions, and seek help from trusted adults.
The two-week visit to RGS, caught up with students from Prep to Year 6 with lots of excited students (and teachers), inspiring and engaging sessions in the Life Ed van and, of course, heaps of hugs for Healthy Harold.
RGS students also created some gorgeous drawings and letters students made for Harold. From Liz and Harold - "Thanks kids, we appreciate your kindness and we can’t wait to come back."
Gardiner Chess Central Queensland North Inter-School Tournament.
RGS Primary entered three teams into the Term 1 Inter-School Chess Tournament. It was held at Heights College, with 222 students from across the region participating.
As there were so many students competing this term, the Primary students were split into two divisions. There was some very tough competition, with only half a point separating 1st and 4th in Division B.
Our teams were as follows –
RGS Primary 1 - Bahar Hosseininejad, Krish Rathi, Chase Tippett, Harper McMillan
RGS Primary 2 - Rishi Roopireddy, Alexander Knowles, Ishika Rathi, Richie Simpson
RGS Primary 3 – Peter Kinimonth, Abhinesh Sivashankar, James Lin, Anant Singh
Primary Division A Team Results:
1st: RGS Primary 1 (20)
2nd: Frenchville (17½)
3rd: Height Primary 1 (17)
RGS Primary 2 (13½)
Primary Division B Team Results:
1st: Heights Primary 4 (19½)
2nd: St Mary’s 3 (19½)
3rd: St Peters 2 (19)
4th: RGS Primary 3 (19)
Primary Individual Results:
Division A
1st: Bahar (6)
3rd: Chase (6)
Division B
Merit Awards - Anant (5½), James (5), Peter (4½)
Congratulations to all our Chess players.
Please be aware that the “due date” listed on the District Trials calendar is the school’s due date to submit our nominations.
Parents are asked to submit their forms to Primary Reception two weeks prior to this date , to ensure enough time to have all signatures added, copies made and forms returned to students. We are unable to guarantee nominations for students whose forms are not submitted two weeks prior to the due date.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
Information from Head of Secondary School (Academic).
Year 7-12 Tips for Parents and Carers
The QCAA have released a new video series featuring clinical psychologist and register teacher, Dr Judith Locke. The series features nine short videos for parents and carers offering practical tips to help support their child’s learning and wellbeing. A link to the series is here -
Advice from Dr Judith Locke | Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority
Topics covered during the short videos include:
* Getting your child ready to start secondary school
* Establishing homework routines with your child
* Preparing for the tween and teen years
* Reconnecting at the end of a school day
* Helping your teen to be motivated and set the right goals
* Supporting your teen to have a balanced life
* Supporting your teen in senior schooling
* Preparing your child for work or study after they finish school.
Year 7 and 9 NAPLAN
The School will hold a NAPLAN trial during Week 6 for Year 7 and Year 9 students. The School will complete NAPLAN via the online platform following a federal government mandate several years ago. Annual NAPLAN testing commenced in Australia in 2008 for all students in Year 3, 5, 7 and 9, with tests conducted in the domains of reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The history of NAPLAN is based on the Adelaide Declaration on National Goals for Schooling in the Twenty-First Century (1999) which agreed to report on a state and territory basis using national key performance measures. This Declaration was supported by the Melbourne Declaration (2008), which stated ‘the learning areas of English and Mathematics were fundamental in all areas of schooling.’ It was this belief which gave rise to the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy.
The formal online NAPLAN assessments will commence at the School on Wednesday 12 March.
Changes to NAPLAN reporting
As part of the National School Reform Agreement, all state education ministers agreed a proficiency standard be introduced for literacy and numeracy assessed by NAPLAN. On 10 February 2023, Australian the relevant ministers also agreed to change the reporting of NAPLAN results in response to the online testing transition and the move to earlier NAPLAN testing in March. The new proficiency standard has four levels of achievement for each year level and replaces the previous 10-band structure and the national minimum standard used across the four domains.
The four levels of achievement are – Exceeding, Strong, Developing and Needs Additional Support (NAS).
ACARA indicated, ‘From 2023, the Individual Student Report (ISR) will change. The ISR will be based on the four levels of achievement. It will continue to show the national average, the range of achievement for the middle 60% of students in each year level, and a dot placement for the student comparing their achievement against these measures. This new standard and its benchmarks will provide information to parents/carers and teachers about what a student can do against a challenging but reasonable standard of literacy and numeracy expected for students at the time of the tests.’ It is important to realise this change to reporting means a new time series and a resetting of the measurement scale commenced in 2023, allowing the full benefit of the new online adaptive testing to be reflected in student results. Hence ACARA indicated ‘results from 2008–2022 cannot be directly compared with the 2023 (and future) results.’
If you have any questions regarding academics or your child’s progress please feel free to contact me on
[email protected]
or 49360 609.
Term 1 has flown by, and it is hard to believe that we have already passed the halfway point of the term.
The Year 7 students continue to settle into their routine, and with each passing day, their confidence grows. It is wonderful to observe the friendships that have formed and continue to develop, with students helping each other out by reminding one another about upcoming classes or the books and uniforms needed for the next session. With many of our cohort discussions focusing on kindness, it is encouraging to witness these small acts of thoughtfulness in action.
In Year 7 Enrichment, we are continuing to work through a series of NAPLAN preparation sessions, led by our Dean of Academic Administration and Staffing, along with the Heads of Mathematics and 7–10 English. These sessions are designed to familiarise students with the format of NAPLAN and build their confidence ahead of the NAPLAN testing next week. While it is entirely natural for some students to feel concern or anxiety about these sessions, we reassure them that the purpose of NAPLAN is to inform schools about the support they may need to offer. There is no need for additional preparation at home, apart from ensuring a good night's sleep and a healthy breakfast. We appreciate your support in helping us make next week as stress-free as possible.
As we enter Week 6, assessment is only a few short weeks away for our Year 7s. The Assessment Schedule, which includes draft, and due dates, is available in Parent Lounge and Student Café. Please take a moment to review this with your child to ensure they are fully prepared. If you are aware of any planned absences that may affect assessment dates, please notify your child’s teacher and me so we can work together to arrange an appropriate time for them to complete their assessments.
Last week, the Year 7 Homework Club commenced. This session runs on Thursday afternoons from 3:15 to 4:00 pm in B3 (7A’s classroom). Run by Year 7 teachers, it provides an excellent opportunity for students to receive support in completing their weekly homework. If your child is struggling with their homework, this is a great opportunity to access assistance.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
We have now reached the midpoint of the term and are fully immersed in the academic schedule.
Assessment schedules are readily available to students through Student Café, and we have reviewed these with the students to ensure they know how to access the information. Over the next two weeks, there will be multiple assignment drafts and final submissions due, leading up to the first round of Year 8 exams in Week 8. We have emphasised the importance of beginning study now, in order to reduce the stress and anxiety that can come from last-minute preparation, and to ensure that results accurately reflect each student’s abilities. If your child requires any additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant teacher, Head of Department, or myself, so we can make the necessary arrangements for support.
In addition to academics, we have continued to explore the Leadership dimension of ‘Leading Self’. In both Form and Tutorial classes, we have been examining personal identity and core values—key aspects of self-awareness. We are focusing on understanding what makes each student unique, while also celebrating the shared experiences and connections that unite us.
We have also focused on the impact of Kindness versus Harmful Words, and the choices we make regarding when and where we use our words. These are important discussions to have with our young people, as they have much to contribute to this topic.
During Assembly, we revisited our school values of ‘Care and Respect’. One of the simplest ways to demonstrate respect for oneself is through proper uniform presentation. The Year 8 students have been doing an excellent job, and I encourage them to maintain these efforts.
As always, should you have any concerns, please feel free to contact me.
It is hard to believe we are already halfway through Term 1, and I am pleased with how the Year 9 cohort has started the year.
By now, Year 9 students should have established a study routine that supports their learning and preparation for both current and upcoming assessments.
The 2025 NAPLAN tests will take place from Wednesday, 12 March, to Monday, 17 March, in Duggan Hall. It is crucial that students put forth their best effort, as this testing provides valuable diagnostic data that teachers use to refine their classroom strategies. It also gives parents a clear picture of their child’s progress in reading, writing, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy. The school has already started NAPLAN readiness testing for Year 9, and this will continue in the coming weeks.
In recent Tutorials, we have been exploring the concept of negativity bias—examining its origins, how it affects students’ lives, and strategies for reframing negative thinking when it arises. This has been supplemented with goal-setting activities in form classes, where students have set short-, medium-, and long-term goals to guide them through the year.
With exams fast approaching, I encourage you to review the assessment schedule (on Student Café) with your child to ensure they are well-prepared for what will undoubtedly be a busy period of the term.
It is hard to believe we are now halfway through Term 1.
Several assignment tasks have been issued this week across various subjects, along with some ongoing in-class time. Exams will also be approaching in the latter stages of the term. I have spoken to students about the importance of using their new diaries to record assessment and exam due dates, as outlined in their Assessment Schedule on Student Café. I encourage all Year 10 students to make productive use of the time they have in the coming weeks to avoid everything piling up at once, which can lead to feeling overwhelmed.
As mentioned in a previous newsletter, Year 10 students will be offered volunteering opportunities to fulfil their Certificate I in Active Volunteering at various points throughout the school year. I have already emailed students about an opportunity to volunteer at the Colour Me Capricorn event on 30 March.
This week, all students and families received a letter detailing the various offerings for Outdoor Education Programme (OEP) trips. Please note that the OEP is a mandatory part of Year 10 at RGS, and all students are expected to attend one of the available trips. It is always an incredibly positive experience that leaves a lasting impact on our students and encourages them to mature and form new friendships along the way. I have included some key details about the camps below:
Students have been sent a ‘web preferences’ email to nominate their trip preferences. Please note that this nomination does not determine the trip they will attend but helps the school gauge interest in specific offerings and possibly adjust the number of students accommodated on each trip.
Trip placements will be determined following the ‘web preferences’ process, as outlined in the OEP letter. Please read and follow this process carefully, as it has been designed with equity in mind, ensuring each student has the best chance to attend one of their top three preferences.
Regarding the trip, I want to assure you that we are acutely aware of how important this experience is for both students and parents. We will do everything possible to ensure that all students are satisfied with their outcome. While first preferences are not always possible, we will strive to be as flexible as we can.
The Health Centre has been in touch with families regarding Year 10 vaccinations. Please find the vaccination schedule below. If your student is absent on their scheduled date, another time will be arranged.
Vaccination Schedule | | |
Dates | Form | Time |
Monday 24 March | 10.1 | P1 – 0830 - 0910 |
Tuesday 25 March | 10.7 | P1 – 0830 - 0910 |
Wednesday 26 March | 10.2 | P1 – 0830 - 0910 |
Thursday 27 March | 10.4 | P9 – 1350 - 1430 |
Thursday 27 March | 10.5 | P10 – 1430 - 1510 |
Friday 28 March | 10.3 | P7 – 1230 - 1310 |
Friday 28 March | 10.6 | P9 – 1350 - 1430 |
Welcome to Week 6! Students are now fully immersed in assessment submissions and exam preparations.
This is an ideal time to review the Assessment schedules to ensure your child is keeping on top of their workload.
Over the past few weeks in Form, the Year 11 students have been focusing on developing their skills in Mindfulness and Reflection. In the coming weeks, we will shift our focus to Kindness—both towards themselves and others. As the upcoming weeks may become stressful for students, it is particularly important for them to practice self-compassion. As we know, social media can have a negative impact on students. If you have concerns about your child’s internet usage or their online footprint, the eSafety Commissioner offers excellent resources to help navigate the ever-evolving world of technology. These resources can be found here.
During Week 6, the Year 11 students will welcome guest speaker Melissa McGuiness to their Year Level Meeting on Thursday. Melissa is the Founder of the YOU CHOOSE Road Safety Program, which adopts an innovative, shared social-project approach to wellbeing and pastoral care for teens. The programme focuses on peer-advocacy skills, integral to changing behaviours and attitudes. Participants are positively uplifted to protect themselves, each other, their families, and their communities from preventable regret, harm, crime, and trauma by aligning their intentions with their actions. More information about the programme can be found here.
I hope you have a wonderful week. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Now that we have reached the midpoint of the term, many of the initial assessment tasks for Year 12 students are nearing their final stages of submission.
Many students have been managing several items due, either as drafts or final pieces. This busy period will ease soon, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. To minimise the risk of illness during this mentally taxing time, please encourage students to maintain healthy habits surrounding sleep, exercise, nutrition, and mental care. If students are unwell, it is crucial they take time off to recover. Adjustments can be made in these cases, and students should prioritise their health. A reminder that QCAA requires evidence to support absences in order to provide flexibility with assessment dates, so if your student is unwell, please organise a medical certificate for necessary adjustments.
Form class activities have also focused on the importance of work-life balance, providing students with an understanding of how mental and physical health can significantly impact work efficiency. During Year Level meetings, we welcomed guest speaker Dr Justin Coulson, who shared a wealth of knowledge on pathways and options after school. His insights provided students with plenty to think about, encouraging them to make the most of the opportunities available to them. We followed this up with a look at happiness, including personal reflections on what makes students happy and grateful now, and what they want to continue fostering throughout their lives to promote positivity and happiness.
This week, we welcome Red Frogs to present their Party Safe Programme, which will run from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm on Tuesday.
With fundraising for Formal underway, it is essential that all Year 12 students contribute where possible. Last week's bake sale was a success, with many students participating by baking goods and assisting with the stall. The students raised $1 400. The Easter raffle is another important fundraising opportunity, and all Year 12 students should contribute by selling raffle tickets and donating Easter-themed prizes. Students have been advised to collect ticket books from the SSO to sell.
Year 12 students have been stepping up and assisting where needed. Many have shown exemplary uniform standards, setting a strong example for younger students. Their positive, enthusiastic, and mature approach to school activities clearly demonstrates that leadership doesn't require a badge. I look forward to seeing these qualities continue to flourish throughout the year.
I encourage Year 12 students to take some well-earned time to relax in the coming weeks, now that assessments are beginning to ease, and I wish the best of luck to those who still have exams ahead.
Student reports are scheduled for release at 4.00 pm on Friday 4 April 2025.
You will need to access your child’s report via Parent Lounge. The student report can be printed in a high-quality format from Parent Lounge.
Parents will be advised through the Daily Notices if there is any change to the date that reports will be released.
Teachers of students in Years 7 – 12 will be available for parent-teacher meetings on Monday 22 April 2025.
Parents will be able to make an online booking with teachers via Parent Lounge in the April school holidays.
There will be two sessions: 10.00 am – 1.00 pm Face to Face at The Rockhampton Grammar School and 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Online off site via MS TEAMS. Meetings will run for 8 minutes, and it is critical that you stay to your allocated time, so the schedule is maintained. If issues arise and you require extra time, please ask the teacher for an additional meeting time. Information will be emailed to families shortly regarding this process.
The recent MedView presentation held at The Rockhampton Grammar School was an incredible success.
Lily Roopnarinesingh, a 2022 graduate of RGS and current medical student at the University of Queensland, returned to her alma mater as a MedView ambassador to inspire and guide students interested in pursuing a career in medicine.
During the session, Lily shared her personal journey, providing valuable insights into the medical school admissions process and how MedView played a crucial role in helping her navigate the challenges of applying to medical school. Students were engaged and motivated by her story and the practical advice she offered.
🎯 Highlights of the MedView Services Discussed:
- One-on-one tutoring for UCAT and GAMSAT, as well as school subjects (e.g., biology, chemistry)
- Guidance on extra-curricular activities and work experience
- Ongoing support from tutors and a dedicated Student Success Manager
- Personalised services like the Domestic Strategist to assist with medical school applications
Lily’s story was particularly inspiring—thanks to MedView’s support, she received 8 interview offers and was accepted into 4 medical schools. This guidance helped her choose the University of Queensland for her studies, and she has just completed an exchange program in the UK from September 2024 to January 2025.
We are so grateful for Lily’s time and commitment to sharing her experiences with our students. It’s clear that the talk was incredibly valuable, and we hope it has sparked the passion of many aspiring medical students at RGS!
For students who want to explore further, MedView offers fantastic resources to support medical school applications, and we encourage you to visit their website for more information:
MedView Education AU
RGS hosted an insightful presentation at The Rockhampton Grammar School for Year 12 students interested in attending the University of Queensland (UQ) in Brisbane.
The session was a huge success, providing valuable information and guidance as students prepare for their next steps in higher education.
🎓 Key Highlights from the Presentation:
- Maximising your ATAR score and tips for university preparation.
- An overview of UQ’s diverse student support services, including mentoring, accommodation options, neurodiversity support, and more.
- Detailed information on student accommodation options available at UQ to ensure students have a comfortable and supportive living environment.
- Understanding adjustment factors that could help improve your chances of gaining entry into UQ, based on personal circumstances or specific achievements.
- Information on scholarships available at UQ, helping students access financial support and opportunities to make their university journey more accessible.
- Guidance on enrolment and tips for planning your university timetable.
- Essential advice for successfully transitioning from school to university.
- Insights into UQ’s vibrant and inclusive campus culture.
This presentation was not only beneficial for students planning to attend UQ, but also provided valuable advice for any student considering university. The feedback from the Year 12 students was overwhelmingly positive, and we hope they now feel more confident and equipped as they begin the exciting journey to university!
A big thank you to everyone to Karla and Sarah who hosted the session and for sharing their expertise with our students. We look forward to seeing the success of our Year 12s as they take the next step in their academic journeys!
Are you interested in completing a SAT (school-based apprenticeship or traineeship) whilst at school?
A form has been created to help let the School know what students are looking for SATs and what fields interest them. It can be completed by students or those supporting them such as parents and staff at any time; however, ASAP is always appreciated. We will keep this information on file for opportunities as they arise; and, ideally, may start working towards helping source a SAT for students.
Those interested should complete the form at
Students and parents, don't miss the opportunity to apply for the Queensland Training Awards!
These prestigious awards shine a spotlight on the remarkable achievements of apprentices, trainees, students, trainers, and employers. Your success shows how training transforms lives, builds careers, and strengthens skilled workforces. Now is the time to share your story and celebrate the power of skills. Nominate today and showcase how training has made a difference in your life!
Nominations close on 11 March 2025 (midnight)
Special webinar: Preparing your nomination -
Support with templates at
Steps to nominate video:
The first local round of The Lions Youth of the Year Competition took place recently in Rockhampton, with six talented students competing in the challenging event, two from Glenmore SHS and four from The Rockhampton Grammar School – Sharika Ashokumar, Harry Chapman, Rida Afseen and Twaha Noor.
Each participant faced a rigorous format, including a formal interview, a prepared speech, and two impromptu speeches. The impromptu topics were thought-provoking, with one speech asking whether AI is a job maker or breaker, while the other debated whether professional sport is overrated or underprivileged. All four students showcased exceptional public speaking skills, presenting their arguments clearly, confidently, and coherently. Their efforts were truly commendable, and each participant should be proud of their performance.
The overall winner of the competition was Year 11 student Twaha Noor , who captivated the judges with a thought-provoking prepared speech titled Death and Taxes . In her presentation, she discussed the privilege of paying taxes, noting that in many countries, young people are never given the opportunity to do so due to ongoing conflicts and hardships. Her speech left a lasting impact, highlighting the importance of perspective and gratitude in our daily lives.
Congratulations to our four students who participated, and a special congratulations to the winner Twaha for her outstanding achievement in this prestigious competition.
RGS student leaders joined school leaders from across the district this term.
RGS School Captains Paige Emery and Toby Rowland, along with Vice Captain, Elvie King (Vice Captain Julian Anderson was unwell and unable to attend) joined the District Leadership Ceremony at St Joseph's Cathedral in Rockhampton.
The ceremony's programme highlighted the purpose of the official gathering:
“Today we gather at the invitation of the Principals and Headmasters from every secondary school and college in the region, to acknowledge and introduce the student leaders in each of our communities. As part of the regional network of student leaders, you will be asked to commit to working together when the opportunities arise. We recognise as well, the valuable roles you will play within your own school or college. We hope that during this short gathering, you will come to better understand that perhaps one of the best guides to being good leaders can be found in your school mottos and mission statements.”
RGS Co-Curricular - Term 1
Fair Play Vouchers
The School has been approved as a registered activity provider for FairPlay vouchers for the following activities extending through to early June 2025:
* Netball
* Touch
* Cricket
* Rowing
Applications for parents, carers or guardians to apply for a voucher opened on the 1 July 2024. If you are yet to apply and would like to, you may do so using the link below.
Applying for and using FairPlay vouchers -
After your application is approved, please print/email the voucher and present to RGS when you register your child before the expiry date. For specific information about how to present your vouched please check information in Daily Notices.
The Junior and Youth AFL girls had a fantastic day at the AFL Gala Day, playing against schools such as TCC, St Ursula’s, Chanel College and Emmaus on Thursday last week. The Junior girls won one game out of four, and the Youth girls won four out of four games. The Youth girls will go on to play in the Grand Final next term, where they will have the chance to make it through to the NQ Regional Finals in Townsville. A spectacular effort by both AFL sides.
RGS Secondary students competed in the Term 1 Inter-School Chess Tournament at Heights College last Thursday, which hosted 222 students from across the region. RGS Primary students also competed. RGS results from the Secondary Schools division:
Division A
1st: Heights College 1 (21)
2nd: Kingsley 1 (19)
3rd: RGS BOLAND (16½)
RGS Macfarlane (13)
RGS Palmer (8)
Merit Awards:
Elias Honsu (5), Lucas McDougall (5), Ranu Weerasinge (4½),
Division B
1st: RGS Woolcock (20.5)
2nd: Chanel 4 (20)
3rd: Emmaus Red B (17½)
3rd: Mahi Syed (6)
Merit Awards:
Cameron Bruigom (5), Khang Nguyen (5), Anika Udayaraj (4½).
RGS won the Rockhampton District Sport Open T20 Championships after defeating TCC in the final last Friday at the Rockhampton Cricket Grounds. In the final, TCC won the toss and elected to bat. Sam Gassman and Riley McDonald bowled tight to keep TCC to 1-4 off the first 4 overs. Lawson Paine then came on and claimed 2 wickets while Riley, Henry Lau, Griffin Bennett and Tom Macrae all chipped in with a wicket each to keep TCC to 6-86 off 20 overs. In reply, Josh Peckett and Henry Lau got this innings off to a flyer with Josh being dismissed for 21
off 19 while Henry brought up the win and his 50 with a six to finish the game at 54no off 33 balls. RGS finished 1 for 89 off 11.3 overs. In the earlier qualifying game, RGS won the toss and elected to bowl first. Tom Macrae starred with the ball getting a hattrick, taking 3 for 3 off 2 overs. Will Everingham also took 3 wickets and Riley McDonald 2 wickets to keep Emmaus to 9 for 49 off their 20 overs. In reply, Josh Peckett got 29no off 18 and Henry Lau 17no off 9 to pass the total in the 5th over. Congratulations to Lawson Paine, Griffin Bennett, Hudson Sullivan, and Will Everingham on making their debut for the RGS First XI.
Good luck to the RGS Year 7-9 T20 cricket team when they play their competition at the Rockhampton Cricket Grounds this Friday.
Cross Country
The RGS Cross Country event will occur on the last day of Term 1 (4/04/2025). This event is held at Rugby Park and has a mixture of competitive and participation races. Also, the RGS Run Club starts in Week 2. This is open for Prep – Year 12 students and the club runs will be tailored accordingly. There is no obligation to sign up or express interest in attending the sessions, please feel free to attend as much or as little as you can manage.
This year RGS Run Club sessions will be held:
* Course Run: Monday Rugby Park (second field away from the clubhouse) 5pm – 5:45pm
* Speed Run: Thursday Rugby Park (second field away from the clubhouse) 5pm – 5:45pm
For your calendar, please be aware that sessions may not occur on both days of the week. Below outlines Run Club sessions for the term:
* Week 4: Monday and Thursday
* Week 5: Monday and Thursday
* Week 6: Monday and Thursday
* Week 7: Monday and Thursday
* Week 8: Monday and Thursday
* Week 9: Monday and Thursday
* Week 10: Monday only
Finally, as we live in Central Queensland and are blessed with sunny, hot weather during Term 1, sessions may need to be cancelled due to weather conditions. A call will be made by 3:30pm on these days and parents will be informed via the Parent App and/or the RGS Facebook page.
Thanks, and I look forward to seeing you at the RGS Run Club!
RGS Rowing welcomed many new students who have been participating in the Try Rowing programmes in recent weekends. There is a further "Try Rowing" programme being held at the RGS Rowing Club on 15 and 16 March from 8am to 10am both days. The programme provides all students an opportunity to try rowing before the season starts in Term 2.
Year 7’s who join the program will continue to row twice per week in Term 2 and 3 participating in 3 local regattas and one away regatta.
Rugby League
Gold Coast Titans Visit
RGS rugby league players are making the most of opportunities provided through the RGS and Gold Coast Titans partnership.
The RGS students joined the Gold Coast Titans representatives and RGS coaches at RGS, with separate open boys and open girls training sessions, followed by a coaches session.
Visiting from the Gold Coast Titans were Lane Bird (Titans Future Titans Northern Pathway and Junior Recruitment Coordinator), Matthew Keating (Gold Coast Titans Pathway Coordinator), and Paul Stephenson (Gold Coast Titans club engagement, critical stakeholders and pathways manager). Thanks to the Titans team!
Rugby Union
RGS is hosting the annual Regional Rugby Championships at Rugby Park this Saturday and Sunday with games played across Open Boys, Open Girls, and U16 Boys divisions. Competing schools are RGS, St Brendan's College, Marist College Emerald, and Townsville Grammar.
On Saturday, games start from 11.30am with the final game of the day being the Open Boys game between RGS and Townsville Grammar at 7pm. On Sunday, the finals start from 8.30am. The U16 Boys final is at 9.30am on Field 1 while also at 9.30am on Field 2, RGS play Townsville Grammar in their rugby 10s game. The Open Boys final is at 10.30am on Field 1.
Canteen and bar facilities will be operating, raising funds for RGS Rugby tours.
Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to all our students with their performance on the day.
House Winners: Wheatley
Age Champions (Girl/ Boy)
12 Years –
Emma Hansen/ Oliver Lau
13 Years –
Evie Francis/ Connor Hill
14 Years –
Sienna Caton/ Edward Dingle
15 Years –
Grace Francis/ Thomas Baillie
16 Years –
Lauren Moody/ Ashton Rodgers
Open -
Hattie Dingle/ Josh Platten
Winners of the 100m All Age Freestyle Race: (Girls) - Meila Canniffe; (Boys) Ashton Rodgers
Congratulations to Year 7 student Oliver Lau on breaking the U12 Boys 50m Backstroke Record with a time of 34.47. The previous record was held by Cameron Clark in 2015 with a time of 35.87.
RGS House Spirit Award
During the RGS Swimming Carnival 8 students were identified showing exceptional house spirit and were awarded with house spirit certificates at Assembly:
Kellow – Ben Baillie and Chloe McAlister
Jardine – Lilian Becker and Hamish Wemmerslager
Wheatley – Darcy Perret and Madeleine Appleton
Wheatcroft – Henry Lau and Amelia Johnson
Notifications of Achievements
Due to the vast array of core and non-core sporting activities that students participate in, can all students’ sporting achievements be emailed through to Ms Coetzer, the Sports Administrator –
[email protected]
Student Achievements
Lachlan Segond competed at the Karate Queensland 2025 State Titles where he won a silver medal for Junior Male Black Belt Kata and a bronze medal for Junior Male Black Belt Kumite +68kg.
Rockhampton District Representatives
(Please note that all Rockhampton and Capricornia representative recognitions are updated in the newsletter once final teams are provided to the School)
Oliver Smart, Nash Mahon, Ryan Newby, Finn Smart, Zara Kummerfeld, Madeline Lloyd, Alyssa Lewis.
Aria Caton
Rugby League
Scarlett Gear, Fallon Harris, Alex Kulla Kulla, Evan Sullivan.
Capricornia Representatives
Edward Dingle, Emma Hansen, Oliver Lau, Ashton Rodgers.