Archer Street Rockhampton QLD 4700 Australia
We are thrilled to announce that preparations are in full swing for the launch of our new school uniform collection, which will be unveiled to our community in August. For more details about the rollout, please refer to the FAQ document.
Uniform Appointments
To ensure a smooth and efficient fitting process, please book a uniform appointment before visiting the Red and Black Shop. The new uniforms will be available for purchase starting in Week 1 of Term 4. We encourage families to secure their appointments as early as possible. Appointments can be made via our website: Uniform Appointments .
Current Uniform Sale
In preparation for our new collection, we are offering a 30% discount on current uniform items starting Monday, August 5, until the end of the year or until sold out (some items excluded). Please note that stock and sizing are limited.
Advertisement - Interested in becoming a school crossing supervisor at RGS?
Red & Black Shop - Shop Assistant
The Rockhampton Grammar School is renowned for its commitment to excellence and pride in our school uniform. We are embarking on an exciting transition with a new school uniform and are seeking dedicated and detail-oriented individuals to join our team on a casual basis during this exciting and significant change.
The successful candidate must have flexibility in their hours. Hours will be casual as required, between Monday-Friday - 8am-5pm.
Note: Due to the launch and an increase in appointments, hours will be required during School Holidays (September/October and Christmas Holidays).
Candidates who have experience (minimum 3 years) in clothing/retail and cash handling will be highly regarded.
POSITION TITLE: Shop Assistant
DEPARTMENT: Red and Black Shop
HOURLY RATE: $30/hour
COMMENCEMENT: September 2024
Applications must be submitted through our recruitment platform - Uniform Shop Assistant | The Rockhampton Grammar School by Employo
Seek Link - Uniform Shop Assistant Job in Rockhampton, Rockhampton & Capricorn Coast QLD - SEEK
Parent Information Session - Helping your child become confident and capable. Presented by Dr Judith Locke
Dr Judith Locke is a registered clinical psychologist, former teacher, and school counsellor. Judith is the author of two best-selling parenting books, The Bonsai Child and The Bonsai Student.
This presentation will assist parents adopt a parenting approach that truly builds their children’s wellbeing, and competence. Topics will include age-appropriate strategies to help students develop essential skills, such as resilience, confidence, self-regulation, and resourcefulness. We will also work on strategies to maintain a good relationship between parents and children as children become older.
Parents of Years 6 – 12
Monday 12 August
6.00 pm – 8.00 pm
RGS Auditorium
Parents of ELC to Year 6
Tuesday 13 August
4.00 pm – 6.00 pm
RGS Auditorium
The RGS Dino Dash Charity event will roar into action on the School's Bottom Oval on Wednesday 28 August. All funds raised will support the Fitzroy Community Hospice.
For the past two and a half years, primary teachers at RGS have been on a professional learning journey with reading instruction at the core of this learning.
As parents, you will have no doubt heard numerous news reports on the decline of reading skills within Australia. You will also have seen state government commitments to improving this decline with a complete overhaul in the teaching of core reading skills.
At RGS, we have been at the forefront of what the research and evidence inform us and have enhanced our practices to incorporate the science of learning in our daily instruction. This involves understanding how the brain processes and retains information, which directly impacts how we teach reading. By integrating these insights into our teaching methods, we can create more effective and engaging learning experiences for our students.
One of the most notable changes is the increased emphasis on phonics and systematic instruction. Research shows that explicit teaching of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension strategies is essential for developing proficient readers. This means using instructional strategies that have been proven to work through rigorous research and evaluation.
At RGS, we have adopted a structured literacy approach, which is rooted in the science of reading and emphasises explicit instruction in phonics, fluency, and comprehension. Our partnership with MultiLit provides an exceptional foundation for children learning to read. This approach is designed to support all students, including those who may struggle with reading.
Our Reading Programmes:
InitiaLit: A whole-class Tier 1 reading program for children in Prep to Year 2.
MiniLit: Supports students who are struggling with reading in Year 1 and 2, working alongside the whole-class approach.
MacqLit: A Tier 2 instructional program for older students Year (3-6) not progressing.
Each individual program is highly effective, and children are supported in response to data. By providing the full suite of programs, we are maximising the benefit to our children when delivered in this tiered response to intervention.
Evidence-Based Practices:
The Grattan Institute’s recent report on education underscores the importance of evidence-based practices in improving student outcomes. The report highlights that schools which adopt scientifically supported methods see significant improvements in student reading levels. These findings greatly support our chosen direction and align our reading curriculum with the recommendations from the Grattan Institute. This ensures that our teaching methods are not only effective but also equitable, giving every child the best chance to succeed.
Positive Outcomes:
After a full semester of implementation, we are seeing wonderful results, and the positive feedback from parents has been most encouraging. Teachers have shared some tips with parents about reading with children at home. If you would like more information on reading at home, Five from Five (MultiLit) has some excellent parent resources. You can find them at Home reading - Five from Five .
Please reach out of you would like more information on Reading at RGS.
Mr Libke is the Acting Deputy Head of Primary (Operations & Students) while Mrs Spark is on leave.
NAIDOC Week Celebrations
Our first Primary Assembly of the term was particularly memorable, with Secondary students presenting the significance and importance of NAIDOC Week. Their presentations were insightful and helped our younger students appreciate the deep cultural heritage and contributions of Indigenous Australians. We are grateful for their efforts in making this week meaningful for everyone.
Playground Interactions
At The Rockhampton Grammar School, we use the 5 Finger Approach to Assertive Play. Communication is key in all playground interactions, and starting by speaking friendly can quickly resolve most playtime disagreements. Jumping straight to yelling or pushing can turn a small issue into a big problem when there is a communication breakdown. This is why the RGS Strategies focus on firmly and respectfully asserting what students want to others before removing themselves or seeking out help from a teacher. For instance, a Year 1 student might need to speak friendly when asking to join a game, speak firmly if they are being excluded, and seek out a teacher if the situation escalates. A Year 4 student might use these steps when resolving a conflict over shared equipment, while a Year 6 student could apply them when addressing teasing or unfair play.
Zones of Regulation
At The Rockhampton Grammar School, we talk to students about the different Zones of Regulation. Being self-aware about what helps them self-regulate during the day enables students to firmly and respectfully express their needs if playground issues arise. Understanding when emotions escalate into the Yellow and Red zones also gives children strategies to walk away from situations before they become too upset. For example, a Year 1 student might identify being in the Yellow zone when they feel frustrated about sharing toys and use a calming strategy. A Year 4 student might recognize the Red zone when feeling angry during a game and decide to take a break. A Year 6 student might notice they are in the Yellow zone during a disagreement and choose to calmly discuss their feelings before seeking help if needed.
Premier’s Reading Challenge
A reminder that we are well and truly in the midst of the Premier’s Reading Challenge. Students are encouraged to record the book title and author of the texts they have read until Friday 23 August .
To complete the challenge:
- Prep to Year 2 must read or experience at least 20 books
- Years 3 and 4 must read at least 20 books
- Years 5 and 6 must read at least 15 books
Students will need to return their completed forms to their classroom teacher by Monday 26 August . Every student who returns their individual reader record form will receive a certificate of participation. You may even be able to find inspiration for your costume leading up to Book Week. Happy reading everyone!
RGS Primary students have the opportunity to support the Rockhampton community.
Get ready to unleash your creativity and bring our Dino Dash to life!
We're hosting a
Colouring Competition
for all students in ELC to Year 6.
It is your chance to show off your artistic skills and have a roaring good time!
Prizes: Amazing prizes are up for grabs for the best entries so give it your best shot!
Prep to Year 3
Year 4 to Year 6
Entry Fee: A small gold coin donation is required to enter. Every cent goes directly to support The Fitzroy Community Hospice.
Why Participate? Not only do you get to have fun and possibly win cool prizes, but you will also be contributing to a great cause.
How to Enter:
Get your colouring sheet from your classroom teacher. Colour it in using your most creative designs.
Submit your masterpiece by Monday 19 August to the Primary Office with your gold coin donation.
Let’s make this Dino Dash a colourful success!
Last Thursday the Primary Garden Club ran their first book sale to raise funds for the upkeep of the garden and chickens.
The book sale made a $388.80 profit! Thank you to everyone who donated books for us to sell. We are all very appreciative. Lots of people snagged bargains on the day. We hope you enjoy reading your new books.
- The Primary Garden Club
This year, the RGS Music Department is offering group lessons for Violin, Cello, Flute and Trombone for students in Years 1 – 4, depending on the instrument.
There are currently two violin groups, a cello group, a flute group, and a trombone group. The group lessons are capped at 5 students per group and are conducted during lunch breaks by qualified RGS Music staff. Group lessons are for one year only and provide students with the opportunity to learn instrumental techniques, instrument care, basic musical concepts, performance skills, and how to read music in a small group setting. Children will not only learn actively, but they will make friends and work together as a team. Students can enrol for individual lessons in the following year should they wish to continue.
Save the Date - Thursday 29 August
Date : Thursday 29 August
Theme : Fluro Colour
Prep – Year 3 (5:30pm - 7pm)
Year 4 – 6 (7pm - 8:30pm)
More information will be communicated in coming weeks.
Congratulations to Year 6 student Oliver Lau on his outstanding results for Queensland at the School Sport Australia Games Swimming Championships at the Southport Aquatic Centre.
Oliver qualified for 7 finals, winning silver medals in the 50m backstroke and 100m backstroke. Oliver also won bronze in the 50m butterfly and his Queensland 200m 4x50m freestyle relay team also won bronze.
The Queensland Schools Cross Country Championships were held last weekend.
Congratulations to Henry Houghton who was one of only two students from the Capricornia region to be selected for the Queensland team out of the primary and secondary team.
Henry tied for 4th in his race and was only 1 second from a medal! He was also the second fastest for his age in the 1km time trial.
Henry will be competing at the Australian Schools Cross Country in Yarra Glen, Victoria in August.
The annual Minniecon and Burke Primary Tennis competition for students in Years 4 to 6 is about to get underway.
Nomination sheets have been placed on the notice boards outside the Year 6 and Year 4 rooms for anyone interested. The tournament is open to all students in Years 4, 5 and 6 and will be played at school during morning tea and second lunch breaks. Students are encouraged to bring their own racquets on the days they are competing. Nominations will close on Friday 19 July 2024 with the tournament commencing in Week 3 of the term.
Matches will be played using standard competition rules, with the first player to reach 4 games being declared the winner. Successful participants will progress through the rounds until we have the final 2 girls and 2 boys who will play off on the last day of this term.
We are looking forward to seeing our students in action this year as they put their skills to the tennis test.
If you have any queries regarding the Minniecon and Burke tennis tournament, please contact Mr Kelland.
Touch Football
The next season of Touch Football will begin on Saturday 31 August 2024. We are looking for parents to coach our teams as there are only 3 teachers available to coach.
Parents, please be aware if you take on coaching duties you will need to complete a mandatory Safeguarding Children course which we can send to you. It takes approximately 3 hours to complete. You will also need a Blue Card which you can request from the main office in the secondary school. Both of these accreditations are free to access.
Please let us know ASAP if you would like to volunteer for coaching a team and which age group you would like. (Under 6s, Under 8s, Under 10s, Under 12s) All age groups have boys, girls and mixed teams except Under 6s which is only mixed. The older mixed teams do not need coaches.
As soon as we have enough coaches, we will let you know so you can nominate with the Rockhampton Touch Association. Any queries please email one of us.
- Linda Irwin and Elizabeth Donaldson (TICs Primary Touch Football)
The latest updates from Head of Secondary School (Academic) - Ms Reniece Carter.
Students currently in Year 9 and Year 10 have complete an initial subject selection (which was due on Friday 26 July). Further details will be provided to students and parents during Term 3. Submitting subject requests on time is important, as it allows the School the opportunity to ensure all student requests can be met. Coursing information for current Year 7 and 8 students will commence later this term.
Year 12 Assessment Mock Assessment Timetable
All Year 12 students have been given a copy of the RGS Mock assessment timetable. As a reminder, these assessment items will occur during the two-week period, commencing Monday 2 September and concluding Friday 13 September.
The School’s Year 3, Year 5, Year 7 and Year 9 cohorts participated in NAPLAN online testing late in Term 1. Student reports arrived last week and will be processed shortly. Parents will be updated when these are posted.
As a reminder, if you have any questions regarding academics or your child’s progress please feel free to contact me on
[email protected]
or 49360 609.
We have certainly had a busy couple of weeks already this term with our focus in Form being on TEAMWORK.
Over the next 6 weeks we are rotating through a variety of activities which explore this topic and allow the students to engage in scenarios where they can identify their teamwork qualities. This is always a lot of fun with a great variety of activities taking place. We are all looking forward to next week as we get the opportunity to work with other form teachers in Year 7.
Subject Selection for Year 8
This term we will focus on Subject Selection in tutorial with lots of positive and productive conversations. The Year 7 students are lucky to have the opportunity to hear the Heads of Departments explain their subject areas and are offered the chance to ask important questions. We will discuss all relevant topics, subjects and coursing pathways in our lessons which will allow the students to make informed decisions about their subjects for Year 8, later in the term. Please know that I will be communicating with parents very soon about where to find subject selection information that will allow you to be fully informed too and to assist your children with this important decision.
As we begin Week 4, the term is well underway, and the Year 8’s have quickly settled back into the daily routine.
Many subjects are already reaching, or approaching draft and due dates, and exams are only three short weeks away. Term 3 is always a short, busy term!
Our Year 8 Form Camps have continued over the last fortnight, with 8A, followed by 8E enjoying there three days at Ritamada. While the nights have been chilly, day temperatures have been a perfect match for the activities students are undertaking! From all reports, climbing Mt Headlow has been both physically and mentally challenging, when asked if it was worth the effort, the answer is a resounding “Yes!”. This, combined with the surfing, kayaking, obstacle courses and team building activities really do make these camps such an enjoyable and exciting part of our year. We wish 8F a fantastic time as they head off to Ritamada this week, and 8B the same for next week. Thank you to Mr Boicos, Miss Treadwell, our Year 8 Form Teachers, Transport, Catering and Grounds and Maintenance for their ongoing efforts to ensure the success of these camps.
In Form this week, the Year 8’s began a goal setting activity, based on their Semester One report. Students have been asked to consider not just their overall results, but also their work habits, and then set three goals for the coming semester. With the support of their Form teachers, to help them interpret the report, and understand what their teachers are saying, I look forward to hearing what goals the Year 8’s are setting for themselves! In Tutorial this fortnight, we began to delve into our Safe Relationships unit, discussing what the markers for healthy and unhealthy relationships are.
If you have concerns about how your child is travelling, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Over the last two weeks, Year 9 students have been engaged in subject selection for Year 10.
The subjects you choose in Year 10 often lay the groundwork for the courses you'll take in Year 11 and 12. These years are pivotal as they typically determine your eligibility and preparedness for higher education or vocational training. Your subject choices can influence your career options. Selecting subjects that align with your interests and career aspirations ensures that you are on the right path and have the necessary qualifications for further education or job opportunities in your desired field.
Assessment for the Year 9’s is just starting to ramp up and the cohort can expect a busy few weeks as we make our way towards the end of Term. Can I ask that any leave longer than three days any time during the term is strictly via the ‘request for extended leave’ process. This will help me to ensure that any missed work or assessments are caught up and extensions provided where appropriate.
During tutorials, this term we have been discussing issues around alcohol and the associated risks for teenagers. There is little doubt that the consumption of alcohol is seen as a rite of passage in Australia, yet the safe consumption of alcohol is something that many teenagers do not understand. This is an important topic and one that will become increasingly relevant for our Year 9 students as they move towards their senior years and post school. Once again, I encourage families to continue these important discussions at home.
A heartfelt thank you to all our Year 10 families for your patience and perseverance as we navigated camp selections, finalisations, and subject selections during this chaotic period.
. I will continue to collaborate closely with you through the SET Plan process. Please remember that the SET Plan requires each student's subject selections to be signed by a parent or guardian.
In the next couple of weeks, we will review the subject selections made by Year 10 students to ensure the best possible range of subjects is available. If a subject your child has chosen is not offered in 2025, they will be asked to reselect from the available options. We strive to offer as many subject combinations as possible. Thank you again for your patience and input throughout this process. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I am always happy to have a chat.
Assessment for Year 10 is ramping up, and the cohort can expect a busy few weeks ahead as we approach the end of term and their respective camps. If you need to request leave longer than three days, please follow the 'request for extended leave' process. This will help ensure that any missed assessments are made up and extensions are provided where appropriate.
Finally, a reminder that the Certificate I in Active Volunteering is a mandatory requirement for all Year 10 students. Most of our cohort is doing a wonderful job with both the theoretical and practical hours. However, I encourage each family to check on their child's progress, particularly with the volunteer hours component, as completing the majority of these hours in a single term can be challenging.
Welcome to Week 4, it is almost a cliché saying now, but it is truly hard to believe how fast the year has flown by!
During Week 3, the Year 11 exam timetable was emailed to all students. Please touch base with your student to ensure they have planned their time wisely in the lead up to assessment and exam dates. It never hurts to ensure they are tracking well. If there is anything happening you think the school should be made aware of, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are all here to provide support. RGS School TV has some great resources to assist parents and students with the exam stress and preparation.
If your child is unwell, keep them at home to reduce the spread of germs. Chemists can provide medical certificates to cover any absences students have, additionally, there is always the family doctor, or online telehealth. If your student needs an extension, please remind them to complete the paperwork and email it to Ms. Carter. Subject changes have now closed and will not be processed until the end of Unit Two. I would encourage students to discuss any academic concerns they have with the relevant Head of Department or Ms. Carter.
Communication is regularly sent out by the school. If you have not been receiving email correspondence, please login to parent lounge to check your contact details are up to date and correct. If you need assistance with this, please contact the school on 49360 600.
Monday 12 August is a student free day, students are not to attend school on this day.
During Week 6, our Year 11’s will see the current Year 12’s cut their ponytails off to raise awareness for Cancer. The big chop is happening on Wednesday August 14 during morning tea. You are more than welcome to donate funds via this link .
Year 12’s are well in the midst of final internal task submissions.
The majority will be finished with internal tasks by the end of the week and will start to focus more on preparing for mocks and externals. Given these students are now heading into the last study phase for Year 12, it is timely to remind them that it is important to have a good study-life balance. Following are four tips taken from SAE Creative Media Institute's website :
Get Scheduling – From study hours, physical activity, and mental health to socialising with friends. By managing your time properly (including fun times), you’ll get your work done while keeping the stress levels down.
Switch off - Super important! Scientists are increasingly finding that we need downtime in order to process the tsunami of information we’re smashed by every day. Meditation acts as a human on/off switch and is the perfect way to give yourself a quick break, before getting stuck into another task.
Get out - Socialising isn’t just about good times with friends, it’s also critical to maintaining your overall wellbeing. With more and more screen time in our lives, getting together with people and nurturing real-life human connections are important ingredients for staying happy.
Work Smart - It’s all about quality over quantity. When you do knuckle down and study, work smarter, not longer. This means less time-wasting distractions, like email and social media, and more effort learning the way that best suits you.
Given this term we are focusing on general information that is beneficial for students when they leave school, students have been engaging in activities involving learning about rentals, bank accounts and superannuation during Form. Additionally, we have continued our cooking classes with students in the final form class getting creative in the kitchen and commenced a Basic Car Maintenance session run by Mr Riley Hunt designed to increase student knowledge on how to change a tyre, the difference between oils for different car types and performance, how to change windscreen wipers and more!
Last week students had a presentation from Red Frogs regarding Life after School. Red Frogs Australia is a non-profit organisation that supports young people in various settings such as schoolies, festivals, universities, and schools. The Red Frogs: Life after school is a programme that helps young people transition from school to adulthood and aims to equip young people with the skills and knowledge they need to navigate life after school.
Last week during Leadership, information regarding the mock exam block was provided to students. This covered why we run these mock exams, the timetable, rescheduled times due to timetabled clashes, uniform requirements, boarders leave form, who to inform if you are away, the equipment list and a list of frequently asked questions. This information is in the class notebook on TEAMS in their Leadership class. As further information comes to light or more questions are asked, this notebook will be added to, therefore I encourage students to check this regularly for updates and most certainly if they have a question.
Next week students will celebrate 100 days left until they finish their schooling – a significant milestone! I wish students all the best with their final internal tasks and implore students to look after themselves and each other as they near the end of their internal assessment period.
Secondary School News
Term 3 Key Dates
10 - 12 August
- Boarders’ long weekend
12 August
- Student Free Day – Secondary only
30 August
- Student Free Day (Primary & Secondary)
2 - 13 September
- Year 12 Mock Exams
6 September
- Last day of Term 3 for students (P – 11)
9 - 10 September
- Student Free Days
RGS Careers news
CQUni | Open Days 2024
August 3, 2024
August 18, 2024
August 22, 2024
Explore our facilities and learn about your study options direct from our supportive staff. Our Open Day events are held across July and August at our regional campus locations.
Get your questions answered: We’re a friendly and passionate bunch who take the time to explain the nitty-gritty of starting study. Ask us about your pathway options, fees, scholarships, and support with your application.
Start planning your future: With both TAFE and university study options available, we’ll help you discover your dream course. You’ll even get the opportunity to speak with our teachers about work placements, graduate outcomes, and career opportunities.
Experience campus life: Step onto our vibrant campuses and soak in the atmosphere. From relaxed student spaces to cutting-edge facilities, you’ll feel right at home.
UQ | Open Days 2024
St Lucia:
August 4, 2024
August 18, 2024
Explore your interests and study options, immerse yourself in university life and get answers to all your questions. What to expect:
* Attend sessions to uncover your study area of interest and find out more about the degrees we offer.
* Enter a competition, grab some freebies, listen to live music, get hands-on in a workshop or come on a tour.
* Get to know UQ. Ask current students and teachers all your questions and find out about student life.
JCU | Virtual Open Day
August 6, 2024
JCU’s Virtual Open Day is the perfect opportunity to learn more about the University ranked number 1 in Queensland for graduate starting salary. Get information on courses and support services in a relaxed and convenient environment, and have your questions answered via live chat with JCU advisors, current students, academics and alumni. Find out more
Careers for Net Zero QLD Roadshow
August 6 to August 14, 2024
The Clean Energy Council and Energy Efficiency Council, with support from the Queensland Government, is hosting the Careers for Net Zero QLD Roadshow in three regional Queensland locations this August – registration and entry to each event is free. Australia’s future clean economy will bring with it thousands of exciting local career and training opportunities for students, graduates, career changers and job seekers of all ages, particularly in regional Queensland. This roadshow will provide attendees with the latest information about clean economy careers, including renewable energy, critical minerals and green manufacturing, as well as the opportunity to connect directly with local employers. Locations and dates:
| Gladstone Entertainment and Convention Centre | Friday, 9 August 2024, 9.00am – 3.30pm
| TAFE QLD Trade Training Centre Bohle | Wednesday, 14 August 2024, 9.00am – 3.30pm
Bond | Ideas Camp 2024
August 7, 2024
Whether you have a business idea that will set the world on fire, or if you want to blaze your own trail despite being unsure of your career path, then get ready to unleash your inner entrepreneur! Ideas Camp is a hands-on, one-day business workshop designed exclusively for our next gen corporate adventurers. Join us and as we bring together some successful young entrepreneurs and current Bondies to stir the embers of your business dreams. If you’re in Year 10, 11 or 12, are dreaming of a career in business, and want to be inspired, you won’t want to miss Ideas Camp. Find out more
Torrens | Open Day 2024, Brisbane
August 8, 2024
Come and meet our academics and Future Student Advisors, who will be able to answer all your questions about scholarships, entry pathways and our world-class facilities. Explore our campus and find out firsthand how exciting studying in Brisbane can be. Find out more
Griffith | Open Day 2024
August 11, 2024
Join us on 11 August 2024 for Griffith’s Open Day and explore a world of possibilities! With over 150 activities, workshops, and information sessions to choose from, our Open Day is your ticket to an unforgettable experience. Whether you’re curious about science, business, arts, or health, we have something for everyone. Find out more
UniSQ | Open Days 2024
Ipswich & Springfield
: August 11, 2024
August 18, 2024
See careers in action, explore our campuses and chat to our lecturers.
* Meet our world-class lecturers and speak to current students about studying at UniSQ.
* Soak up the atmosphere and check out our campus facilities. We’ll also have live music and food trucks.
* Participate in hands-on activities and experiences run by our academics.
* Have a free one-on-one career conversation to help explore your options and the best path for you.
* Ask the questions you’ve been wanting to ask, face-to-face in one place. On-campus accommodation, fees and scholarships, degree information and more.
JCU | Heroes in Sport, Townsville
August 12 to August 13, 2024
Do you have a passion and desire to develop a career in physiotherapy and sports and exercise science? From this full-day program you’ll gain unique insights into a career in sport. You’ll go behind the scenes at the Cowboys Community, Training and High Performance Centre, and learn from industry experts in physiotherapy and sports and exercise science before hitting the field for a high performance training session. Find out more
Mackay Careers Expo 2024
August 15, 2024
The 2024 Mackay Careers Expo is a must for anyone interested in starting, changing or upgrading their career, including high school students and their parents, mature age and post graduate students, career seekers of all ages, employers looking for staff training, and others. This annual event offers a wealth of information for visitors, including:
* Access the latest careers, course study and employment options.
* Advice on enrollment procedures.
* Meet with interstate and overseas exhibitors.
* Info on bursaries, scholarship and application procedures.
* Students services, GAP and exchange programs.
SCU | Open Day 2024, Gold Coast
August 18, 2024
Want to check out Southern Cross University campuses in person? Come to our Open Day at the Gold Coast campus in August 2024. Find out more
TAFE QLD | Gold Coast Online Open Day
August 21, 2024
TAFE Queensland on the Gold Coast invites you to attend our Online Open Day. Experience our on-demand video content and delve into the study areas that interest you. Take a virtual tour of our cutting-edge facilities, reserve a spot for a campus tour, get first-hand experiences from our students about their time at TAFE Queensland, and much more. Our Online Open Day is an opportunity to:
* Watch on-demand videos featuring our experienced educators
* Experience our virtual campus tours of key learning spaces
* Explore our student stories
* Access digital course guides
* Learn more about how to enrol, course fees and available subsidies
* Chat live during business hours
* Book an in-person campus tour
ACAP | Open Day 2024, Brisbane
August 24, 2024
Open Day is your chance to experience the ACAP difference, and find your path in the applied professions. Whether you’re interested in Counselling, Psychology, Social Work, Criminology, Law, or Business, ACAP is your pathway to making a difference. Be part of a workshop, meet our industry-renowned facilitators, and hear all about life as an ACAP student. Join us for a day of exploration and inspiration! Find out more
SAE Institute | Open Day 2024, Brisbane
August 24, 2024
Come along to SAE’s Open Day and find your future in creative media! Open Day is your ticket to everything SAE – get a taste of our courses in workshops, explore activations on campus and get some hands-on experience with our state-of-the-art facilities. Find out more
Whitehouse Institute of Design | Open House 2024, Brisbane
August 24, 2024
Are you excited by design and dreaming of a creative career? Whitehouse Institute of Design, Australia invites you to Open House, a day where you can explore our courses and the endless possibilities within the world of design. Explore your study options, meet our incredible team, and tour Whitehouse’s unique facilities. Whether you’re interested in Fashion Design, Interior Design or Creative Direction and Styling, this is your chance to see what makes Whitehouse has to offer. Find out more
JCU | Heroes in Business
September 3, 2024
September 4, 2024
September 5, 2024
September 9, 2024
September 11, 2024
Fuel your passion for a career in business or commerce as you learn from industry experts. From this one-day program you’ll gain unique insights into the professions that funnel into a business and commerce career. Our experienced Professor in Management will expertly lead you through the process of creating, exploring and pitching a business opportunity, including the marketing and financial implications. JCU Advisors will be on hand to provide information about courses and university life. Find out more
QUT | Advice Night
September 10, 2024
If you’re a current Year 12 student or parent/guardian of a Year 12 student, join us online to discover the 5 essentials of getting into QUT in 2025. You’ll hear about:
* entry requirements
* Year 12 Early Offer Scheme (for Queensland QCE students only)
* adjustment schemes
* upgrading pathways
* scholarships.
You’ll also hear from real students about their uni experience and have a chance to ask questions about their course, why they chose QUT, the QTAC process and uni life. Registration will open in early August. Find out more
Griffith | Year 12 Academic Bootcamps
September 16 to September 26, 2024
Griffith’s Academic Bootcamps are highly effective four-day courses run in the September school holidays, designed to help Year 12 students achieve their full academic potential in their final external exams. They aim to improve confidence and understanding in senior science and maths subject areas, reducing anxiety around assessment and preparing students for future tertiary study.
On-campus subjects:
General Maths
Maths Methods
Online subjects:
General Maths
Maths Methods
2025 Faber Writing Scholarships
Tuition fees
Open date:
July 1, 2024
Closing date:
October 20, 2024
Each year the Faber Writing Academy at Allen & Unwin awards scholarship places for our prestigious Writing a Novel programme. Faber Writing Scholarships are open to anyone over 18 and offer successful applicants the chance to study for free. One scholarship will be awarded for a recipient to undertake Writing a Novel in each location – Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Online. Find out more
The Harvard Crimson Global Essay Competition 2025
Up to $1,000 USD
Open date:
October 1, 2024
Closing date:
January 31, 2025
The Harvard Crimson Global Essay Competition (HCGEC) brings together ambitious high school students (aged 13 – 18) from around the world with a passion for, or interest in writing. Each participant selects a prompt at the beginning of the competition and will submit a 500-word (max) essay. There are 3 categories for the essays: creative, argumentative, and journalism. The prompts will be announced on the 02/02/2025. Find out more
QIMR Berghofer Laboratory Work Experience
QIMR Berghofer
Open date:
June 4, 2024
Closing date:
August 4, 2024
Are you thinking of a career in science and medical research? QIMR Berghofer has a free work experience program for eligible Year 11 and 12 students. The laboratory work experience program takes place over three days and offers introductory laboratory training in our purpose-built Education Lab, followed by a placement in one of our working research laboratories. Students will undertake training in a range of molecular biology skills including:
* Pipetting and serial dilutions
* DNA extraction and PCR
* Agarose gel electrophoresis
* Vortexing and centrifugation
* Microscopy
* Blood smears
The three-day programme runs on the following dates for 2024:
16-18 September, 2024
Applications open 4 June and close 4 August, 2024
Offers sent 7 August, 2024
Find out more
Live-in Pub Gap Years
Letz Live
Letz Live help you secure a place for a live-in pub job before you arrive in the UK, and then you can stay for up to three years while you gain hospitality experience at the same time as you experience a different culture. Find out more
Camp Counsellor Gap Year
Letz Live
Become part of a time-honoured American tradition as a Camp Counsellor with a Camp Exchange program in the USA. Gain valuable new skills as a leader and educator while making new friends in a picture-perfect outdoor setting. Summer Camp is magical. The best time of your life. Find out more
RGS Co-Curricular - Term 3.
South QLD Rowing Championships
2nd overall with 10 medals total! 5 Gold, 3 Silver and 2 Bronze:
Gold Medals
Year 10 Boys Quad (Ryan Hendrie, Henry Lau, Jackson Taylor, Oliver Weyling-Cain coxed by Evan Peff)
Open Boys Quad (Ryan Hendrie, Henry Lau, Matthew Shen, George Rayner coxed by Alexander Connell)
Year 10 Boys Single (Ryan Hendrie)
Year 8 Boys Single (Archie Becker)
Open Boys Double (George Rayner, Matthew Shen)
Silver Medals
Open Girls Single (
Asha Stewart)
Year 10 Boys Single (Henry Lau)
Year 10 Boys Double (Ryan Hendrie, Henry Lau)
Bronze Medals
Open Girls Quad (Caroline Sparks, Mave Burnett, Greta McCosker, Asha Stewart coxed by Evan Peff)
Year 11 Girls Quad (Chloe Rabbitts-Hick, Amelia Johnson, Sienna Kent, Mickey Simmons coxed by Alexander Connell)
Congratulations to our 24 rowers who represented RGS rowing on the first weekend of Term 3 in Wyaralong, Brisbane on their work battling wind, waves and the cold! Thank you to the coaches, the committee and supporting parents who work tirelessly to support the programme.
Rugby League
Rugby Park hosted the final round of the Dolphins Challenge and Cup fixtures last week. St Brendan’s College were too good on the day winning both games. RGS teams to qualify for the finals are the First XIII Boys and Girls, and the Year 9-10 boys teams. All finals will be played at Rugby Park:
Tuesday 30 July:
4:15pm RGS Year 9-10 Team vs TCC
Tuesday 6 August:
3:00pm First XIII Girls vs TCC
5:00pm First XIII Boys vs TCC
Rugby Union
Thanks to all the RGS students and parents who once again supported this year's Western 7's Rugby Union Carnival in Emerald on the weekend. Here's the weekend wrap from RGS Head of Rugby Mr Calvin Bennett:
The Rockhampton Grammar School sent six teams to the Western 7’s carnival out in Emerald. Despite the uncharacteristically wet and cold conditions in Emerald, the teams did themselves and the school proud.
The under 13 Girls won their division, beating The Glennie School from Toowoomba in the Grand Final. The final score there 27 – 7. A special mention must go to Lylia Bidgood for being named player of the carnival in her age group.
The under 13 boys finished runners up in their division. They went unbeaten on day one, with some impressive 7’s rugby on display. They came up against a very strong Marist Emerald team for 1st and 2nd place. Unfortunately, the team was beaten in that game.
The under 15 girls came third in their division. They missed 2nd place by just 2 points. They went unbeaten on day one, with some impressive games, scoring wins against The Glennie School (20 – 7) and Marist College Emerald (31 – 5). Special mention must go to Zafeera Gibson for being named player of the carnival for her division.
The under 15 boys had a mixed bag of results over the weekend. They started off slow but really started to fire at the back end of the carnival. They had some good results, with wins over Emerald State High (50 – 0) and Marist College Emerald 2 (43 – 0). They ended up coming 3rd in their division.
The open girls played some amazing 7’s rugby over the weekend. They also had a strong of solid results, with a win over Marist College Emerald (19 – 17) and two wins against St John's Roma (41 – 0 and 43 – 0). They ended up runners up in their division.
The open boys also played some good 7’s rugby over the weekend. They played with pace and tenacity throughout the carnival. The had some good results, with wins against St Luke’s Anglican College (34 – 5) and Emerald State High (43 – 10). They ended up runners up in their division. A special mention goes to Riley Sullivan for being named player of the carnival for his division.
A big thank you to the staff who assisted on the trip - Mr Wright, Mrs Livermore, Mrs Challacombe, Mr Wooler, and Mr Bennett. A special mention to the coaches who helped prepare the teams on the day - Ms Yunus, Ms Whipp, Mr Baillie, Mr J. Lynch, and Mr Lindsay.
Notifications of Achievements
Due to the vast array of core and non-core sporting activities that students participate in, can all students’ sporting achievements be emailed through to Mrs Coetzer, the Sports Administrator –
[email protected]
Student Achievements
Rugby Union
Congratulations to Josh Claridge who played in the U16 CQ Bushrangers team during the QLD Country Championships. He was also selected as Captain of the team. His team won their first game against Brisbane City by 3-0 and lost their second game 22-12.
RGS was also well represented in other Queensland Country age divisions, with Country winning the U13 boys, U14 boys, U14 girls, and U16 girls divisions. RGS players in these respective teams were: (13 boys) Nate Turner and Flynn Maxwell; (U14 boys) Gabriel Classon; (U14 girls) Fallon Harris; (U16 girls) Alice Kallquist, Evan Sullivan, Marnie Whitehead, Willow Childs.
Congratulations to William Cappellone (Year 9) who received a silver medal for kumite and a bronze medal for kata in the boys’ brown belt division at the State Championship for Traditional Shotokan Karate.
RGS Primary School Musical - Frozen Jr (2 - 3 August 2024)
RGS Secondary School Musical - Anything Goes (16 - 18 August 2024)
Tickets available at
The RGS Rugby Club's Red & Black Dinner is on Friday 30 August at Headrick's Lane. Tickets are now available online at