Archer Street Rockhampton QLD 4700 Australia
Updates on the RGS Uniform Collection, Red & Black Shop Closure, Current Uniform Sales, and Uniform Appointments.
RGS Uniform Collection
Earlier today we were thrilled to officially launch the new RGS uniform collection. We invite you to explore the
uniform collection page
for detailed information, including a lookbook, uniform standards, pricing, and additional imagery. The new uniforms will be available for purchase from Term 4, and students are welcome to begin wearing them right away.
Red and Black Shop Closure
In preparation for refurbishment and restocking, the Red and Black Shop will have limited access from August 26 to 29. During this period, appointments cannot be scheduled, and walk-in customers must access the Shop via the rear door. The Shop will then close for the term starting Friday, August 30.
Current Uniform Sale
We are continuing to offer a 30% discount on current uniform items until the end of the year or until sold out (exclusions apply). Please be aware that as the current uniform will not be stored at the Shop in Term 4, there will be a delay in receiving these items.
Uniform Appointments
To ensure a smooth and efficient fitting process, please book a uniform appointment before visiting the Red and Black Shop. The new uniforms will be available for purchase starting in Week 1 of Term 4. We encourage families to secure their appointments as early as possible. Appointments can be made via
our website.
The RGS Dino Dash Charity event will roar into action on the School's Bottom Oval on Wednesday 28 August. All funds raised will support the Fitzroy Community Hospice. You can help support the Fitzroy Community Hospice at
Adding to the competitive nature of the day is the inter-house competition to see which house can raise the most funds. Let's meet our Dinos!
Jardine ("Tyrannosaurus Flex" and "Mr T") - While they may look like amateurs, these two dinos will have strong crowd support from the ever-loyal Jardine fan base and will be keen to stomp their dino prints firmly on the track.
Wheatley ("Dino Diva" and Ankle-a-sore-us") - Running for Wheatley, this formidable pair is talking up their form. However, they haven’t competed since the Jurassic era, so they may take a while to warm up.
Wheatcroft ("Kinderosaurus Rex" and "Aurora-saurus") - Did you know that T-Rexs have very bad breath? The Wheatcroft dinos might not have bad breath but they are known to use their nous to distract the competition. Keep a close eye on them. They have form.
Kellow ("Dino Mite" and "Walker Rexas Ranger") - Don’t mistake the Kellow team's small arms (and army of small supporters) for a sign that they aren’t ready to compete. These mystery dinos will bring a win-at-all-cost attitude to the track.
Wildcards ("Bossosaurus Rex" and "T-Swift") - They may be slow, but the wildcard dinos are very likely to have other tactics up their tiny sleeves to chase their competitors. And if they raise the most money, they may get a secret advantage.
RGS will be hosting a group of 20 Year 5 Japanese students from Sunday 27 October to Saturday 2 November.
RGS Head of Primary Mrs Kate Harris and RGS International Programme Co-ordinator Ms Margot Palmer will be holding an information session in BC3, 6D Ms Doyle’s classroom, on Wednesday 4 September from 3:30pm. We are looking for families to host two students each from Wednesday 30 October to Saturday 2 November. If you are interested in learning more, please come to this session. We will go through the requirements for hosting, and the study tour timetable.
RGS is supporting the "Share the Dignity" campaign again in 2024.
Contact the RGS Senior School Office to make a donation or for more information.
This term, we’ve had the wonderful opportunity to support a truly meaningful cause—the Fitzroy Community Hospice.
Our Leadership Team is taking a fun and creative approach by donning dinosaur suits to make a dash for charity. This essential community care facility will benefit greatly from the financial contributions raised through our collective efforts, and I want to thank all our families who have contributed so generously to this cause.
In addition to this event, our student leaders have chosen to dedicate the proceeds from our primary disco, which will be held next Thursday, to this charity. Their decision to support the hospice reflects their commitment to making a positive impact in our community.
These efforts highlight the power of small acts of kindness. The collective contributions of our entire school community will make a significant difference. Small acts of kindness not only provide immediate help to those in need but also foster a sense of connection and empathy within our community.
When students engage in these acts of giving, they learn valuable lessons about compassion and social responsibility. These experiences can inspire them to continue making positive contributions throughout their lives, reinforcing the idea that even the smallest efforts can create meaningful change.
We’re incredibly proud of the generosity shown by our students and their dedication to helping others. Thank you to everyone involved for your continued support and compassion. Together, we are making a difference in our community.
Leading Self and Leading with Others.
As we approach the end of Term 3, we have started to see the students, particularly in Year 6, developing initiative in their leadership and service.
I have particularly noticed this when planning for events such as the regular Warm drink Wednesday and School dance. Students are not leaving details for staff to organise. They are approaching teachers with suggestions and ideas. They are creating posters for advertising without being asked.
They are starting to Lead with Others and heading to the Visionary component in Changing Your World.
Our younger students are developing their skills and continuing to discover and explore self- awareness. We encourage our students to ‘Lead’ themselves in making decisions that fit with family and school values. From carrying their own bags and putting their lunch in the fridge to managing behaviours and emotions. There is a lot to master in this piece of our Leadership For All.
I would like to thank the Year 6 cohort for seizing the opportunities to serve our school. They accepted the challenge of volunteering in many areas of our school. It has been wonderful to hear that they feel valued and their contributions have been worthwhile.
NAPLAN 2024 and PR1ME Core Books
By now parents and carers of students in Year 3 and Year 5 should have received your child’s NAPLAN Individual Student Report. This gives a snapshot of your child’s achievement in NAPLAN testing.
While it is wonderful to celebrate successes, it is also important to note that this test is a reflection of your child’s performance on that particular day. The Australian Curriculum and Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) recognises that as these tests are held once every 2 years, they are not a replacement for the extensive, ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance.
If you have any questions about your child’s progression academically, your child’s classroom teacher is best placed to provide feedback. With parent/teacher interviews approaching, I would encourage you to discuss your child’s strengths and areas of development in alignment with the Australian Curriculum based on units of work undertaken throughout the year.
Attached is an information sheet for parents and carers to better understand how to interpret the NAPLAN individual report. In 2023 there was change to NAPLAN standards and the timing of testing. The introduction of new NAPLAN measurement scale, moving to adaptive online testing and bringing forward the date testing date means that results from 2024 cannot be directly compared with results from 2022. Information is outlined on how interpret the NAPLAN report.
At The Rockhampton Grammar School – Primary, we are very proud of our students’ achievements and continue to rank above state mean scores across all domains of NAPLAN.
PR1ME Core Books
This is a reminder that your child’s PR1ME Mathematics core books may have some pages that are not completed as our teachers incorporate formative assessment throughout their lessons. Students regularly show their working on mini whiteboards rather than on paper in their textbooks. Formative assessment provides opportunities for our teachers to check for student understanding and provide timely feedback to students to help them correct misconceptions or improve.
Please be mindful if you are planning on having your child work through the blank pages over the holiday break that some lessons may not have been taught in the initial year of implementation at RGS as students familiarise themselves with the consistent metalanguage of the program. This is part of the roll out process for introducing our new format of the mathematical spiral curriculum.
The RGS Primary Jazz Ensemble recently travelled to Gladstone with Mr John Hamilton and Mrs Rhonda Hite to compete in the Gladstone Eisteddfod.
The group received very favourable comments from the adjudicator who awarded the ensemble first place. Congratulations!
HPE lessons will be back in the pool from Week 3 of Term 4 (Week starting 14 October 2024).
Year 1,2 and 3 classes will require parent helpers for these to happen, so please look out for your classroom teacher’s call for assistance for this. We greatly appreciate this help.
This is a great time to start checking that your child has all the swimming equipment they need and replacing anything that is missing. Children are encouraged to wear goggles, but please ensure you name them – we are always being handed unclaimed goggles!
Students must have the school swimming uniform of black togs and black swim shirt, in the school swim bag along with their towel. Please ensure everything is clearly named so that we can return missing items.
Thank you - Miranda Neven and Amy Macnaughton (HPE Teachers)
RGS Year 1 students have been learning about Geography in their classroom studies.
RGS Primary Co-Curricular photos for the 2024 RGS Yearbook will be held in Duggan Hall on 2 and 3 October. Please remember to wear your correct uniform so you are included in your group photos.
Below is the photo schedule. (* Some Primary group photos have already been taken earlier this term)
The RGS Primary School Disco is on Thursday 29 August.
Fluro Theme : Glow!! Come dressed in fluro colours and dance the night away as they did in the 80’s
Undercover area near the playgrounds.
Prep-3 students 6:00pm-7:30pm
Yr 3-6 students 7:30pm -9:00pm sharp
$3 entry – Parents to accompany children to the entry and pick up from the undercover area if not staying.
Chips, drinks and chocolates available for purchase from 50c to $2 (drinks). Students may like to refill their water bottle at the bubblers as well.
Parents have indicated they would like to assist in some way. Please email Janet Spark about supervision roles if interested.
Student Leaders will be assisting with games and competitions.
Congratulations to netballers in 6 Amazons, 6 Battlers and 5A, along with 6C Rugby League players who played in their grand finals last Friday.
Thank you to our coaches for your hard work in helping these teams, along with all players of all sports who have represented RGS so well this season.
Parents and carers, please keep your eyes out for the Preference Form for the final sport season that is coming out this week and needs to be returned quickly. It will be emailed to you from Mrs Miranda Neven.
Updates from the Head of Secondary School (Academic).
Year 12 Confirmation Outcomes – IA2 The School has 26 subjects on offer this year. QCAA released the final subject outcome (Chemistry) late last week. As such, Year 12 students should see the outcomes in their QCAA Learning account. If you have any questions please contact me.
Year 12 Confirmation – IA3
The School recently uploaded all student results for IA3 to QCAA for review. As part of the confirmation process, RGS, like all Queensland schools is presently uploading the requested sample student assessment tasks. These papers will be reviewed by QCAA trained confirmers on Friday 31 August and Saturday 1 September.
Year 12 Assessment Mock Assessment Timetable
As a reminder, these assessment items commence on Monday 2 September and conclude Friday 13 September. The Mock provide important information for both students and staff in preparation for the external assessment tasks. The Mock tasks are also used to determine subject prize winners and the RGS Internal Dux award. Further details regarding the Mocks will be sent directly to Year 12 students, and parents/caregivers.
The School’s Year 3, Year 5, Year 7 and Year 9 cohorts participated in NAPLAN online testing late in Term 1. Student reports have been posted and parents should have received their relevant copy now. If you have any questions please reach out to the relevant staff (me for Years 7 and 9 and Kate Harris for Years 3 and 5).
As a reminder, if you have any questions regarding academics or your child’s progress please feel free to contact me on
[email protected]
or 49360 609.
Thank you for your assistance with preparing the students for their exams and assessments last week and again this week.
I am very proud of how they have developed in their organisational skills throughout the year. It is important to remember that they are all at different stages of the journey and they will improve in these areas over time. On the whole, their positive mindset towards these latest assessments has been wonderful. Please check the Term 3 Assessment schedule for all Assessment and Exams this week and note the key exams listed on the What’s On.
Important to note this week is the change of electives to our final rotation for the year. A timely reminder to ensure students have all correct books and materials for these classes as well as their core classes.
This week you would have received an important email from me regarding how you can support your child with subject selection in the coming weeks. Please red that email and take the time to explore the recommended reading on Parent Lounge for an in depth look at the subjects on offer for Year 8 2025.
The last week has been particularly busy for the Year 8’s, with students undertaking their Term 3 assessment.
The students have handled this load well, and it’s been encouraging to hear feedback from teachers letting me know that students are taking advantage of study, revision and tutorial opportunities. While the end of this busy time is now in sight, I encourage students to maintain their focus, right until the end of the term, so they know that their results are truly reflective of the effort they’ve given this term.
Recently, Year 8 students and families received an email home with information about Year 9, 2025 Subject Selections, including information on elective and Mathematics offerings. This week, all Year 8 students will have received an email with a link for them to complete their subject selections. Once students submit their preferences, it automatically sends an email on to parents so that they can approve the selections. Should you wish to alter preferences after submitting, you will be able to use the original link sent to students to go back in and resubmit. If you have any questions about this process, please do not hesitate to contact me. For questions specific to electives, I have been encouraging students to speak with their teachers.
It was wonderful to celebrate students who achieved Academic Application Awards (Honours) at our Year Assembly today. These students are recognised for their exceptionally high standards of application across all of their subjects in Semester One. Congratulations to all students who received this award. Over the coming week, I will also be distributing certificates for students who achieved Academic Application Awards. Congratulations to all of our recipients!
In Form and Tutorial lessons, we are continuing our focus on Safe Relationships. As we move towards the end of the term, and we find ourselves getting tired, and tempers fray, it is a timely reminder to be gentle in how we communicate with each other. As always, if you have any concerns for your child, please do not hesitate to contact me.
This term has certainly flown by as we reach the last two weeks before the September holiday period.
Over the last week, the students have been actively involved in assessment with exams and assignments due. This will conclude this week, so it is important that all students remain focused and attentive in class and organised through study preparation each and every day. The final week of school will not be a week of down time with no formal learning as most classes will be beginning new work for the final term. Given that the final term is only short, it is imperative that teachers and students utilise all available time for learning. Therefore, it is essential that attendance at school remains a high priority right up until the holidays officially begin. Students have by now been emailed their classes and electives for next year. Unfortunately, some of our electives cannot be offered due to a lack of numbers choosing the subject, which has meant that students have received their reserve elective choice. Can I please ask once again that parents take the time to check with their children regarding their subject selection choices to ensure that there is consensus in regard to what subjects each student is electing to do in Year 10. Can I take the time to wish all our families a loving and safe holiday period and a special wish for our boarder families as they re-unite and get the opportunity to share special time together before we meet again in late September to complete the school year.
As the term swiftly comes to an end for our Year 10 cohort, the final stretch of exams and completing assessments awaits before they embark on their Outdoor Recreation Camp Experiences.
I want to commend the Year 10 students for their dedication, engagement, and management of an exceptionally busy term. This experience will undoubtedly benefit them as they move forward into their senior years.
SET Plan interviews are progressing steadily, with a projected completion by week 3 of Term 4 at the latest. I appreciate your commitment to this process, which is crucial to its success. I would encourage students yet to have their SET plan to arrange and book this as a priority either next week or in the first week of next
In recent weeks, our tutorial sessions have focused on helping the Year 10 students grasp the concept of ‘resilience’ and how this plays out in various scenarios in their everyday lives. All students have engaged well and demonstrated a good understanding of the various strategies we have worked through.
The week ahead is always and exciting time for Year 10 students as they prepare for departure on their respective OEP experiences. I wish each student a safe and enjoyable experience and look forward to sharing your stories when we are together again at the commencement of Term 4.
I wish all of our families a joyful and safe holiday break and look forward to seeing you all in Term 4.
The Year 11s have almost complete their exam block and are in the final stages of submitting assessment.
Next term will see the commencement of unit three work for our students – this will be the formal start of year 12 content. Please remind your children of the importance to study and take the work seriously.
Next term the Year 11s will be attending Ritamada for their leadership days, information has been sent out regarding this. The cohort will work in smaller teams but also share sessions as a whole cohort. Students will be working on problem solving activities, team initiatives and have information sessions. In addition to utilising communication and negotiation skills many of the tasks are physical and outdoor in nature. Each activity will be supervised and pitched at a level to offer a solid challenge to enhance the opportunity for individual and team growth and leadership. RGS and Ritamada have an inclusive and ‘Challenge by Choice’ philosophy. Please ensure your child has everything they need for the day, sun safety is paramount! If your child is not attending the leadership days, they will be required to attend certificate courses or work experience.
This term and next, the Year 11s will be working on community service initiatives. As a cohort, we will be supporting Share the Dignity, through their annual #ItsInTheBag campaign. #ItsInTheBag is Share the Dignity's annual event where every day Australians are encouraged to put together bags filled with essential items, to donate to someone in need for Christmas. Items that are suitable for donation can be found below.
Remember, this Friday is a student free day for both Secondary and Primary school. Please contact me if there is anything I can assist with.
Well, I cannot believe that we are at the pointy end of Term 3!
Students have been actively working towards Mocks and Externals, finishing of Certificates and finalising Applied subject assessment, due early Term 4. I have felt a noticeable pressure lift off their collective shoulders and it is wonderful to start seeing their excitement and apprehension of what lies in store for them in just a few short months.
The last couple of weeks continued to be busy with 50 year 12 ladies ‘Rockin’ the Chop’, raising over $25000 for cancer research and donating metres of hair in this year’s Ponytail Project. In addition to the funds raised by these ladies, Seniors were able to wear their jerseys for a gold coin donation and a bake sale was run. All proceeds going towards the Cancer Council. Times such as this reflect the camaraderie and spirit that the School community undoubtedly has.
Looking ahead, the majority of Year 12’s have at least one mock exam in the upcoming exam block, commencing on Monday 2nd September and concluding on Friday 13th September. This is an essential opportunity for students to gain an understanding of the expectations and procedures for examinations over the External Exam period as well as obtain crucial feedback on the progress of their study. I sent an email out recently to all students and parents containing information regarding the mock exam period. Please ensure that your student has read this email and, if there are any questions, to see me as soon as possible. Just a reminder that information regarding mocks is available on the Leadership Teams class Onenote. This includes the mock exam boarder leave form which must be completed by all boarders intending on taking leave over the mock exam block.
Students will also be directed to complete their Student Colours nomination forms in the near future. Further information regarding this will be provided to students shortly.
A reminder below of the upcoming events and presenters that we have during the final weeks of Year 12:
* Bolsover Health Presentation – Wednesday 28th August
* Leadership Colours Ceremony rehearsal – Wednesday 16th October
* Headmasters lunch – Wednesday 16th October
* Mocktails – Thursday 17th October
* Final day of classes – Friday 18th October
* Leadership Colours Ceremony and Handover – Friday 18th October
* Curriculum Prep days - Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th November
* Valedictory – Friday 15th November
* Year 12 Final Day – Friday 15th November (ALL students MUST attend)
As this term comes to a close, I wish Year 12’s all the best for their mock exams and holiday break and look forward to what will most certainly be an exciting and emotional final term of schooling.
Secondary School News
Term 3 Key Dates
30 August
- Student Free Day (Primary & Secondary)
2 - 13 September
- Year 12 Mock Exams
6 September
- Last day of Term 3 for students (P – 11)
9 - 10 September
- Student Free Days
Legal Year Service
RGS students Lachlan Wilson, Martha Dingle, Chase Brilley, and Medha Koduri, along with RGS Head of Humanities Mr Kerr attended the Opening of the Legal Year Service at St Joseph's Cathedral last week. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland, Helen Bowskill attended the service. First held in the 1960s, the opening of the Law Year Service is held to honour the those involved in the administration of justice in the Rockhampton region. Similar services are held in Brisbane, Cairns and Townsville.
RGS Careers news
CQU | Future Focus: Navigating Your Next Career Move
August 26, 2024
Join us for the CQU Future Focus: Navigating Your Next Career Move webinar. Whether you are just starting out or looking to make a change, this session will provide practical tips, resources and industry insights to help you navigate your next steps and make informed career decisions. Join us for our live webinar - an introduction to career planning, delivered by an accredited career practitioner! Find out more
CQU | Engineering and Aviation Webinar
August 26, 2024
Join us for the CQU Engineering and Aviation webinar. Discover the dynamic career of an engineer, where you will develop creative and innovative solutions for our modern day society. Plus, learn about our diverse course options, majors, pathways and more. If Aviation is in your sights, you can expect to hear about two career trajectories – either a pilot or an airline and airport operations expert. Learn about the course structure, residential schools, the career possibilities and more. Get your questions answered by our course experts and the CQU Support Squad! Find out more
August 27, 2024
Find out how Year 11 and 12 students can study a uni subject while in high school through our START QUT program. We’ll cover what’s involved, eligibility requirements, and how to apply. Plus, hear from past START QUT students about their experiences. Find out more
CQU | Nursing Webinar
August 27, 2024
Join us for the CQU Nursing webinar. If you’re interested in becoming an enrolled or registered nurse, our TAFE and university nursing courses can help you be what you want to be. Start a challenging and rewarding career helping others and benefit from our supportive, flexible study options with locations across the country and a renowned online offering. Get your questions answered by our course experts and the CQU Support Squad! Find out more
CQU | Psychology Webinar
August 27, 2024
Join us for the CQU Psychology webinar. Our undergraduate and postgraduate Psychology courses are taught by a teaching team with diverse and extensive psychological experience from practising clinical psychologists, to avid psychology researchers, all of whom are dedicated to sharing their knowledge and perspectives with you. Discover the diverse career paths you can have with a psychology degree. Plus, learn about the placement opportunities, seamless pathways, course accreditations and more. Get your questions answered by our course experts and the CQU Support Squad! Find out more
CQU | Diagnostic Imaging Webinar
August 28, 2024
Join us for the CQU Diagnostic Imaging webinar, specifically exploring our career-ready Echocardiography, Medical Imaging and Sonography courses. Enjoy a career where you can help people using cutting edge technology. Our diagnostic imaging courses are designed alongside industry and involve extensive work placements. Hear how This means you’ll get the practical experience you need to graduate job ready in your chosen stream. Get your questions answered by our course experts and the CQU Support Squad! Find out more
It Takes a Spark STEM Conference, Brisbane
August 30, 2024
Most conferences currently being offered on STEM, STEAM and Entrepreneurship tend to be targeted towards teachers and involve a series of speakers and the occasional mini-workshops. This conference is designed to be different. This conference is designed by students and teachers for students and teachers.
The intent of the It Takes a Spark STEM Conference is to bring together Students (Year 4 to 10) and Teachers to connect with inspiring industry role models, share their current school based activities and projects using an authentic sharing and experiential model, create networks of teachers and student teams, and solve social justice design challenges.
The participation of the students is as important as teachers as our intent is to ignite, empower and nurture both to be leaders of STEM and Entrepreneurship within their schools. This is a conference designed and led by students and teachers for students and teachers.
The workshops and social justice design challenges are all hands-on so students and teachers will experience first-hand what it is like to be part of great STEM and entrepreneurial learning. This will spark new ideas about curriculum and pedagogy.
UQ Ready, Rockhampton Grammar School Event
September 4, 2024
Duggan Hall
Join us for an informative night that will provide you with everything you need for a smooth transition from high school to university.
*Get advice on maximising your ATAR score
* Understand QTAC preferencing
* Hear about our many student support services and accommodation options
* Know how to respond to a university offer, enrol, and plan your timetable
* Get tips for successfully transitioning to university
The information will be valuable to any high school student looking to go to any university. Register
Find out more
JCU | Heroes in Business
September 4, 2024
September 5, 2024
September 9, 2024
September 11, 2024
Fuel your passion for a career in business or commerce as you learn from industry experts. From this one-day programme you’ll gain unique insights into the professions that funnel into a business and commerce career. Our experienced Professor in Management will expertly lead you through the process of creating, exploring and pitching a business opportunity, including the marketing and financial implications. JCU Advisors will be on hand to provide information about courses and university life. Find out more
QUT | Advice Night
September 10, 2024
If you’re a current Year 12 student or parent/guardian of a Year 12 student, join us online to discover the 5 essentials of getting into QUT in 2025. You’ll hear about:
* entry requirements
* Year 12 Early Offer Scheme (for Queensland QCE students only)
* adjustment schemes
* upgrading pathways
* scholarships.
You’ll also hear from real students about their uni experience and have a chance to ask questions about their course, why they chose QUT, the QTAC process and uni life. Registration will open in early August. Find out more
UQ | InspireU STEM Camp
September 15 to September 20, 2024
The InspireU STEM Camp allows Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Year 11 or 12 in 2024 to join a week-long camp to explore science, technology, engineering and mathematics study options and careers.
The camp is perfect for students planning on going to university to explore what degree to study and build their knowledge about university life. The program exposes you to various career and study options at UQ.
You’re given a holistic experience of university life, which is delivered in collaboration with current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander university students, UQ’s faculties and industry partners. You’ll attend jam-packed, engaging sessions with a hands-on component.
You’re eligible if you:
* are of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent
* are enrolled in high school at the time of application
* are enrolled in ATAR subjects and eligible for an ATAR score
* have a school attendance rate of 90% or greater.
You will:
* participate in a week-long on-campus residential camp
* attend engaging sessions to further understand STEM disciplines
* take part in practical, hands-on experiences
* explore UQ facilities and services
* connect with current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander university students
* meet fellow high school students.
Griffith | Year 12 Academic Bootcamps
September 16 to September 26, 2024
Griffith’s Academic Bootcamps are highly effective four-day courses run in the September school holidays, designed to help Year 12 students achieve their full academic potential in their final external exams. They aim to improve confidence and understanding in senior science and maths subject areas, reducing anxiety around assessment and preparing students for future tertiary study.
On-campus subjects
General Maths
* Maths Methods
* Chemistry
* Physics
* Biology
* Psychology
Online subjects
* General Maths
* Maths Methods
* Chemistry
* Physics
* Biology
Ramen Danbo Business Scholarship
$5,000 AUD
Open date:
August 10, 2024
Closing date:
March 7, 2025
The Ramen Danbo Business Scholarship is now available to high achieving Japanese students at Griffith University. The program is open for the 2025 academic session. The scholarship seeks to recognise and assist Japanese students who demonstrate talent and commitment to becoming globally responsible business leaders. By providing financial support and recognition, the scholarship aims to encourage students to pursue their academic and professional aspirations in the field of business. Find out more
Teach NSW Teacher Education Scholarships
$7,500 AUD per year
Open date:
August 8, 2024
Closing date:
September 13, 2024
If your future plans include completing an initial teacher education degree or you are currently studying to become a secondary mathematics, science, technological and applied studies (TAS) or English teacher or an inclusive/special education teacher (K – 12), you could be eligible for the Teacher Education Scholarship. Find out more
Art Against Ageism Competition
Up to $1,500 AUD
Closing date:
September 8, 2024
Show us the beauty, diverse capabilities & mindset of senior people through your artwork and challenge the negative stereotypes of ageing. To enter our competition, use your artistic skills to portray positive ageing and show the beauty, diverse capabilities & mindset of our senior community. To encourage wide ranging participation from all ages and talents, we welcome entries in any chosen artistic medium, with the exception of an AI-generated image. Find out more
Margaret Reid Poetry Contest
$3,500 USD
Open date:
April 15, 2024
Closing date:
October 1, 2024
Submit poems on any theme, up to 250 lines each. We will award the Margaret Reid prize of $3,500 USD for a poem that rhymes or has a traditional style. For the purpose of the Margaret Reid Prize, a poem in a traditional style employs regular meter and/or rhyme, or is written in a recognized poetic form. This includes traditional Western forms such as ballads, sonnets, and blank verse, Asian forms such as tanka and haiku, and other traditional forms. Find out more
Tom Howard Poetry Contest
$3,500 USD
Open date:
April 15, 2024
Closing date:
October 1, 2024
Submit poems on any theme, up to 250 lines each. We will award the Tom Howard Prize of $3,500 USD for a poem in any style or genre. Find out more
RGS Co-Curricular - Term 3.
Congratulations to the First XI cricket team who defeated St Patrick’s College on Friday in the CQ T20 Final. Batting first it was captain Rory Connor with 58no off 50 balls and Riley Sullivan with 17 and Henry Lau with 15 to finish at 6 for 132. Early wickets put pressure on St Patrick’s before Riley Sullivan came in and took 5 for 7 off 3 overs to bowl them out for 76. The team will now got to the State Finals in Brisbane in September.
The First XI Girls also played their final vs St Patrick’s and scored 89 batting first with Abbey Harvey getting 32. St Patrick’s passed the score in the 15th over but there was a number of girls that this was their first experience at this level which was great.
Good luck to the RGS Girls Football teams playing in their grand finals this Thursday. In the Junior A division, RGS play Emmaus College, at Emmaus College, kicking off at 4.15pm. In the Senior B division, RGS Black play Heights College on the RGS Top Oval at 4pm. The RGS Senior A team went down 3-0 to Glenmore State High School in their semi-final last Thursday.
Congratulations to the RGS Secondary students who competed at the Robocup Junior Queensland Championships in Brisbane. The team of Neal Dhamsania, Ziran Lekha, Eric John Dennis placed second in the Standard Soccer division. The RGS team was undefeated up until the Grand Final, where one of their batteries failed in the final 3 minutes. Daniel Spiryagin placed third in the Standard Soccer division. They are now looking forward competing at the Nationals in Brisbane during October. Aaryav Vasoya and Ben Amedee also represented RGS at the State Championships with their Rescue Line robot.
Congratulations to the RGS students who competed in the Rockhampton School Rowing Championships on Rockhampton's Fitzroy River on Saturday. This was the final local regatta of the season after the Queensland Schools Rowing Championships, scheduled to host 800 rowers in Rockhampton over the school holidays, was relocated due to course damage. RGS rowers will now travel to
Wyaralong in south-east Queensland in their quest for State medals.
Rugby League
Dolphins Cup
The RGS First XIII boys rugby league team put in a strong effort against St Brendan's College at Rugby Park in their Dolphins Cup Final before going down 26-12. RGS opened the scoring in the game and trailed 12-6 at half time before St Brendan's dominated field position in the second half.
Titans Academy
The Rockhampton Grammar School, in conjunction with the Gold Coast Titans, sent eight RGS players, along with rugby league coach Mr Grant Broadhurst, and Head of Rugby Mr Calvin Bennett to attend the Gold Coast Titans Future Titans Academy session on the Gold Coast. The boys were selected by either Titans recruitment staff or RGS rugby league coaches to participate in this unique opportunity, based on impressive performances for the School during Terms 2 and 3. They joined the Future Titans training session as guests, participating in drills and skills sessions. They were also given the opportunity to tour the Titans training facility. RGS players in attendance were Henry Kallquist,
Cooper Broadhurst, Callum Denman, Mason Broadhurst, Leo Fanuatanu, Xavier Nott, Lisiate Fa'Aoso, and Josh Claridge. Thanks to the Gold Coast Titans for hosting the RGS players and coaches. The School looks forward to more opportunities like this for our players in 2025.
Rockhampton District Rugby League
RGS semi-finals this Wednesday at Rugby Park:
Year 9's
- v NRSHS. Kick-off at 4:30pm
Year 10A's
- v TCC. Kick-off at 5:30pm
1st XIII [Open A]
- v TCC. Kick-off at 6:30pm
Show Cattle Team
Congratulations to the RGS students who received awards at Friday night's RGS Show Cattle Team Presentation Dinner at the RGS Port Curtis Farm:
Most Outstanding Middle School Young Judge - Skye White
Most Outstanding Senior School Young Judge - Charli White
Most Outstanding Middle School Young Parader (Philip Bauman Memorial Trophy) - Skye White
Most Outstanding Senior School Young Parader - Kate Preston
Most Improved Middle School Young Judge - Joshua Williams
Most Improved Senior School Young Judge - Laura Collins
Most Improved Middle School Young Parader - Polly White
Most Improved Senior School Young Parader - Shakeeta Yates
Herdsperson Award - Shakeeta Yates
Captains Award - Henry Jensen
'Blue Ribbon' Outstanding Team Contribution - Laura Collins
Coach's Choice - Kate Preston
State Representative Medallion - Charli White
RG1 Grand Aggregate Top student Award - Skye White
Show Cattle Team Captain - Laura Collins
Show Cattle Team Vice Captain - Samantha Wing
Notifications of Achievements
Due to the vast array of core and non-core sporting activities that students participate in, can all students’ sporting achievements be emailed through to Mrs Coetzer, the Sports Administrator –
[email protected]
Student Achievements
Rockhampton District Representatives
(Please note that all Rockhampton and Capricornia representative recognitions are updated in the newsletter once final teams are provided to the School)
Madeleine Appleton, Ethan Asimba, Thomas Baillie, Elsie Bate, Archie Becker, Cameron Bell, Oliver Bennet, Lylia Bidgood, Mia Bourke, Cooper Broadhurst, Jack Conway, Zhenia Creek, Hollie Foot, Grace Francis, Sam Gassman, Zafeera Gibson, Benjamin Gribble, Ryan Hendrie, Hannah Hooper, Paige Jones, Alex Kraatz, Alex Kulla Kulla, Kurt Lynch, Maddy Lynch, Brody McCamley, Tyler McIvor, Connor Munro, Tanner Munro, Lawson Paine, Brady Purcell, Rylan Reynolds, Hollie Richmond, Isla Smith, Asha Stewart, Hamish Wemmerslager, Connor White, Shakaya Wolmby, Yuto Yokoyama.
Griffin Bennett, Archie Clifford, Lawson Paine, Harry Wright, Presley Acton.
Finn Smart, Yuto Yokoyama, Jude Smart, Nash Mahon, Caden Mahon, Spencer Besch
Capricornia Representatives
Grace Francis, Mia Bourke, Paige Jones, Maddy Lynch, Cameron Bell, Thomas Baillie, Tanner Munro, Ethan Asimba, Brady Purcell, Connor Munro.