Archer Street Rockhampton QLD 4700 Australia
The new RGS uniform is now available for purchase at the newly refurbished Red and Black Shop. We invite you to explore the new uniform collection page for more information.
Please remember that appointments are required prior to your visit; you can schedule your uniform appointment here: Uniform Appointments
Please be aware that, due to supplier delays, the K-2 red bucket hats will not arrive until November. In the meantime, K-2 students may continue to wear their current hats with the new uniform until the new stock is available. The Years 3-12 Sports shirts and hats are also expected to arrive in November.
Students are welcome to begin wearing the new uniform collection this term, and it has been wonderful to see them around campus.
This is where you can find all the key information about the commencement of the 2025 school year, in one convenient location. This includes: booklists, uniform lists, key dates, handbooks and more.
The Back-to-School page can be accessed here:
RGS DMTA (Dance and Musical Theatre Academy) Open Day – Sunday 10 November, 2024
DMTA is hosting an Open Day on Sunday, 10 November, for students from Kindy – Year 12. Attendance is entirely free, and no dance experience is required. It will be a wonderful day of dance, fun and creativity. Children do not need to be members of the DMTA or students at The Rockhampton Grammar School to attend the Open Day. Further information and registration can be found here:
Term 4 Significant Dates
11 November:
Secondary School Remembrance Day Assembly - Spaceframe
15 November:
Last day for Year 12
Valedictory Dinner - The Duggan Hall
25 November:
Year 6 Dinner
26 November:
Primary School Speech Day
27 November:
Secondary School Speech Day
28 November:
Last day of Term 4 for students (Prep to Year 11)
29 November – 4 December
Student Free Days
Primary and Secondary School - Day for Daniel Dress Down Day on Friday 25 October. Gold Coin Donation. Please see the below flyer outlining what students can wear this Friday.
The countdown is on for the annual RGS Candy Cane Fundraiser!
The 2025 RGS Year 12 Formal Committee will deliver candy canes on Monday 20 November. Fill out the below order form. Orders must be placed before Wednesday 15 November.
A friendly reminder for RGS families, staff, and students to be mindful and respectful of residences when driving and parking around school grounds.
Thank you to all those drivers who are already being considerate to the needs of local residents. Please remember not to park across driveways, and follow the marked lines on roads when parking around school grounds. Thank you for your assistance.
As we approach the halfway point of another successful term, it is important to acknowledge the dedication and commitment of our incredible staff.
This term has been filled with various camps, excursions, and extra duties, all of which enrich the educational experience for our students. These activities require significant time, effort, and planning, and I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all staff members who have gone above and beyond to make them possible.
I write this as I accompany our Year 6 students on their Canberra trip. As I wait for the last of our weary travellers to succumb to sleep, I am reflective of our staff going over and beyond to ensure that every child is cared for and has a wonderful experience. The commitment to making this educational journey both safe and enriching highlights the spirit of our school and its dedication to our students.
As I watched the recent Year 12 graduates attend their last formal assembly, I reflected on the amazing experiences they have been afforded with an RGS education. Year 12 graduates are the result of dedicated parents and teaching staff who have nurtured the lives of the young to become strong contributing adults ready to take on the world. A special mention must also go to our Primary teachers, whose influence extends well beyond the classroom. The foundations they build in those early years play a crucial role in the success of our students. The skills, values, and passion for learning that are nurtured in the Primary years are instrumental in shaping confident, capable young adults.
I recently read a dedication about the commitment of teachers. In essence it said to imagine if teachers and support staff only worked their contracted hours. The entire education system is built on overtime that staff give in abundance simply because they care to the depths of their core about the children in their care.
Today and every day lets share gratitude for all that our staff do to ensure our children have the very best of teaching, learning and care. The impact of this commitment is felt not only today but for many years to come.
On Sunday, our Year 6 cohort jetted off to Canberra for their Year 6 tour.
There were many excited and probably anxious students and parents, but the benefits of taking these opportunities, if possible, can be extensive. We of course cater for students unable to attend camps/excursions, placing them into other classes for the week, as this too can be daunting and new.
Some of the benefits of change of routine and being away from home may include
* Students experience a sense of independence. Being responsible for getting themselves ready on time. Making time for showers and hygiene.
* Disconnecting with screens and devices and reconnecting with others. Making use of their time with the camp booklets and talking/reflecting with others about their days.
* Learning new things – They may be involved in activities that they have never tried before – taking them out of their comfort zone
* Teaching personal organisation – being responsible for ensuring their water bottle is full. Wearing the correct uniform for the day. Listening and following instructions. Staying with their group when at various places. Using the bathrooms when appropriate and available.
* Decision making skills improve with all of the above.
* Develop Social Skills – they learn to live with others and communicate face to face with others not in their family. They can form lasting relationships with people that may have similar interests and show kindness.
Whenever my children returned from camps or excursions, I always noticed personal growth (and sometimes it seemed they had grown physically as well).
They appreciated the little things we do as parents to make their lives run smoothly and they started to thank me for the jobs that usually went unnoticed.
We are looking forward to hearing about this latest adventure understanding that they may be a bit tired upon return. Hopefully you will hear lots of stories and connect with your child over the weekend (after they sleep).
Primary Academic Awards - 2024
As mentioned in our last newsletter, our curriculum team has been collaboratively working on amendments to the academic award criteria to align more closely with the curriculum and to celebrate individual academic achievements.
The new Macte Litteris Excellence Award and the Macte Litteris Achievement Award will be replacing the previous pennant system. These awards will be based on overall academic performance rather than being subject specific. The revised academic awards also recognise and award individual achievement, rather than being based on cohort performances.
Where there is an allowance outlined in the criteria below for a student to be receiving a result that is not an ‘A’, they must be achieving a ‘C’ standard or above to be eligible to receive these academic awards.
Macte Litteris Excellence Award
Awarded to each student who achieves a total of seven ‘A’s on their Student Academic Report. Four ‘A’s must be achieved in English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences and at least three A’s in Technologies, Visual Arts, Music, Health and Physical Education, Japanese and Cooking (if applicable.)
Macte Litteris Achievement Award
Awarded to each student who achieves a total of six ‘A’s. At least three ‘A’s must be achieved in English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences. Technologies, Visual Arts, Music, Health and Physical Education, Japanese and Cooking (if applicable.)
The Macte Virtute Award will be replacing the previous Growth Awards to capture growth in character in alignment with our School values. The criteria for this award is outlined below.
Macte Virtute Award
Awarded to two students in each class who have demonstrated continuous development and growth in character. The recipients of these awards must demonstrate the school values of Integrity and Honour; Respect and Care; Endeavour and Responsibility; and Courage and Resilience. This award is selected by the classroom teacher.
We look forward to celebrating the success of our primary students during the Speech Day assembly later in the term.
As part of our studies on sustainability and Mrs Ruddick’s management of the Year 6 Environmental Leadership Service badge, Eco-Warriors, students in class 4/5R recently participated in the annual Primary waste audit.
This programme is organised and managed annually by Rockhampton Regional Council staff, Kelly, Sharyn and Cooper. It was great to also have both Charlie Erlwein and Josh Attokaran work with the class in their leadership role as Year 6 Eco-Warriors as what they do is vital in our waste management journey.
The purpose of this process is to monitor the Primary Department’s waste behaviour and to compare the data from the previous years. This data then determines our next steps in managing the waste in our Primary department.
The students learned that there is general waste, recyclables including containers for change and compostable waste. They also learned about the behaviour of RGS staff and students, some very good and some not-so-good, and we are keen to share the report with everyone in the coming weeks.
Congratulations to the RGS Primary Chess team that competed at the State Finals in Brisbane.
RGS members were: Shubham Karthikeyan, Bahar Hosseininejad, Chase Tippett and Arya Udayaraj.
At the State Championships, not only did our students face the enormity of competing in such an elite tournament with very highly ranked opposition, they also had the pressure of recording their games with algebraic notation, as well as using the chess clock for every move. Although we don’t have personal coaches (like many players at this level), the students represented the school proudly, won some great games and learnt so much more about the game they have grown to love. Chase performed extremely well, receiving the Regional Board 3 trophy.
Congratulations to Year 5 student Henry Houghton on winning a bronze medal at the recent Queensland All Schools Track and Field Championships in Brisbane. Representing Capricornia, Henry won bronze in his 1500m event and also placed fourth in the 800m.
Naviah competed in Trampoline and Double Mini Trampoline against over 60 athletes from around Australia and New Zealand. Naviah is National Champion, placing first in the Level 5 Women’s Trampoline and 12th in Level 5 Women’s Double Mini Trampoline. She also placed 7th for National Level 5 All Around Female Champion (scores accumulate for this award from Trampoline, Double Mini and Tumbling).
Congratulations to Year 4 student Shubham Karthikeyan on winning the boys final of the RGS Minniecon and Burke Cup last Friday.
Shubham defeated Year 5 student Avi Neupane in a high quality decider, winning 6 games to 4. At the end of last term, the girls final was won by Year 5 student Evie Varrall over Year 6 student Grace Killion-Fisher. Congratulations to all this year's tennis finalists.
Updates from the Head of Secondary School (Academic).
Year 12
External Assessment
One of the final tasks for the Year 12 journey is the completion of external examinations. I want to ensure Year 12 RGS graduates know exactly what is required for the EA block commencing Monday 21 October.
Students must attend examinations for all relevant subjects and are required to wear full day or formal uniform . The School will email an RGS EA Tutorial schedule each week and I strongly encourage students to attend the tutorials. Week 1 has already been sent to students.
What to do if
* you are
sick on the day of an external examination
– you must contact Ms Reniece Carter (
[email protected]
or 0429995680,
49 360 609
Mr Julien Wright (
[email protected]
or 49360606) asap. QCAA has a strict process in place for students to remain eligible for subject credit.
* you are late on the day of an external examination – you must call or text Ms Reniece Carter asap on 0429 995680 or Mr Julien Wright on 0408 324 448 .
* you are unsure of an examination date/start time or equipment required – refer to the examination timetable with venues which was sent last term. You can also refer to the myQCE website (specifically the Year 12, 2024 Student Guide).
Year 12 – Subject and ATAR Results
All subject results including QCE attainment will be published in each student’s individual QCAA learning account on Wednesday 11 December. Students who are ATAR eligible need to remember their ATAR is obtained via the QTAC Portal (not via QCAA). The ATAR will be released on Friday 13 December at 9 am. If you have any concerns or issues please contact me via mobile on
0429 995 680
. I will also be on campus Wednesday and Friday if Year 12 graduates have any concerns.
8-11 Parents and Carers
Subjects on offer at the School for 2025 have been finalised. A reminder that parents and students in Year 7-10 need to be aware, to aid the School to plan accordingly,
subject changes are not be possible unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Hence it is vital students have selected subjects they enjoy, find interesting, wish to engage with and which will be useful for their interests and post school aspirations.
As always, please contact me if you have any concerns relating to the academic domain. My contact details are Reniece Carter 49360 609 or
[email protected]
As Mrs Rundle’s leave begins, I am excited to step into the role of Acting Head of Year 7 while Mrs Rundle takes some well-deserved time off.
I look forward to continuing the established practices for Year 7 during my tenure. For instance, I asked the Year 7 cohort during assembly to consider the mantra, “In a world where I can be anything, I should be kind,” which reflects Mrs. Rundle’s first rule. This assembly also provided an opportunity to share some of my interests as conversation starters, and I eagerly anticipate discovering more about the students' interests and supporting their needs as the term progresses. Additionally, we discussed upcoming events, activities, and initiatives. I was also thrilled to acknowledge the tremendous efforts of the Year 7 cohort, who collectively read 1,248 books in just four months as part of the Premier’s Reading Challenge!
Below, I will highlight some upcoming events and notices and share a few words from Mrs. Rundle in her final newsletter for 2024.
On Thursday afternoons, sport lessons will include Handball and Water Polo. Please keep an eye out for "What’s On" communications to ensure students have the appropriate attire for these activities. The school appreciates parents' support in approving students’ subject choices, which were due last Friday. I would also like to thank parents in advance for their support of Year 7 initiatives aimed at benefiting various worthy causes this term, in line with our Community theme. We are looking to support Capricorn Animal Aid through donations of dry or canned cat/dog food and toys, as well as contributions of toiletries, toothpaste, or toys for Christmas hampers for those less fortunate in our local community. An extra item or two in your weekly shop would be greatly appreciated!
Mrs. Rundle would like to express her gratitude for the wonderful year spent with the Year 7 cohort. While she looks forward to her leave, she is excited about the opportunity to work with this group of young people in 2025. Mrs. Rundle is eager for many more adventures together. As the last formal assessments for 2024 approach, she offers this parting advice: encourage students to give up something small for greater gains. By this, she means that our results reflect the effort we invest. Consider sacrificing an hour of TV or gaming, waking up 30 minutes earlier, or trading a Netflix binge for an extra study session. The more prepared you are for exams, the less stressed you will feel, and the better you will perform. In summary, what are you willing to give up to bring out the best in yourself over the next few weeks?
Mrs. Rundle’s final words remind us of the rules that guide the Year 7 cohort: kindness always, and that no one is better than anyone else. With only a few weeks to go, it's natural for people to feel a bit on edge. As the weather heats up and exams draw near, it’s important to remember to be kind—not just to our friends but to everyone we share our days with.
I’ll leave you with this message from Mrs. Rundle and me: stay safe and take care of each other.
As we move into Week 4, it’s hard to believe that we’re nearly at the halfway point of this term!
With numerous sporting and academic competitions, a Geography excursion, and a Form camp, the first few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity, leaving the Year 8s no choice but to hit the ground running.
On Thursday, students and families received the Term Four Exam Timetable. Please note that the Year 8 Maths exam has been rescheduled to a week later than indicated on the Assessment Schedule provided at the beginning of the year. With assessments already underway in some subjects, it's crucial for Year 8 students to start preparing for their exams early.
On Wednesday, Year 8 Form classes received their donation baskets in preparation for our non-perishable food collection for the Salvation Army. In Tutorial last week, I challenged the Year 8 students to create a weekly meal plan for a family of four for $216—the average amount spent on groceries in Australia for that duration. Many students quickly realized how challenging grocery shopping can be! While some households seemed to be surviving on Weet-Bix and sausages in bread, it was heartening to see many students getting creative with their meal choices, incorporating a range of fresh fruits and vegetables. I encourage all students to consider what they might be able to donate. Donations don’t need to be large; every contribution will make a difference for someone in our community.
As we approach the end of the year and the weather warms up, I've noticed more students beginning to push the boundaries regarding uniforms. A reminder: students are expected to arrive and leave school each day in their day uniform. They should change into their sports uniform once at school for necessary lessons and return to their day uniform at the next break. Ladies may only wear one plain stud or hoop in the lower part of their earlobe. If students do not meet these expectations, our infringement process will be followed. Thank you for your support in this matter.
I wish the Year 8s the best of luck as they prepare for assessments. If you have any questions or concerns about how your child is doing, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Welcome to Week 4. A reminder to all Year 9 students that exams begin in week 6 and some written tasks are due soon.
This is an exceptionally busy time, so it's imperative that we dedicate quality time in the coming weeks to get organized and prepare for academic success. During tutorials this term, we have been exploring the concept of happiness. Defining happiness can be challenging, as it means different things to different people. However, research suggests that true happiness often stems from the mundane and ordinary aspects of life. While we derive great joy from significant life events, these alone cannot sustain long-term happiness. Instead, true happiness comes from our everyday experiences—wondering at our incredible planet, receiving unconditional love from a family pet, spending quality time with loved ones, helping others during difficult times, engaging in face-to-face conversations, and exercising.
This week, I emailed students asking for volunteers for "Carols in the Frame," which takes place on Saturday 9 November. Available time slots are from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm, and even giving just one hour of your time will make a difference. The two charities we are fundraising for are the Salvation Army Christmas Appeal and Soldier On. I am looking for more volunteers to operate the BBQ and serve. Year 9 students can use these volunteer hours toward obtaining their Certificate I in Active Volunteering, which we will continue in Year 10. Last Wednesday, I placed shopping baskets in Year 9 Form classes for the Salvation Army Christmas Appeal. I am asking for donations of non-perishable items, toys, or other long-lasting products to assist those in need this Christmas.
Over the past couple of weeks, the Year 10s have been busily preparing for their exams, which will be upon us in a matter of weeks.
They deserve commendation for their proactive start to Term 4, both in terms of behaviour and overall attitude. They are certainly beginning to resemble the Year 11 students they will soon become.
From a pastoral perspective, Year 10 students have been spending their tutorial time exploring the complexities of moral dilemmas and the challenges these can present in real-life situations. I appreciate the thoughtful manner in which students have engaged with this material, and I hope that practicing these scenarios in a safe environment will better equip them to navigate similar situations in their own lives.
The weeks ahead will be focused yet busy for our Year 10s, as their exam preparation intensifies and they work toward completing their in-class assignments. I wish them the best of luck with their final assessments as Year 10 students.
Lastly, the deadline for the Certificate I in Active Volunteering was October 18, 2024. Thank you to all students who met this deadline and completed the theoretical components of the course. However, a few students still have outstanding work to finish. As this is a mandatory requirement for Year 10 at The Rockhampton Grammar School, I strongly encourage those students to finalize their work as soon as possible.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Welcome to Week 4, before we look at upcoming events, I would like to say a huge congratulations to our Prefects, and Captains for 2025!
Things are already looking great for next year; I cannot wait for the rest of our leadership positions to be announced. With the Year 12s officially on exam block and having completed their last days of schooling, it is now more important than ever for our 11s to step up and take leadership over the school. Please remind your child/ren that a badge does not make a leader, our actions do.
Our well-being group are still looking at supporting the local community and would love donations for our share the dignity drive. Any unopened toiletries you have at home would make a great addition to our drive. Some other items we would love are donations of old handbags or back packs that could be used to fill with goodies, and any other items you could not live without. More information on the drive can be found here: . In addition to the Dignity drive, the 11s are looking to raise funds for their year 12 formal next year – any donations for the November Christmas raffle would be greatly appreciated. More information can be gathered from contacting myself or the Senior School Office.
Recently I have come across a useful website for parents (and students) who may be dealing with or supporting someone who has an eating disorder or body image issues. The Butterfly Foundation is an Australian website aimed at promoting awareness and education relating to eating disorders and body image issues – the website also suggests where to go for help and professionals to contact. More information can be found here:
Exams are scheduled for Week 7, please support your children in the lead up to what can be a stressful time in their lives. If you have any concerns about your child and their welfare, please let me, or the school know. I wish you all a safe and wonderful remainder of the term!
The last couple of weeks have been some significant ‘lasts’ for the Year 12’s.
Last week, they enjoyed social time with friends during the Year 12 mocktails, were recognised for their contributions to the school at the Leadership Colours Ceremony and Handover, and celebrated their final day of formal classes.
Students embraced their final day on Thursday by recreating the nostalgia of primary school with pigtails and oversized uniforms. From my observations, it was clear that students thoroughly enjoyed their 'last day of school,' expressing gratitude to staff and cherishing their final moments in class with friends. That evening's mocktails were a semi-formal affair, and the committee did a fantastic job of creating an inviting atmosphere with fairy lights and great music. Students savoured a variety of food and beverages and created memories at the photo booth.
It was a proud moment to watch the Year 12 students receive their Service, Full, and Honour Colours for Leadership during Friday’s Leadership Colours Ceremony and Handover. It is always heartwarming to see how involved these students have been in the school, from volunteering their time for fundraising efforts to participating in various committees and supporting the local community outside of school.
Following the ceremony, the entire school, including many Year 12 parents, bid farewell to the Year 12 students with an Honour Guard from the Duggan Hall to the main roundabout. While many tears were shed, many students are looking forward to their journeys beyond the school gates.
A reminder regarding the remaining key dates for Year 12 dates remaining this term:
A reminder regarding the following few key Year 12 dates remaining this term:
* Curriculum Prep days - Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 November
* Valedictory – Friday 15 November
* Year 12 Final Day – Friday 15 November (ALL students MUST attend)
The Year 12’s have had emails sent to them regarding External Exams, lockers and tablet computers. Please remind your student to read these emails. Exam information can also be found in TEAMS in their Leadership class notebook. Any questions over these final weeks, however, please do contact me.
Further information regarding the Year 12 final day on Friday 15th November will be sent to students in the coming week. Additionally, if tickets have not been purchased for Valedictory, this needs to occur by Thursday 24th October (reminder email with link sent on Monday 21st October).
Wishing those students with exams the very best over the next three and a half weeks!
Secondary School - Term 4 Significant Dates
11 November:
Secondary School Remembrance Day Assembly – Duggan Hall
15 November:
Last day for Year 12
Valedictory Dinner - Duggan Hall
27 November:
Secondary School Speech Day - Duggan Hall
28 November:
Last day of Term 4 for students (Prep to Year 11)
The 144th Speech Day for Secondary Students will be held on Wednesday 27 November 2024 at 1.00 pm.
The event will be held in Duggan Hall.
Due to limited seating, parents/guardians who are wishing to attend are requested to RSVP
Students in Year 12 who will be receiving an award will be notified on Monday 11 November, 3.30 pm and students in Years 7 - 11 who will be receiving an award will be notified on Friday 22 November, 3.30 pm.
Congratulations to the RGS Year 12 students on finishing their last week in class last Friday. The week included many goodbyes, thankyous, their final School assembly, the netball versus rugby netball game, Headmaster's Lunch mocktails, Leadership Ceremony, and walkthrough. Good luck to all the Year 12 students who are now sitting their final external exams.
Congratulations to Year 11 student Alexis Rogers whose speech was selected in the national Raise our Voice in Parliament competition. Alexis' speech, on raising awareness about the lack of medical specialists in regional areas, was selected by Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry and was read in Parliament earlier this month.
RGS students recently participated in the State Honours Ensemble Programme in Brisbane.
The State Honours Ensemble Programme is an educational experience for music students giving them the opportunity to:
* Work in an intensive environment of musical excellence with their peers offering a unique opportunity to extend and develop their musical skills;
* Work with a team of eminent Conductors from Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University;
* Represent their Schools (in full uniform) in a Finale Performance on the Sunday of the programme.
At the end of the last school holidays, six RGS students attended Qld SHEP (Hunter Clifton – Guitar; Caden Mahon – Saxophone; Alastair McKenzie – trumpet; Nathaniel Han – violin; Imogen Appleton and Charli White – voice) while Evana Tsang was selected, by audition, into AHEP (Australian Honours Ensemble Programme) for clarinet. The students worked hard over three days of rehearsals producing a high-quality concert at the end.
There are three ensemble programmes occurring each year, allowing students of different playing abilities to participate – SHEP Middle School (Rockhampton), SHEP Capricornia (Rockhampton), and Queensland SHEP (Brisbane), as well as AHEP.
Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme
Applications for the Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme (NSSTAS) are now open for Semester 2 travel.
The scheme provides financial assistance for families transporting students to non-state schools in Queensland. Find out if you are eligible here:
RGS Careers Information
UQ Sporting Scholarships Webinar
October 22, 2024
Join us online to learn about UQ’s Elite Athlete Program, which supports high-performing athletes, including Olympians, Paralympians, Commonwealth Games participants and professional athletes.
* Learn how UQ’s Sport Elite Athletes Program can equip you with the personal and professional development you need to juggle your study and sporting life.
* Understand the eligibility criteria for a UQ sports scholarship.
* Hear from high-performing athletes who received scholarships about their experiences in the programme and the support they accessed.
* Ask questions of our program staff and scholarship recipients.
Find out more
Griffith Cutting Edge 4 Kids
October 23, 2024
The Cutting Edge 4 Kids! STEM conference provides an opportunity for Year 5 & 6 students to engage in cutting-edge sciences from our research laboratories, field sites, institutes and Grififth University STEM Ambassadors schools. The conference includes a Keynote presentation and a multitude of STEM related workshops to choose from. Students will be immersed in hands-on STEM challenges on the Gold Coast campus - this hugely popular event is not to be missed. Registration is essential.
Find out more
Queensland Police Service: Recruiting Seminar – Logan
November 1, 2024
The Queensland Police Service is recruiting real life experience, to make a real difference. Not sure if you:
* Meet the requirements?
* Are you the right person for the job?
* Get paid as a police recruit?
* How you progress in the QPS?
* What is expected during the recruiting process and the cost involved?
These and many more questions will be answered during this Recruiting Information Session. This session will be conducted by experienced, serving Queensland police officers. They will explain the requirements for entry, and may also give you an insight into their own experiences. Find out more
Defence Engineering Careers Information Session – Brisbane
November 4, 2024
Consider an Engineering career in the Navy, Army or Air Force and work at the peak of your profession on formidable military assets such as warships, tanks, fighter aircraft and all the systems that control them. Join us for an info session and speak with current serving military personnel to hear about their own experiences and advice and what opportunities are available to you.
Find out more
STEM + X: Technology, brought to you by QUT
November 6, 2024
There is a skyrocketing demand for tech professionals. In Australia alone, we're anticipating a need for 1.2 million tech jobs by 2030. It all starts with exploring the exciting and diverse careers available and understanding how to get started. Join us as we dive into how you can turn your interest in computer science, game development and IT systems into a fulfilling career.
Find out more
CGA Virtual Information Session
November 6, 2024
Come hear from our students about how online schooling fits their busy training schedules, supports academic advancement, and opens doors to top universities worldwide. Hear how our online learning environment can be tailored to meet your child's unique needs, including:
* How flexible class schedules can support athletes, performers and travelling families.
* Advanced and competitive curricula options for those looking to apply to top universities
* Inclusive strategies to support neurodiverse and SEN learners; and those experiencing mental health challenges or bullying.
You will also have an opportunity to ask our team any questions you have.
Find out more
JCU | Future Horizons Townsville
November 22, 2024
JCU, in partnership with the Business Liaison Association, invites Year 9 and 10 high school students to explore the business world’s challenges and opportunities and learn how to become leaders in this evolving field. Connect with industry experts and entrepreneurs for invaluable insights into the future of business and commerce. From this one-day conference, you’ll gain insights into the diverse professions within business and commerce while discovering how these fields shape our world. This event highlights the pivotal role of entrepreneurial thinking and strategic decision-making in driving economic growth and societal progress. You’ll participate in interactive sessions with JCU academics, including creating and pitching marketing campaigns and exploring financial management strategies. Additionally, you’ll have the chance to engage with industry professionals in a Q&A, gaining firsthand knowledge from those working in the field.
Find out more
AIE Online Campus Day
November 30, 2024
Discover the courses designed to get you started in game development, 3D animation, film and visual effects at the AIE Online Campus Day. AIE will be running this event for students interested in studying online. You will be able to meet our teachers, explore how classes will run, course options, career pathways and see our amazing student work. We will be covering everything you need to know about the:
* careers in games and VFX that we train students for;
* studios and industries that we work with;
* courses we offer - from beginners to professional mastery, and;
* the software, skills and knowledge we teach.
CQU Change of Preference Online Chat
December 13, 2024
Didn't get the ATAR you need or changed your mind about what course you want to study in 2025? We're here to help! All you need to do is head over to
Facebook Messenger
and send us a message during our Change of Preference event and you'll receive real-time answers to all your questions. Alternatively, you can call us on 13 27 86 to speak directly to a student adviser. Speak with our expert team and discover your options at our Change of Preference event on Friday, 13 December at 9 am AEST. Get guidance on how to change your preferences and learn more about CQUni's alternative pathways. Register to receive an SMS reminder when the Online Chat Session is about to start!*
*The Change of Preference online chat option will appear in the registration form closer to the event date. Register
QUT Real Decisions
December 13, 2024
If you’re planning to study in 2025, it’s time to finalise your decision. Whatever your ATAR or selection rank, there are many options available to you. Join us for the Real Decisions Webinar for:
* advice about admission pathways to your preferred course including QUT College diplomas
* tips about ordering QTAC preferences and responding to offers
* advice about guaranteed entry
* information about study costs and support services
* advice from a current QUT student about their uni experience and why they chose QUT.
The information provided in this webinar is for domestic students considering undergraduate study. Find out more
Griffith Explore Your Options
December 13 to December 24, 2024
At Griffith, we’re here to help you get the best result from your result, whatever that may be. Whether your ATAR isn’t quite what you'd hoped for or you’ve had a change of heart since submitting your university application, we’re ready to explore your options. Book a personalised 30-minute chat with our study advisers to have your questions answered. No matter your situation, our team can help you understand your options and find your perfect study pathway.
Find out more
Future Doctors Australia, Brisbane
December 14 to December 17, 2024
Gaining medical work experience is essential for young people considering a career in medicine. It provides insight into the field, helps develop skills and attributes, and provides networking opportunities. However, obtaining medical work experience can be challenging due to various restrictions such as limited opportunities, safety concerns, and confidentiality issues. That's why NIE has developed the "Future Doctors Australia" program. It is an engaging and high-impact 4-day program that provides young people with a unique opportunity to gain medical work experience in a safe and structured environment. Participants will have the opportunity to spend time with current junior and senior medical students. They will also have the rare opportunity to spend time with more senior clinicians and various medical specialists. You will get to learn about clinical specialist's relevant fields of work, ask them questions, and learn some hands-on skills from them.
* Over 15 hours of face-to-face interaction with leading specialists and clinicians
* Meet current medical students
* Develop advanced communication and team working skills
* Create new friendships with like-minded, highly driven young individuals
* Learn about the admission process into various medical universities in Australia
* Morning tea and lunch included
UQ Institute of Modern Languages High School Enrichment Programme
January 13, 2025
Enrolments are open for the Institute of Modern Languages Summer Program, which runs from 13-17 January 2025. This programmeis offered to high school students in years 9-12 in 2025.
* Learn from experienced teachers with native-like proficiency
* Enhance your proficiency in an immersive university environment
* Assessment - free environment
* Courses are online for years 9 and 10
* Courses are online or in person (St Lucia Campus) for year 11 and 12
This programme is for students who wish to further their studies and increase their proficiency and fluency in one of the following languages:
Chinese (Mandarin), French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish.
Students should have completed at least one year of language studies to enrol. The Year 11 and 12 program is designed for language students in their Senior phase of learning.
Enrolments close 9 December 2024.
Find out more
Australian Rotary Health Indigenous Health Scholarship
$5,000 AUD
Open date:
December 1, 2024
Closing date:
February 21, 2025
Through the Indigenous Health Scholarships, Australian Rotary Health is supporting the next generation of Indigenous health care providers to achieve an education that will help them assist their communities. Find out more
The Harvard Crimson Business Case Competition 2024
Open date:
April 1, 2024
Closing date:
February 24, 2025
Innovation has changed our world. The Harvard Crimson Business Competition (HCBC) calls on the next generation of young entrepreneurs to think about global challenges and propose business plans. Participants will engage in two rigorous rounds—a preliminary round (virtual submissions) followed by a thrilling championship round held in-person at The Crimson. Those who qualify for the Championship Round will have an opportunity to be mentored by industry professionals and members of The Harvard Crimson’s esteemed business board, offering a platform to test and refine one’s business acumen. Find out more
Enter the Young Achiever Awards
Open date:
September 5, 2024
Closing date:
February 12, 2025
The Young Achiever Awards acknowledge, encourage and most importantly promote the positive achievements of all young people throughout Australia. No achievement is too small (or big!) and all young people should be applauded for their positive impacts on our local and wider communities. Nominations close: 15 January 2025 (NSW, ACT, QLD). Find out more
How a gap year can supercharge your resume and life skills
For many students, the final year of high school can feel like a race to the finish line, with university or career plans immediately on the horizon. However, it’s OK to take a step back and take a gap year too – in fact, it could be one of the most impactful choices you make. Far from being “time off,” a gap year is a chance to gain valuable experiences, skills, and insights that can set you up for future success. Here’s how taking a gap year can help supercharge your resume and life skills, making you stand out in both the professional world and beyond.
Gain real-world experience
During a gap year, you have the opportunity to intern, volunteer, or work in fields that interest you. This hands-on experience can:
* Help you decide on a future study or career path
* Provide valuable skills that employers love (and the experiences and accomplishments to back them up)
* Give you an edge in applications
Develop independence and self-reliance
Whether you’re travelling, working, or volunteering, a gap year forces you to:
* Manage your time and finances
* Make important decisions
* Solve problems on your own
* Adapt to new situations and cultures
These skills are crucial for success in further study and beyond, and can all work together to help you gain clarity about your next steps and future direction.
Boost your global awareness
Travelling, working, or volunteering abroad during your gap year could expand your world-view and builds cross-cultural understanding:
* Improve or gain language skills
* Build your understanding of global issues
* Make you more adaptable and open-minded
* Learn cultural sensitivity
In our interconnected world, employers and universities (particularly those with international operations) value candidates who have these qualities.
Enhance your soft skills
A gap year provides countless opportunities to really work on and gain essential
core skills
such as:
* Communication
* Problem-solving
* Teamwork
* Leadership
* Time management
These skills are often just as important as academic knowledge in the job market. It’s also handy to have examples to use during interviews or applications that highlight these impressive skills.
Stand out from the crowd
A well-planned gap year can make your university application or resume unique. It shows:
* Initiative
* Maturity
* A willingness to step out of your comfort zone
* The perseverance to learn and adapt
These qualities could really set you apart from other applicants and improve your chances of successfully landing a place or position.
Expand your network beyond the classroom
During your gap year, you’ll meet heaps of new people without even trying. Depending on what you choose to do, they could be:
* Fellow travellers
* Mentors
* Industry professionals
* Community leaders
These connections can be valuable for networking in the future. For example, a professional contact from a gap year internship could help you land a job after graduation, or a friend you met volunteering abroad might provide a reference for a scholarship . Expanding your network through meaningful experiences can open doors that you may not have access to otherwise.
Recharge and refocus
Simply taking a break from formal education could help you:
* Avoid burnout
* Discover new passions
* Return to school with renewed enthusiasm and focus
Learning how to balance your life and all your commitments is a valuable skill in itself – and prioritising your mental health and wellbeing is always important.
RGS Co-Curricular - Term 4
After our success at the State Competition, RGS entered last weekend's Australian National Open Championships. Our two soccer teams joined forces to make our strongest team yet. Daniel Spiryagin, Neal Dhamsania, Ziran Lekha and Eric John Dennis competed in the Standard Soccer division against 29 of the best teams in the nation. They finished the round robin in 5th place overall, and competed in the quarter finals, going down 4 – 1 to the team that went on to win the entire competition. On top of this amazing effort, the team received the Soccer Engineering Excellence Award for their outstanding robotic building skills.
Rugby Union
RGS fielded boys and girls teams in the 13s, 15s, and open divisions at the CQ 7's played at St Brendan's College.
Congratulations to the Open Boys, Open Girls, and Under 13 girls teams on winning their divisions. It was a double celebration for the Under 13 girls team in 2024, after also winning the Western 7s in Emerald this year.
Players of the Carnvial were: Mason Broadhurst (Open Boys), Heidi Silvester (Open Girls), and Evie Francis (Under 13 Girls).
The RGS Under 15 girls placed second overall after losing just one game at the carnival. The RGS Under 13 boys and Open Boys 2nds placed 3rd, while the Under 15 boys came 4th.
Notifications of Achievements
Due to the vast array of core and non-core sporting activities that students participate in, can all students’ sporting achievements be emailed through to Mrs Coetzer, the Sports Administrator –
[email protected]
Student Achievements:
Congratulations to the following students with their achievements at the State Championships:
Queensland State Championships
Congratulations to the following students with their achievements at the State Championships:
Ethan Asimba – Ethan was a member of the Cap 16-19 years 4x100m relay who placed 4th.
Cameron Bell – 19th in the U13 Triple Jump.
Paige Jones – 8th in the U17 Shot Put and 11th in Long Jump.
Maddy Lynch – 1st in the U18 Shot Put.
Tanner Munro – 7th in the U15 800m and 8th in the 1500m.
Brady Purcell – 12th in the U16 High Jump.
North Queensland Championships
Cameron Bell – 2nd in the U14 Triple Jump and 3rd in Long Jump.
Grace Francis – 1st in both the U15 800m and 1500m.
Connor Munro – 5th in the U18 1500m and 7th in the 800m.
Tanner Munro – 2nd in the U16 800m and 3rd in the 1500m.
Brady Purcell – 2nd in the U18 High Jump and 3rd in the Pole Vault.
Baton Twirling:
Madeline Tzioutzias, Year 9, competed at State and Nationals for Baton Twirling with exceptional results.
State Championships: 1st place in Junior Pairs; 1st Place in Junior Beginner one baton; 2nd place in Marchpast; 3rd place in Senior Specialised Team.
Nationals Championships: 3rd place in Marchpast event.
Congratulations to Amy Woods who has been selected in the Hockey Queensland Academy U17 team, tol compete in the Mirnawan Cup Tournament in Kuala Lumpur in November.
Ashton Rodgers, Year 9, competed in the Queensland Open Water Championships held at Coolum this month. Ashton Rodgers won two silver medals, placing second in the 15 years 7.5 km swim (1 hour 35 minutes) and second in the open age division 7.5 km swim.