Archer Street Rockhampton QLD 4700 Australia
Here are some FAQ's on the RGS New Uniform Collection
Why are we introducing a new uniform?
Since the current uniform was introduced in 1990, the expectations and needs of students and families have evolved significantly, necessitating a uniform that aligns with contemporary values and lifestyles.
How did the School decide on the new uniform collection?
The School collaborated extensively with the RGS community—including students, parents, alumni, and staff—to gather feedback on the current uniform and the desired changes. With these insights, the School enlisted renowned uniform designer Jonathan Ward to create a contemporary uniform collection that emphasises choice, comfort and durability. A dedicated Uniform Committee, comprising Jonathan's team and representatives from RGS staff, students, and parents, met regularly to oversee the development of the new uniform collection. This collaborative effort ensures that the updated uniform meets the diverse needs and preferences of the entire School community.
What is different about the new uniform collection?
A defining aspect of the new uniform collection is the emphasis on individual student choice. By offering options that cater to personal preferences, the new uniform fosters a sense of self-expression while maintaining a cohesive school identity. Academic, Formal, and Sports shirts are now available in both long and short-sleeved options for all students. Additionally, Academic and Formal shirts, shorts, and pants come in tailored and relaxed fits to suit individual styles and comfort. Female students now also have the option to wear pants or shorts.
We are particularly excited to introduce a Kindergarten—Year 2 uniform designed to suit the active lifestyles of our youngest students.
The new uniform collection uses modern, durable textiles, ensuring that the uniforms withstand daily wear and tear and provide better value for families. The focus on sustainable materials reflects the School's commitment to environmental responsibility and ethical manufacturing processes.
While the new uniform collection embraces contemporary designs, it also honours and respects the School’s proud heritage.
How long is the transition period for the new uniforms?
The transition period for the new uniform spans just over two years, starting at the beginning of Term 4 in 2024 and concluding at the end of Term 4 in 2026. During this time, students may choose to wear either the current uniform or the new one, but mixing elements of both on any given day is not permitted. By Term 1 of 2027, all students must be in the new uniform. We recognise that the School Blazer is an investment piece, and therefore, we are extending the transition period for the Blazer to three years - until the end of 2027.
When will I be able to see and purchase the new uniform?
We will introduce the new uniforms to our community in August. This launch will include images of the uniforms, a Look Book, a price list, and the new Uniform Guidelines.
The new uniforms will be available for purchase starting from the first week of Term 4.
When can my child start wearing the new uniform?
The new uniforms will be available for purchase starting in Term 4, 2024, and students are welcome to begin wearing them right away.
Are students allowed to wear current uniform items with new uniform items?
No. Students must either wear the current uniform or the new uniform – not a mix of both uniforms on any given day.
Which uniforms should new students starting at RGS in 2025 wear?
It is strongly encouraged that new students to RGS in 2025 wear the new uniform. However, if students have existing uniform items or wish to purchase existing uniform items, they may wear those items up until the end of 2026.
What is the cost of the new uniform collection?
A price list detailing all uniform items will be distributed later this term. The School has made diligent efforts to minimise any significant price increase with the introduction of the new uniform collection. While some items may be slightly more expensive, others are less expensive than the current uniform. When considering the overall cost using a 'basket approach,' the new uniform maintains a comparable price point while offering better-quality materials.
Will the sizing of the new uniform be the same as the current uniform?
No. As the new uniform items are sourced from a different supplier, the fit may vary from the current sizing. To ensure the best fit, we strongly encourage all students to schedule a uniform appointment to try on the new uniforms before making a purchase.
Can I purchase the new uniforms online?
The School is thrilled to announce the launch of an online shop for RGS uniforms and accessories, set to go live in Term 4, 2024. While the convenience of online shopping is available, we highly recommend that students make their initial purchase of the new uniform items at the Red and Black Shop, where they can try them on for proper fit and comfort.
Can I still purchase current school uniform items?
The current uniform, including second-hand items, will be available for purchase from the Red and Black Shop until the end of 2024. Please be aware that as the current uniform will not be stored at the Shop in Term 4, there may be a slight delay in receiving these items.
Starting from 2025, only the new uniform items will be available for purchase.
Will there be enough uniform appointments to be fitted for the new uniform?
To accommodate anticipated demand, the Red and Black Shop will extend its hours through the Christmas break this year. This ensures that all new students starting at RGS in 2025, as well as returning students interested in purchasing the new uniform, can schedule a uniform appointment. Appointments can be booked through the RGS website.
Will there be new co-curricular uniforms?
Yes. We are delighted to introduce new co-curricular playing and training uniforms as part of our uniform review. Designs will be revealed to the community later this year and the uniforms will be available for purchase from Term 1, 2025. Further details about the rollout of these new uniforms will be provided later this year.
Will there be second-hand items of the new uniform?
As students depart the School in 2025 and beyond, second-hand items of the new uniform will become available through the existing consignment process.
The FAQ document is available at this link .
The School’s Year 3, Year 5, Year 7 and Year 9 cohorts participated in NAPLAN online testing late in Term 1.
This Newsletter provides the School’s mean data for each cohort who undertook the national test along with the state mean. Student reports are expected to arrive at the School in late July. Once they arrive and are processed they will be posted.
Advertisement - Interested in becoming a school crossing supervisor at RGS?
Parent Information Session - Helping your child become confident and capable. Presented by Dr Judith Locke
Dr Judith Locke is a registered clinical psychologist, former teacher, and school counsellor. Judith is the author of two best-selling parenting books, The Bonsai Child and The Bonsai Student.
This presentation will assist parents adopt a parenting approach that truly builds their children’s wellbeing, and competence. Topics will include age-appropriate strategies to help students develop essential skills, such as resilience, confidence, self-regulation, and resourcefulness. We will also work on strategies to maintain a good relationship between parents and children as children become older.
Parents of Years 6 – 12
Monday 12 August
6.00 pm – 8.00 pm
RGS Auditorium
Parents of ELC to Year 6
Tuesday 13 August
4.00 pm – 6.00 pm
RGS Auditorium
Student Head Injury Management Guidelines
The School is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all students. As part of this commitment, the School drafted its Student Head Injury Management Guidelines.
It is important to note that head injuries do not just occur in contact sports.
These guidelines address the impact of head injuries and concussions, not just in contact sports but also in everyday school activities where head injury may occur due to falls or bumps. They outline:
* Signs and symptoms to be aware of
* Reporting procedures for suspected head injuries
* Management and recovery protocols
We encourage you to familiarise yourself with these guidelines, which can accessed at this link or via Parent Lounge.
The school has a duty of care to follow these guidelines when students are exposed to head injuries, and we appreciate your support and cooperation in this matter.
The RGS Music Department has welcomed Emma McGuire this term.
The RGS Music Department has vacancies for individual lessons with the following teachers:
* Voice - Mrs Netherwood and Miss McGuire
* Violin - Mrs Coulton
* Brass - Mr Hamilton
* Percussion - Miss Fitzgerald
* Guitar - Mr Acutt
The RGS Canteen is ready for Term 3. Here are some reminders about Flexischools orders.
Tuckshop ordering for all Primary students (Years 1- 6) is done through Flexischools. Primary tuckshop orders are available for first break.
All information on how to set up your account can be found at Flexischools .
Check out Flexischools FAQ page more information about how to order, how to top up your account and many more topics.
To make your busy morning easier, ordering can be completed in advance. The cut off for the day’s orders is 8:30am of that day. Phone orders are no longer an option.
To avoid confusion please ensure that you check all ordering history and correspondence received from Flexischools that order/s for your child/ren have been completed, confirmed and placed.
Secondary students can also order via Flexischools, with the order pick up at second lunch.
As we return to school for Term 3, I would like to warmly welcome our new families joining our school.
Our RGS staff will be working hard settling your children into school and ensuring you are all feeling strong connections. I thank our community for looking out for each other and making our families feel very welcome.
I also welcome Mr Lachlan Libke to the role of Deputy Head of Primary – Students and Operations, while Mrs Janet Spark enjoys some well- deserved long service leave. His efficiency and love of teaching and learning will be infectious during the next four weeks.
The term started with our primary teachers coming together on the Pupil Free Day to collaborate and share ideas. With a new curriculum to prepare for, we are taking every opportunity to unpack this refreshed curriculum in readiness for the upcoming changes. Our focus on reading and spelling continues with consolidation of Spelling Mastery learning and InitiaLit programmes.
I am very grateful to have teachers who embrace new learning and work together with their teaching partners to create the very best for your children’s education.
Many of our Primary teachers spent the first day of the holidays in Gladstone at a regional, “Sharing Best Practice” conference. This is an incredible experience of educational sectors coming together to promote and share the very best of evidence-based practice to be implemented in our schools.
It is a privilege to be at a school that greatly values the continued learning of our teachers and invests in our professional development.
Wishing you all a wonderful week.
Mr Libke is the Acting Deputy Head of Primary (Operations & Students) while Mrs Spark is on leave.
Welcoming New Students
As Term 3 begins, it is wonderful to see all our students back at school, eager and ready to learn. We are especially excited to welcome several new students to our Primary School. I have had the pleasure of meeting these new faces multiple times, and it is heartening to see their smiles as they settle into their new routines. Our community of welcoming teachers and students has played a significant role in helping these students feel comfortable and included.
Lunchtime Activities
With everyone back on campus, it’s an opportune time to remind our students about the variety of enriching lunchtime activities throughout the week. Choirs, Art Club, Garden Club, and many more provide wonderful opportunities for students to explore their interests and talents. The timetable for these activities is outlined in the picture below, offering students a range of options to enjoy their lunchtimes creatively and constructively.
Spotlight on Uniforms
With winter well and truly arriving, there has been a need to rug up during the school day. I’d like to place a spotlight on correct uniform standards when dressing in pants or tights. As seen in the photos, our Sport Uniform has corresponding trackpants that can be purchased at the Red and Black Shop. For our Day Uniform, black tights can be worn. These can be purchased anywhere. The photo shows that tights need to be worn without socks. Please avoid wearing leggings with socks, or mixing Sport Uniform with tights, as this is not part of the uniform. Thank you for this.
NAIDOC Week Celebrations
From the 7 to 14 July, we had the wonderful opportunity to celebrate NAIDOC Week within our school community. This was a special occasion, as NAIDOC Week typically falls during the holidays. It was a great experience for our students to engage in activities that celebrated the rich history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Please find below some pictures of our Primary students while they create their NAIDOC Week artwork.
PRiME Core Books and InitiaLit
PR1ME Core Books
You may have already started to see your child’s PR1ME Mathematics Core Book (A) come home this term as they begin to move onto new concepts covered in their next book. Some of the pages on these books may not be completed as our teachers incorporate formative assessment throughout their lessons where students show their working on mini whiteboards rather than on paper in their texts. Formative assessment provides opportunities for our teachers to check for student understanding and provide timely feedback to students to help them correct misconceptions or improve.
Please be mindful if you are planning on having your child work through the blank pages that some lessons may not have been taught in the initial year of implementation at RGS as students familiarise themselves with the consistent metalanguage of the program. This is part of the roll out process for introducing our new format of the mathematical spiral curriculum.
Our Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 classes are becoming more confident with our InitiaLit program based on The Science of Reading. We have had some wonderful feedback from parents who have witnessed an improvement in their child’s reading and spelling. We are always appreciative when our school community takes the time to share and celebrate successes with us.
For our new RGS families, I have attached the parent / carer information to provide detail on what InitiaLit encompasses. Our year levels engage in the following programs as part of the explicit literacy instruction:
Prep - InitiaLit-F
Year 1 - InitiaLit-1
Year 2 - InitiaLit-2
Thank you to the Primary and Secondary students who participated in the Term 2 Primary Before School Reading programme.
Mark this in your calendars everyone.
Book Week will be held this year in the week of 19 - 23 August 2024. The Book Week Parade will be held on Monday 19 August 2024 at approximately 8.45am. The theme this year is Reading is Magic! So once again a lovely broad theme which lends itself to lots of dress-ups. Time to get busy thinking about costumes!
The Primary Garden Club will be holding their first fundraiser this year in week 2 of Term 3.
We will be selling pre-loved books for super cheap prices from 50c onwards. Any donations of books or magazines suitable for children will be gladly received by us as we continue to fundraise for the purpose of purchasing chicken food, garden equipment and garden plants. Please send your pre-loved book and magazine donations to either Mrs Irwin or Mrs Donaldson.
The annual Minniecon and Burke Primary Tennis competition for students in Years 4 to 6 is about to get underway.
Nomination sheets have been placed on the notice boards outside the Year 6 and Year 4 rooms for anyone interested. The tournament is open to all students in Years 4, 5 and 6 and will be played at school during morning tea and second lunch breaks. Students are encouraged to bring their own racquets on the days they are competing. Nominations will close on Friday 19 July 2024 with the tournament commencing in Week 3 of the term.
Matches will be played using standard competition rules, with the first player to reach 4 games being declared the winner. Successful participants will progress through the rounds until we have the final 2 girls and 2 boys who will play off on the last day of this term.
We are looking forward to seeing our students in action this year as they put their skills to the tennis test.
If you have any queries regarding the Minniecon and Burke tennis tournament, please contact Mr Kelland.
Yearbook photos for Friday Sport netball teams
Team photos will occur in Duggan Hall on Friday 19 July 2024 at morning tea. Please be fully dressed in your netball uniform, as worn for Friday Sport, and be in attendance if possible. Please note: This is for Friday Sports teams only and not for the RNA Club teams.
Touch Football
Touch Football for under 6s, under 8s, under 10s and under 12s will be commencing in August at the Rockhampton Touch Football grounds. This year it will be starting on Saturday 31 August 2024 which is later than normal and finishing at the end of our school year. Please keep looking in the RGS newsletter for information coming through regarding the commencement of this co-curricular activity and associated training and nomination information.
- Linda Irwin and Elizabeth Donaldson (TICs Primary Touch Football)
Capricornia 10-12 Years Hockey team
The latest updates from Head of Secondary School (Academic) - Ms Reniece Carter.
Year 7 to 12 – Semester 1 Academic Reports
Years 7 to 12 Semester 1 reports were released at the end of last term. Hopefully, you had an opportunity to review the report and engage in a discussion with your child. It is important for students to reflect on Semester 1 and plan for the upcoming semester. It would be worthwhile for students to prepare a brief plan of actions they will implement to improve their results. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of assistance with any queries relating to reports.
Students in Year 9 and Year 10 will shortly complete an initial subject selection. Further details will be provided to students and parents during Term 3. Submitting subject requests on time is important, as it allows the School the opportunity to ensure all student requests can be met. Coursing information for current Year 7 and 8 students will commence later this term.
Year 10 – Where to now?
SET Planning
During Semester 2, all Year 10 students will complete their Senior Education and Training (SET) Plan, with the HOY – 10 Mr Nicholas Blevin, or Head of Vocational Education and Training, Mrs Cindy Murray or with me, as the Head of Secondary School (Academics). This important document allows students to consider their post school goals and ambitions. This link (
), is a QCAA resource – MyQCE, provides an excellent overview of the process. The frequently asked questions section is particularly informative.
Year 12 Assessment Mock Assessment Timetable
All Year 12 students have been given a copy of the RGS Mock assessment timetable. As a reminder, these assessment items will occur during the two-week period, commencing Monday 2 September and concluding Friday 13 September.
The School’s Year 3, Year 5, Year 7 and Year 9 cohorts participated in NAPLAN online testing late in Term 1. This Newsletter provides the School’s mean data for each cohort who undertook the national test along with the state mean. Student reports are expected to arrive at the School in late July. Once they arrive and are processed they will be posted.
As a reminder, if you have any questions regarding academics or your child’s progress please feel free to contact me on
[email protected]
or 49360 609.
A warm welcome back to our Year 7 students for an exciting Term 3.
A warm welcome back to our Year 7 students for an exciting Term 3. It was so wonderful to hear the noise back in the Birkbeck building and have the students together catching up about their holiday adventures. Thank you also to those of you that were able to make it to the SHOWCASE on the final day on Term 2. It was great to be able to share our classrooms with you.
We have some wonderful things to look forward to this term and, as always, I encourage the students to get involved and be a part of what is happening.
Our pastoral focus this term is on Teamwork. We will be exploring what it means to be a part of a team, what our own strengths are and what we can offer to the teams we are a part of. This will include forms rotating through some exciting activities led by the Year 7 form teachers. This allows each of the classes to work with each of the form teachers throughout the term.
In Tutorial, I will be continuing the work on TEAMWORK but will also begin focusing on Subject Selections for Year 8. This will include our elective Heads of Departments speaking at our year level assemblies over the coming weeks, time to explore subjects on offer and career paths with me in Tutorial each week. It is an important process for the students and as always, we invite parents to assist with the very important decision of selecting subjects for 2024.
Year 7 Immunisation Schedule 2024
7A - Monday 22nd July
7B - Tuesday 23rd July
7C - Wednesday 24th July
7D - Friday 26th July
7E - Friday 26th July
7F - Friday 26th July
Please, if you have any questions contact the Health Centre.
Welcome back to Term 3!
It’s been lovely to speak with the Year 8’s this week and to hear their holidays stories. With only 17 weeks of school left for the year, our Year 8’s are now closer to being in Year 9 than that from finishing Year 7.
In Tutorial and Form this term, we move our focus onto relationships. We focus in on safe relationships, both on and offline; recognising toxic relationships; what it means to be a friend, and what it means to be an ally; and consent. While these are topics we touched on earlier this year as a part of the Your Choicez presentation, this term gives us a greater opportunity to explore these topics and address any questions.
8D had a wonderful time at Ritamada last week, as the first of our Year 8 camps. It is always wonderful to see friendships blossom, and a sense of comradery develop among students, and they encourage each other to be brave in tackling activities and as they work together, as a team, in a different environment. This week, 8A set out on their camp with Mrs Silcock. We wish them all the best for an excellent week and look forward to seeing them return on Friday. Thank you to Mr Boicos, Ms Treadwell, and the Grounds and Maintenance, Transport and Catering staff who make these camps possible.
In our Tutorials this week, we discussed that it is often easier to see the negatives in a situation, that what it is to find the positives. I have encouraged the Year 8’s to challenge their mindset this semester by searching hard for the positives in each situation. Positive thinking isn’t always enough though, so, as always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I want to take the time to thank and congratulate the Year 9 students for their wonderful participation in the camp activities that occurred in the final week of last term.
The activities were designed to challenge, inform and instil confidence in our students as they navigate their path to adulthood. Sometimes the reasons behind some of the activities are not apparent at the time – but it is hoped that over time and with reflection, the challenges of life can be met with the same degree of enthusiasm, confident in the knowledge that there are times in life where we have to face our fears, take and deep breath, grit the teeth and just get the job done. I am extremely proud of all our Year 9 students. It was wonderful to see so many parents celebrate the culmination of a great week.
Over the next week we will begin discussions in tutorials around subject selection for Year 10. I do encourage you to have some meaningful family conversations around what might suit you best and to be aware that if you really are interested in a subject it is important to make that choice now; subjects may not be offered if enough people do not indicate and interest in these early selections. Please remember in your deliberations that it is important for you to consider choosing subjects that you enjoy, subjects that you are good at, not subjects that friends are choosing.
Welcome back to all Year 10 students and families as we commence Term 3.
This term promises to be a busy one, with SET Planning beginning soon and the Outdoor Education Programme (OEP) experiences rounding out our term.
Next week, we will begin our final subject selections for Years 11 and 12. After students make their electronic subject selections, parents will receive an electronic receipt for signing. Following this, students will schedule a SET Plan interview with me to evaluate their chosen subjects and ensure they align with their desired career outcomes. This interview will require each student to bring along their signed SET Plan document (to be emailed next week). Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about subject selections; I am happy to assist before SET Planning begins. Additionally, the Curriculum Handbook is available on both Student Café and Parent Lounge to support your decision-making in the coming days.
The Year 10 camps are in the final stages of preparation. In the coming weeks, students will attend camp-specific planning meetings to address any questions and ensure they feel well-prepared and comfortable for their OEP experience.
Lastly, we were fortunate to have Adair Donaldson visit in the first week of term. He primarily discussed consent, and his session has had a significant impact on our cohort. We are collectively grateful for his visit.
Looking forward to a productive and exciting term ahead.
Last weekend a large group of Year 11s participated in Rockhampton’s annual Relay for Life fundraising event raising vital funds for the Cancer Council Queensland’s research, prevention, and patient support services.
The day was a way the community could support those going through a cancer experience, recognise and celebrate survivors - with two RGS members walking the survivors lap on the day - and to honour and remember loved ones lost. As we learned on the night, one in two will be diagnosed with cancer by the time they reach 80 making the event that more meaningful for our students. We were able to raise over $3000 for the Cancer Council! On behalf of students, RGS staff and Myself, we would like to say thank you to all who supported our fundraiser.
During Week 1, the Year 11s had a presentation from Adair Donaldson. Adair Donaldson is a lawyer and educator who is also an ambassador for Rape and Domestic Violence Services of Australia. Since 2007 Adair has worked to develop educational programs and consulted on legal issues affecting youth. The development of acclaimed preventative law resources that address the legal consequences of alcohol abuse, sexual assaults, discrimination, illicit drugs, violence, social media, and the illegal use of technology has been a long-held passion for him. Adair has presented workshops to thousands of students, parents and athletes over the past decade, and has worked closely with the NRL to develop and implement educational resources for their players and clubs.
Throughout Term 3 and Term 4, the Year 11s will have SET Plan follow-up interviews. All students in year 10 are required to undertake a SET Plan meeting to discuss their subject selections and pathway options for senior school. It is important to have these follow up conversations about subjects and their suitability for pathways, especially before Year 12 work commences. We encourage students to book meetings with Ms Belonogoff to discuss their careers and pathways. Please reach out if you have any questions regarding SET Plans or coursing.
I am looking forward to the weeks ahead and hoping your child/ren are also, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Welcome back to the final full school term for Year 12!
Hard to imagine that there is only 11school weeks left until Year 12’s head into External exam block. The Year 12’s have returned to a heavy assessment period for their final internal tasks. Most students will have completed all internal tasks by the end of Week 4 this term which also means that there is likely to be some quite stressed individuals out there. Please ensure your Year 12 student is looking after themselves, holistically. This means ensuring adequate sleep, good nutrition, down time with friends, family or just relaxing with a good book. This will help to ensure more productive study periods. Additionally, continuing to adjust planning is essential to keeping on top of tasks and reducing the feeling of being overwhelmed. Of course, if this is occurring, I would certainly encourage students to come and see me. While QCAA requires evidence for extensions, this does not mean that we cannot assist in other ways, especially if we are aware early that a student is struggling with workload.
Following this period, the focus will be on mock exams in September (Monday 2 to Friday 13) and externals commencing Monday 21 October. Both the mock timetable and external timetables have been distributed to families and the external exam timetable can also be accessed here , so please ensure these are looked at carefully and planned for. If there is any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me. Further information regarding these exam periods will be provided in coming weeks.
As per my final newsletter and end of semester letter in Term 2, please take note of the following important dates for this semester:
* 100 days left celebration – Wednesday 7 August
* Leadership Colours Ceremony rehearsal – Wednesday 16 October
* Headmasters lunch – Wednesday 16 October
* Mocktails – Thursday 17 October
* Final day of classes – Friday 18 October
* Leadership Colours Ceremony and Handover – Friday 18 October
* Curriculum Prep days - Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14 November
* Valedictory – Friday 15 November
* Year 12 Final Day – Friday 15 November (ALL students MUST attend)
Additionally, a reminder that to supplement our Pastoral Care Programme, the following guest speakers and workshops will be held this term:
* Red Frogs: Life After School – Wednesday 17 July during Leadership
* Young Workers Hub – Wednesday 14 August during Leadership
* Bolsover Health Presentation – Wednesday 21 and 28 August
Last week, we had Jodi from LIVINWell talk to Year 12’s about Mental Ill Health and ways to manage this and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health concerns. The presentation was excellent and touched on the area of mental health that there are not many people out there talking about – Stigma. Additionally, there was a very male dominant approach which was refreshing and further reduces the stigma of being open about mental ill health given it is usually males who are more hesitant to reach out for help. Jodi was engaging and interactive with the students and his personal story really helped draw in the students. A wonderful presentation that is another tool to remove the devastating impact that misunderstanding, lack of information and apprehension has in this space. We also had Adair Donaldson return to discuss various aspects of the law and how it can impact Year 12 students very differently once they are 18. He also discussed the impacts of a person’s social media presence and how this can impact future career aspirations. As always, Adair was wonderfully engaging, adding some levity and interactive elements that really helped students both engage with the content and fully understand the important topics of consent, the law at 18, and the difference and understanding between school sanctions and workplace sanctions.
I look forward to another busy, yet exciting term as the Year 12’s begin the final leg of their school journey. I encourage all students, once again, to enjoy these last few months and the many ‘lasts’ that come with it.
Secondary School News
Term 3 Key Dates
17 July -
Secondary School Formal Assembly
10 - 12 August
- Boarders’ long weekend
12 August
- Student Free Day – Secondary only
30 August
- Student Free Day (Primary & Secondary)
2 - 13 September
- Year 12 Mock Exams
6 September
- Last day of Term 3 for students (P – 11)
9 - 10 September
- Student Free Days
On 8 June, RGS junior and senior debate students gathered for a full-day event dedicated to honing their debating skills.
This opportunity allowed the debaters to be mentored by the seasoned senior captains, Felix Heilbuth, Lachlan Wilson, and Medha Koduri.
The day was structured to maximise learning and practice, starting with a morning session where the captains shared their insights and strategies. They covered essential topics such as argument construction, effective rebuttals, the art of persuasive speaking, and held a variety of fun and engaging activities. The juniors eagerly absorbed this wealth of knowledge, gaining valuable tips and techniques that will undoubtedly enhance their future performances.
The first debate to take place was one both seniors and juniors had prepared for, with the juniors speaking for the topic of "Banning cigarette smoking and vaping entirely", against their more experienced senior counterparts. This spirited contest was a testament to the hard work and dedication of all participants. Both teams demonstrated exceptional poise and critical thinking, making it a closely contested and thrilling debate, with the senior team just taking out the title.
The highlight of the event was a series of three impromptu debates, where juniors and seniors tackled a variety of thought-provoking topics including: computers should replace teachers; every home needs a pet; and art has no value in the future . These debates provided an excellent platform for students to put their skills into practice in a supportive yet challenging environment. The spontaneous nature of impromptu debates pushed participants to think on their feet and articulate their arguments with clarity and confidence.
Throughout the day, the sense of unity and mutual respect was palpable. Senior debaters took pride in guiding their younger peers, while the juniors displayed remarkable enthusiasm and a strong willingness to learn. This event not only strengthened the individual skills of each participant but also fostered a greater sense of community within our school’s debate programme.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to Ms Wilson for her support throughout the day, the debating captains for their mentorship, and to all the students who participated with such enthusiasm and commitment. This gathering was a resounding success, and we look forward to seeing the continued growth and achievements of our debaters in 2025.
Mrs Fallen – TIC of Public Speaking
RGS is well represented with Year 11 students in this year's YMCA Queensland Youth Parliament.
Year 11 student Alexis Rogers has joined the growing group of passionate students from across Queensland for this year's Youth Parliament. Alexis (pictured below) was invited to join the members of the first ever YMCA Queensland Youth Parliament Advisory Council. The Council will meet via Zoom meetings and discuss key agenda items. Alexis joins fellow RGS Year 11 students Kathleen Nguyen and Lani Hill, who are respective Members for Keppel and Burnett.
The ICAS Maths Competition for Years 7 t 12 students only will be held on 28 August (Wednesday, Week 8).
If you are interested in competing in the ICAS competition, your parents will be required to sign you up and pay ($19.95) to take part. Please note that your parents are required to complete this sign up/payment process by Monday 29 July .
To pay please go to the following
School Access Code: THU225
RGS Careers news
Brisbane Tertiary Studies and Careers Expo 2024
July 13 to July 14, 2024
Get expert advice for your transition from education to employment. The Brisbane TSXPO is a fantastic opportunity to find all of the information you need to kick start or redirect your career and find information all under the one roof! Brisbane TSXPO is suitable for a range of visitors, including:
* High school students and their parents
* Mature age and post graduate students
* Career seekers of ALL ages
* Employers looking for staff training.
UniMelb | Meet Melbourne Cairns
July 18, 2024
Our Future Students team are visiting Cairns to meet with prospective undergraduate students like you to discuss your study options and the exciting campus life that awaits you at Melbourne. Join us to learn more about:
* How our Melbourne curriculum supports you to explore your passions, follow your curiosity and find your path through our wide range of majors and breadth subjects
* Our special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) Access Melbourne which takes into consideration your personal circumstances in your application – you may even be eligible for guaranteed entry
* Our University Accommodation options and student life initiatives to support you in making Melbourne your new home and feeling welcomed by our community
* How you can take advantage of opportunities in and out of the classroom, such as concurrent diplomas, work-integrated learning and internships, exchange programmes, and peer mentoring.
Queensland Police Service | Open Day - Brisbane
July 20, 2024
Join us to learn all about a career with the Queensland Police Service. Take this rare opportunity to check out our state-of-the-art training facilities and chat with our specialist units like the Dog Squad, Road Policing Command, Dive Squad, Mounted Unit, Stock Squad, PolAir and many many more. Find out more
Moreton Bay:
July 21
Sunshine Coast:
August 4, 2024
UniSC Open Day is all about welcoming community and future students on to campus to check out UniSC’s program offerings, meet staff and explore UniSC’s world class teaching and learning facilities. Find out more
Bond | Open Day 2024
July 27, 2024
Open Day is the perfect way to learn more about everything a university has to offer – whether that’s done through meeting students and academics, roaming our beautiful campus, or even testing out our facilities. Find out more
QUT | Open Day 2024
July 28, 2024
Come and explore the amazing facilities at Gardens Point and Kelvin Grove and see for yourself what makes QUT the university for the real world. Find out more
Townsville Careers Expo 2024
July 29, 2024
The Expo is a must for anyone interested in starting, changing or upgrading their career, including high school students and their parents, mature age and post graduate students, career seekers of all ages, employers looking for staff training, and others. This annual event offers a wealth of information for visitors, including:
* Access the latest careers, course study and employment options.
* Advice on enrollment procedures.
* Talk to local and national employers.
* Opportunity to talk to admissions staff.
* Meet with interstate and overseas exhibitors.
* Info on bursaries, scholarship and application procedures.
* Compare courses from different providers.
* Students services, GAP and exchange programs.
ACU | Open Day 2024, Brisbane
August 3, 2024
Open Day is your chance to find out everything you need to know about studying at ACU before you enrol. You’ll be able to check out the campus, meet staff and students, discuss entry pathways, and talk to experts about your study options and career goals. Find out more
CQUni | Open Days 2024
August 3, 2024
August 8, 2024
Rockhampton: August 18, 2024
August 22, 2024
Explore our facilities and learn about your study options direct from our supportive staff. Our Open Day events are held across July and August at our regional campus locations.
Get your questions answered: We’re a friendly and passionate bunch who take the time to explain the nitty-gritty of starting study. Ask us about your pathway options, fees, scholarships, and support with your application.
Start planning your future: With both TAFE and university study options available, we’ll help you discover your dream course. You’ll even get the opportunity to speak with our teachers about work placements, graduate outcomes, and career opportunities.
Experience campus life: Step onto our vibrant campuses and soak in the atmosphere. From relaxed student spaces to cutting-edge facilities, you’ll feel right at home.
UQ | Open Days 2024
St Lucia:
August 4, 2024
August 18, 2024
We can’t wait to welcome you to Open Day at UQ’s St Lucia and Gatton campuses. Explore your interests and study options, immerse yourself in university life and get answers to all your questions. What to expect:
* Attend sessions to uncover your study area of interest and find out more about the degrees we offer.
* Enter a competition, grab some freebies, listen to live music, get hands-on in a workshop or come on a tour.
* Get to know UQ. Ask current students and teachers all your questions and find out about student life.
JCU | Virtual Open Day
August 6, 2024
JCU’s Virtual Open Day is the perfect opportunity to learn more about the University ranked number 1 in QLD for graduate starting salary. Get information on courses and support services in a relaxed and convenient environment, and have your questions answered via live chat with JCU advisors, current students, academics and alumni. Find out more
Torrens | Open Day 2024, Brisbane
August 8, 2024
Meet our academics and Future Student Advisors, who will be able to answer all your questions about scholarships, entry pathways and our world-class facilities. Explore our campus and find out firsthand how exciting studying in Brisbane can be. Find out more
Griffith | Open Day 2024
August 11, 2024
Explore a world of possibilities! With over 150 activities, workshops, and information sessions to choose from, our Open Day is your ticket to an unforgettable experience. Whether you’re curious about science, business, arts, or health, we have something for everyone. Find out more
UniSQ | Open Days 2024
Ipswich & Springfield
: August 11, 2024
August 18, 2024
* See careers in action, explore our campuses and chat to our lecturers.
* Meet our world-class lecturers and speak to current students about studying at UniSQ.
* Soak up the atmosphere and check out our campus facilities. We’ll also have live music and food trucks.
* Participate in hands-on activities and experiences run by our academics.
* Have a free one-on-one career conversation to help explore your options and the best path for you.
* Ask the questions you’ve been wanting to ask, face-to-face in one place. On-campus accommodation, fees and scholarships, degree information and more.
JCU | Heroes in Sport, Townsville
August 12 to August 13, 2024
Do you have a passion and desire to develop a career in physiotherapy and sports and exercise science? From this full-day programme you’ll gain unique insights into a career in sport. You’ll go behind the scenes at the Cowboys Community, Training and High Performance Centre, and learn from industry experts in physiotherapy and sports and exercise science before hitting the field for a high performance training session. Find out more
SCU | Open Day 2024, Gold Coast
August 18, 2024
Check out Southern Cross University campuses in person. Come to our Open Day at the Gold Coast campus in August 2024. Find out more
TAFE QLD | Gold Coast Online Open Day
August 21, 2024
TAFE Queensland on the Gold Coast invites you to attend our Online Open Day. Experience our on-demand video content and delve into the study areas that interest you. Take a virtual tour of our cutting-edge facilities, reserve a spot for a campus tour, get first-hand experiences from our students about their time at TAFE Queensland, and much more. Our Online Open Day is an opportunity to:
* Watch on-demand videos featuring our experienced educators
* Experience our virtual campus tours of key learning spaces
* Explore our student stories
* Access digital course guides
* Learn more about how to enrol, course fees and available subsidies
* Chat live during business hours
* Book an in-person campus tour
ACAP | Open Day 2024, Brisbane
August 24, 2024
Experience the ACAP difference, and find your path in the applied professions. Whether you’re interested in Counselling, Psychology, Social Work, Criminology, Law, or Business, ACAP is your pathway to making a difference. Be part of a workshop, meet our industry-renowned facilitators, and hear all about life as an ACAP student. Join us for a day of exploration and inspiration! Find out more
SAE Institute | Open Day 2024, Brisbane
August 24, 2024
Find your future in creative media! Open Day is your ticket to everything SAE – get a taste of our courses in workshops, explore activations on campus and get some hands-on experience with our state-of-the-art facilities. Find out more
Whitehouse Institute of Design | Open House 2024, Brisbane
August 24, 2024
Are you excited by design and dreaming of a creative career? Whitehouse Institute of Design, Australia invites you to Open House, a day where you can explore our courses and the endless possibilities within the world of design. Explore your study options, meet our incredible team, and tour Whitehouse’s unique facilities. Whether you’re interested in Fashion Design, Interior Design or Creative Direction and Styling, this is your chance to see what makes Whitehouse has to offer. Find out more
JCU | Heroes in Business
September 4, 2024
Fuel your passion for a career in business or commerce as you learn from industry experts. From this one-day program you’ll gain unique insights into the professions that funnel into a business and commerce career. Our experienced Professor in Management will expertly lead you through the process of creating, exploring and pitching a business opportunity, including the marketing and financial implications. JCU Advisors will be on hand to provide information about courses and university life. Find out more
QUT | Advice Night
September 10, 2024
If you’re a current Year 12 student or parent/guardian of a Year 12 student, join us online to discover the 5 essentials of getting into QUT in 2025. You’ll hear about:
* entry requirements
* Year 12 Early Offer Scheme (for Queensland QCE students only)
* adjustment schemes
* upgrading pathways
* scholarships.
You’ll also hear from real students about their uni experience and have a chance to ask questions about their course, why they chose QUT, the QTAC process and uni life. Registration will open in early August. Find out more
QIMR Berghofer Laboratory Work Experience
QIMR Berghofer
Open date:
June 4, 2024
Closing date:
August 4, 2024
Are you thinking of a career in science and medical research? QIMR Berghofer has a free work experience program for eligible Year 11 and 12 students. The laboratory work experience programme takes place over three days and offers introductory laboratory training in our purpose-built Education Lab, followed by a placement in one of our working research laboratories. Students will undertake training in a range of molecular biology skills including:
* Pipetting and serial dilutions
* DNA extraction and PCR
* Agarose gel electrophoresis
* Vortexing and centrifugation
* Microscopy
* Blood smears
The three-day programme runs from 16-18 September, 2024. Applications open 4 June and close 4 August, 2024. Offers sent 7 August, 2024. Find out more
Live-in Pub Gap Years
Letz Live
Letz Live help you secure a place for a live-in pub job before you arrive in the UK, and then you can stay for up to three years while you gain hospitality experience at the same time as you experience a different culture. Find out more
Camp Counsellor Gap Year
Letz Live
Become part of a time-honoured American tradition as a Camp Counsellor with a Camp Exchange programme in the USA. Gain valuable new skills as a leader and educator while making new friends in a picture-perfect outdoor setting. Summer Camp is magical. The best time of your life. Find out more
Welcome back to RGS Co-Curricular for Term 3.
Netball -
Congratulation to the RGS Magic team on finishing 11th at QISSN 2024. In their final game, Magic defeated St Peter Claver College 26-24. A special thank you a to our staff, Zoe Seibold, Sonia Cooper and Mr Delley for coaching and looking after the team all week. A huge thank you also goes to the parents and supporters who came along to Magic's games and to those who supported from afar. Thank you also to Gabby Gamero-Harth for being the team's umpire for the week. Thank you also to the Year 12 students who played their last QISSN carnival.
South Queensland Championships
The School participated in the South Queensland Championships on the weekend and finished in second place overall with a total of 10 medals. This included 5 Gold, 3 Silver and 2 Bronze. Congratulations to all students who participated and especially those students who won medals.
Central Queensland Championships
1st overall with 25 medals in total! 9 Gold, 10 Silver and 6 Bronze. Congratulations to the 35 rowers who represented RGS rowing in Bundaberg on their amazing efforts battling wind, rain and the cold. Thank you to all coaches who work tirelessly to support the programme along with the club's amazing committee and supporting parents. The atmosphere would not be the same without them there cheering us along nor would the food!
Rugby League -
On 22 June, the Confraternity Shield boys and girls teams departed for Townsville to represent The Rockhampton Grammar School in the annual Confraternity Carnival. The week was marred by constant rain, leaving the fields muddy and wet. Despite the conditions, both the teams did themselves and the school proud.
The RGS First XIII finished 13th out of 58 teams. The team defeated St Peter Claver College twice and St Patrick’s Shorncliffe College. Henry Kallquist received the RGS team's Stewart Norford Medal as voted by the RGS coaches and players, while RGS best and fairest player of the carnival was Cooper Broadhurst while Tumanako Hatley won the RGS Spirit of Confraternity award.
The RGS First XIII Girls finished 7th out of 12 teams. The team had some narrow loses and won their final match of the carnival against St Joseph’s College. Gracie Finger won the girls team's RGS Spirit of the Carnival award as voted by the RGS coaches and players. Alice Kallquist was the RGS Best and Fairest player of the carnival.
A big thank you must go to Mr Doyle, Mr Broadhurst, Mr Becker, Mr Bassani, Mr Wells, Mr Wooler, Ms Whipp, Mr Bennett, and Dr Moulds for accompanying and supporting the teams in Townsville.
Touch Football
Congratulations to the RGS Open Boys touch football team on winning the Rockhampton Touch Association's B Men's division grand final last term with a 6-5 win over Buckaneers. RGS won after a three-on-three drop off. Player of the final was RGS Year 12 student Kai Williams.
Notifications of Achievements
Due to the vast array of core and non-core sporting activities that students participate in, can all students’ sporting achievements be emailed through to Mrs Coetzer, the Sports Administrator –
[email protected]
Student Achievements
Rugby League
The Rockhampton Grammar School and the Gold Coast Titans congratulate the School’s First XIII Captain Henry Kallquist on signing with the Gold Coast Titans until at least the end of 2026. Henry will join the Gold Coasts Future Titans programme for pre-season training in November. This is recognition of Henry’s dedication and performance throughout the 2024 rugby league season. This year, Henry has represented the School in the Dolphins Cup and Confraternity Shield as well as gaining valuable experience in the both the Capras Under 17 and Under 19 programmes, and the Capricornia Under 18 rugby league team. Henry's first opportunity to wear the Titans colours could come as early as January when the Future Titans play the Newcastle Knights in the Under 17 and Under 19 age brackets.
Touch Football
Congratulations to Mia Bourke (Year 10) on her selection to the 13-15 Years Qld team. Her team won a silver medal at the State Championships. Congratulations to Bronson Carlos and Kai Williams who were in the 16-18 Cap team who won a bronze medal at the State Championships.
RGS Canteen - Co-Curricular Breakfast
The RGS Canteen is offering a breakfast menu for RGS co-curricular students who have early morning training sessions. This option has replaced day students eating breakfast in the dining hall. The RGS Canteen will be open as a trial from 7.30am - 8.15 am, Monday to Friday. This will be reviewed throughout the term. Students have the option of pre-ordering their food using the Flexischools App. Pre-orders can be collected from canteen after 7.30 am.
RGS Primary School Musical - Frozen Jr (2 - 3 August 2024)
RGS Secondary School Musical - Anything Goes (16 - 18 August 2024)
Tickets available at
The RGS Rugby Club's Red & Black Dinner is on Friday 30 August at Headrick's Lane. Tickets are now available online at