Archer Street Rockhampton QLD 4700 Australia
A preview of the new uniform collection was shared with our RGS community last week. In the coming weeks, we look forward to providing more detailed information, including a lookbook, uniform guidelines, and a price list. The new uniforms will be available for purchase from Term 4, and students are welcome to begin wearing them right away. For more details about the rollout of the new uniform collection, please refer to the FAQ document.
Uniform Appointments
To ensure a smooth and efficient fitting process, please book a uniform appointment before visiting the Red and Black Shop. The new uniforms will be available for purchase starting in Week 1 of Term 4. We encourage families to secure their appointments as early as possible. Appointments can be made via
our website
Current Uniform Sale
In preparation for our new collection, we are offering a 30% discount on current uniform items until the end of the year or until sold out (some items excluded). Please note that stock and sizing are limited.
The RGS Dino Dash Charity event will roar into action on the School's Bottom Oval on Wednesday 28 August. All funds raised will support the Fitzroy Community Hospice.
The Whole School Portrait was sent home with families last week.
Should you wish to purchase the photograph, simply retain your copy and the corresponding amount will be charged to your School account. For those opting to not purchase the photograph, we kindly request that you return it to the designated areas outlined in the attached letter. This will assist the School in accounting for all distributed photos. Provided the photograph is returned undamaged to the School by Friday 16 August , no charge will be incurred. More information can be found on the Daily Notices.
The Rockhampton Grammar School is participating in the Bullying No Way: National week of action – 12 to 16 August 2024.
By working collaboratively within our community, we can collectively help reduce bullying.
Parents and carers play an important role in helping your child understand bullying, and know how to respond to it.
If your child tells you about things at school, or you observe something in public that involves conflict or bullying, take the opportunity to talk about what bullying is. You can learn more about what defines bullying at .
Questions you could ask:
* What do you think bullying is?
* Have you seen it? How did you feel?
* Have you ever felt scared at school because of bullying?
* As well as me, who are the other adults you would talk to when it comes to things like bullying?0
* Have you or your friends left other kids out on purpose? Do you think that was bullying? Why or why not?
* Have you ever tried to help someone who is being bullied? What happened? What would you do if it happens again?
Remind your child that bullying is never okay and discuss how they can respond safely if they experience or witness it.
Encourage them to seek help from a trusted adult and keep seeking support if needed.
By promoting open communication, we empower children to stand up against bullying and create a safer environment where everyone can feel that they belong.
For more information, visit
On Friday 3 August, 21 students arrived from Sugamo Gakuen for a 12 day study tour in Rockhampton.
Sugamo Gakuen is private school in Tokyo and is one of RGS partner schools. Sugamo resumed their Winter School to RGS last year. The students are spilt between the Year 11 and 12 boarding houses and are attending some of the Year 9 elective classes. They have also prepared games for the Year 5 and 6 Japanese classes. While some of their time is spent at school, the group will also spend time at Ritamada, Great Keppel Island, Capricorn Caves as well as an artist led workshop at the Art Gallery. The visiting students were joined by their teacher, Mr Sakurada.
RGS is supporting the "Share the Dignity" campaign again in 2024.
Contact the RGS Senior School Office to make a donation or for more information.
The next RGS Parent Association meeting will be held online at 7:00pm on Thursday 15 August.
Expression of Interest - First VII Netball Coach
Email applications to [email protected] before 16 August 2024
Dear Parents, Pick up/ Drop off zone
Thank you for your patience and cooperation with morning school drop off and afternoon pick- ups at 3.10pm. We have several new families so thought a timely reminder about using this space could be of benefit to our school community.
For safety and ease of movement we have some guidelines for parents at the zone:
If you are parked on the street and are picking up from the stairs, try to have your name tag with you so the teacher on the microphone can call your child/ren’s names.
If you are driving through the zone, please stay in your car until your child has reached your vehicle. If they need assistance you may alight to help them into their seats and seatbelt etc.
Have your family name on the visor of your car or front dash so the teacher on duty can call your children to your car. (This side or opposite)
Children should only cross at the crossing with the teacher on duty (RGS high visibility vest).
When entering the zone stay behind the car in front – do not go around and into spaces in front as this may be dangerous for others exiting the lanes.
If you are on Quarry Street and cannot fit into the pick-up zone lane, continue driving and complete a lap to get a clear path into the pick-up zone. Do not block traffic on a through road.
This is not a parking area and if needing to drop a Kindergarten child at school you will need to park and walk to kindergarten
We hope that gives some clarity on how the zone operates and we all ensure the children get in and out of cars safely. A flowchart is attached to refer to.
We have rostered two teachers on afternoon duty until 3.40pm and in Mr Norford’s absence, the leadership team are sharing the crossing duties. It has been lovely greeting families each morning and hearing the stories from children as they transition to school.
Please ensure that you do not send your children to school before 8am each day as we do not have staff on duty before this time.
If you require before or after school care please don’t hesitate to contact Adeina Shackleton [email protected] to arrange.
We greatly appreciate your understanding and patience at these very busy collection times.
Bullying No Way week starts today, and messages and lessons shared this week, are appropriate for all aspects of our lives.
It is not only at school that people can experience bullying. Unfortunately, bullying behaviours can be apparent in workplaces, on sporting fields, in clubs and in schools.
How can we recognise these behaviours and put a stop to these inappropriate manipulations? We can start with Education. Educating ourselves and our children in ideals of belonging, kindness, connection and empathy is a good place to start. Using strategies such as our RGS Communication hand gives students clear and concise moves to combat conflict.
I have included the daily messages from the Bullying No Way site for the week for teachers and parents to discuss in class and at home.
Be a Buddy not a Bully!
Day 1: Challenge stereotypes
Primary school
This week is Bullying No Way: National week of action and we’re focusing on the importance of belonging. When you feel you belong, you also feel safe and respected.
Today, we're thinking about something called ‘stereotypes’. That's when we might think certain things about people just because they look a certain way, live in a particular place or are part of a specific group. Like thinking all boys are good at sports, or all girls like the colour pink, or no-one likes maths or spelling!
Do you ever think things like that?
When we think of people like this, it can affect the way we treat them.
It’s important to understand that everyone is different and special in their own way. Not being the same as everyone else all the time is not just okay, it’s a good thing!
We can help make our school a better place by remembering that people can come from different places, like different things and think about things in different ways from one another. Let's treat each other with respect and kindness.
What else could you do to make sure nobody feels left out? Even small things you do can make a big difference in making our school an even better place for everyone.
Day 2: Promote empathy
Primary school
During Bullying No Way Week we’re focusing on the importance of belonging.
Today, we're talking about empathy. That's when we try to understand how someone else is feeling, and show them kindness and that we care.
Do you ever imagine how someone else might be feeling? When we try this, it can help us to be nicer to each other. For example, if you think someone is feeling sad because they didn't do well on a test or aren’t good at playing a game, you can help cheer them up by saying something nice about them.
What else could you do to show more kindness and help people feel like they’re not alone? Even small things you do can make a big difference in making our school an even better place for everyone.
Day 3: Embrace diversity
Primary school
This week is Bullying No Way Week where we are focusing on the importance of belonging.
When we all feel like we belong, bullying has no place.
Today we are talking about the importance of celebrating diversity within our school. In our school, being different isn't just okay, it's what makes us special! We all have different backgrounds, interests, and things that make us unique.
It's like having a big box of crayons with all sorts of colours - each one is important and makes the picture more beautiful! When we all work together and appreciate each other's differences, our school becomes a really cool and safe place where everyone feels like they belong.
How can you let someone know you think their differences are great, and what can others do to make you feel super happy about being you?
Day 4: Foster positive relationships
Primary school
This week is Bullying No Way Week where we will be focusing on the importance of belonging.
When we all feel like we belong, bullying has no place.
Today we are focusing on positive relationships. Making good friends isn't just about having lots of them. It's about having mates who really understand you and make you feel happy. That means being there for each other when things are awesome or tough, and cheering each other on. It's about being kind and listening, even if we don't always agree. When we're good friends, our school becomes a wonderful place where everyone feels safe and accepted.
What can you do to be a good friend and make your friendships even stronger?
Day 5: Provide support
Primary school
This year Bullying No Way Week focuses on what it means to belong. We can help people feel like they belong by challenging stereotypes, teaching empathy, embracing diversity and having positive relationships. All of these great things can help stop bullying.
If bullying does happen it’s okay to ask for help. You can talk to a grown-up you trust, like a teacher, counsellor, or someone else at school who helps out. In our school, you can tell someone about bullying by <insert school specific content here>.
You don't have to deal with bullying by yourself – there are many people here to help you feel safe and happy at school.
Updates on Parent Teacher Interviews and ICAS.
Parent Teacher Interviews
All families will be receiving information soon about booking in for interviews with your child’s classroom and specialist teachers.
During these interviews, teachers will be able to provide individual updates on your child’s academic progress. It is a great opportunity to reflect on Semester 1 reporting and ask questions about how you can support your child at home as well. There is a dedicated timeslot for each interview, so we do ask that we keep to the scheduled time to allow for the smooth running of interview sessions. We look forward to celebrating and sharing your child’s successes with you.
ICAS ICAS testing sessions begin on Tuesday for students who have registered and paid for the English test. Students will go to their usual classroom in the morning for the roll to be marked and then will be directed to the teachers who are supervising ICAS. Can you please ensure your child is on time to class. Students who are not attending the testing will be joining together with teachers who are not allocated to ICAS supervision for this period. We wish our students taking part in ICAS the best of luck.
RGS Primary students have the opportunity to support the Rockhampton community.
Get ready to unleash your creativity and bring our Dino Dash to life!
We're hosting a
Colouring Competition
for all students in ELC to Year 6.
It is your chance to show off your artistic skills and have a roaring good time!
Prizes: Amazing prizes are up for grabs for the best entries so give it your best shot!
Prep to Year 3
Year 4 to Year 6
Entry Fee: A small gold coin donation is required to enter. Every cent goes directly to support The Fitzroy Community Hospice.
Why Participate? Not only do you get to have fun and possibly win cool prizes, but you will also be contributing to a great cause.
How to Enter:
Get your colouring sheet from your classroom teacher. Colour it in using your most creative designs.
Submit your masterpiece by Monday 19 August to the Primary Office with your gold coin donation.
Let’s make this Dino Dash a colourful success!
The RGS Health Centre will no longer be sending notes home with Primary students if they are given medication at the Health Centre during the day.
The parents will now receive an SMS from the RGS Health Centre with the details of the medication the student was given, when and the dosage. This is for information only and does not require a parent to collect a child from school. It will be for an ailment that does not require being sent home, therefore parents are asked not to phone either the Primary School or the Health Centre when they receive one of these texts. Please rest assured, if your child is unwell enough to go home, you will be phoned. This service is for medication only.
Chess club started in Term 1 for all students from 4-6 to participate in. We prepared for upcoming chess tournaments in and around our school.
To decide the teams representing our school, each student played against all other students at chess club to determine the 16 representatives for the next tournament. After lots of hard work and coaching from Mr Scott and Mrs Kennedy, we were ready to take part in the state-qualifier tournament, which occurred last Thursday (01/08/24) in Term 3. Representing our school in the Premier division, in which the top 2 teams qualified for Brisbane, were RGS Team 1 (Shubham, Bahar, Krish and Chase) and RGS Team 2 (Boshu, Joshua, Harper and Arya) and in the A division RGS Team 3 (Lexie, Elijah, Rishi and Richie) and RGS Team 4 (Alex, Ved, Ishika and Anika). RGS Team 1 came 1st with 22 and a half points, qualifying RGS to participate in the State Finals in Brisbane. In the A division, we had amazing results with RGS Team 3 collecting a well-deserved 1st place and RGS Team 4 for also getting 3rd place. Overall, RGS did extremely well, with many people collecting a merit for their amazing results. Another round of congratulations to Shubam, Chase and Lexie for getting 1st place individual medals.
Quotes from some RGS players:
‘I really like chess and what makes me push forward and break through is my confidence’ - Krish (2G)
‘The teachers always trained and helped us and kept me going’ - Chase (5L)
‘Seeing that I could get really big achievements and make my family proud has always motivated me’ - Bahar (5E)
‘Mr Scott, Mrs Kennedy and my parents really inspired me to do my best and achieve all I could’ - Josh (6M)
‘Being in Mr Scott’s class in Year 4 helped me practice and gain confidence to play chess as well as my parents’. - Lexie (5L)
- Joshua Attokaran & Arya Udayaraj
(pictured below are the RGS Primary and Secondary chess team)
On Friday 2 August, 31 Primary students attended CQUniversity for the biggest competition yet. Over 290 students from 15 schools in the CQ region travelled to compete, with the On Stage (Dance) category and the Primary Rescue Line category available to Primary aged students.
RGS students conducted themselves in an excellent manner, displaying this term’s values of Endeavour and Responsibility through their hard work with many of the students trying Robotics for the first time this year. They showed accountability for their words and actions, and were reliable team members for each other.
A special congratulations to team RGS JiChi Men (Oliver K, Aidan L and Elijah R) who made the finals in Primary Rescue Line in a very tough competitive line up.
A very big thank you to Mrs Brooke Graff and Mr Bob Bartley for coaching the students throughout the year in the lead up to the event.
- Suzanne MacCallum (TIC Robotics)
Students in Year 5 and 6 were visited by Japanese students from Sugamo High School during their Japanese lessons in Week 5.
The Sugamo students had designed language games to help the RGS students learn vocabulary around colours and animals, which they are learning this term. The RGS students had so much fun and had the opportunity to use their Japanese within a real-life context while chatting with the students from Sugamo.
On Friday 2 August 2024, the Year 3 Cohort competed in the inaugural Year 3 Olympic Games.
After the opening ceremony, the flag bearers for each country sat in front of their competitors, cheering for each event. The country of 3W was ‘Koakanga’; 3E was ‘Avseckco’; and 3B was ‘Austrawithers’.
Competition was tough during the three events which included the 3-legged-race, the bean bag toss and the egg and spoon race. At the completion of the games, 3B and 3W tied for the gold medal and 3E came a close 2nd earning the silver.
A fantastic afternoon was had by all with the noise level rivalling a whole school athletics day! Congratulations to all competitors as they displayed the values of the Olympic Games which are respect, excellence and friendship.
The Year 1 Fairy Tale Unit has been embraced by the children who are thoroughly enjoying the focus fairy tales each week with all the rich vocabulary and creative writing tasks.
We have been thinking about and preparing to write our own fairy tale soon, remembering all the elements needed. We discuss characters, settings and problems that could occur. The big question is, 'How will the problem be resolved?' Week 5 saw us investigating all these elements in Rapunzel which is always a favourite. We brainstormed ways we could get out of the tower, if we were Rapunzel, or alternatively how we would rescue Rapunzel. The children of 1S thought of some amazing ideas! We also enjoyed adding Rapunzel's long, flowing hair using coloured wool.
Congratulations to all RGS students who competed at the District Carnival on 22 and 23 July 2024
All students participated with fabulous determination and represented RGS proudly. Thank you to Mrs Linda Curtis and Mrs Miranda Neven for attending the carnival with our students.
Additional congratulations to Henry Houghton, Bentley Gaka, Aaliyah Loomans, Mia Mills, Brenton Gaka and Oliver Lau, who have been selected to represent Rockhampton at the Capricornia Trials in Mackay in August. We wish them all the best of luck in the next step of their Athletics.
This week in Year 7 we are continuing to explore our subject selections for Year 8 and enjoying researching the many and varied jobs that exist in our world.
In the coming weeks, prior to the end of term, I will be guiding the students with their subject choices for Year 8. I will email closer to the time as it is so important that parents and guardians are a part of this process.
I am very pleased with how the Year 7 students are rising to the challenges presented to them in their classes. With exams and assessments edging closer, they are working hard to be well prepared. I do encourage them to use their time wisely to avoid any last-minute panic. Taking the time to work with your children and assisting them with their study is something they really appreciate. Please use the Term 3 Assessment Schedule to keep up to date with exams and assessment items that are due.
After five consecutive weeks of Year 8 Form Camps, I begin this week with a huge thank you to Damien Boicos and Murphie Treadwell, and our Year 8 Form teachers who have worked hard to ensure that Year 8 camp was an enjoyable, challenging and memorable experience for our students.
Their efforts are supported by those of the Catering, Transport, Grounds and Maintenance teams. It truly is a team effort for camps, and I am so grateful to have this amazing opportunity for our students. We take a short break from camps now, until 8C have their camp at the beginning of Term 4.
In the coming fortnight, Year 8 students will complete their Year 9 Subject Selections. I remind families that information regarding Year 9 elective and Mathematics offerings can be found on Student Café and Parent Lounge. For parents wishing to access the Curriculum Handbook, you will need to sign into Parent Lounge, and under the “School Links” tab, you will see “Coursing Information”, which stores a copy of the Curriculum Handbook. If you have not yet begun this discussion at home, please take the time to discuss Year 9 electives of interest.
Year 8’s begin their Term 3 Exams next week, making now the perfect time for the Year 8’s to begin preparing themselves, if they haven’t already. Many studies have shown us that shorter, regular periods of study are significantly more effective for storing information, and that there are many benefits to having a regular study routine. I encourage the Year 8’s to give this a go – start preparing early; to help ensure they are as best prepared for their exams as possible.
It’s natural to feel some stress or pressure at this time of the term, but if you are worried about your child, please do not hesitate to contact me so that we can work together towards supporting them. I wish the Year 8’s all the best over the coming weeks!
I hope everyone got to enjoy the long weekend and boarder families in particular got to spend some quality time together.
Term 3 is rushing along as we are now entering the second half of the term with only 4 weeks to go. This means that all students should be busy now with assessment – both assignment work and preparation for exams. I encourage all the students in the year 9 cohort to start doing some planning around study routines so that they can maximise their performance and get the results that they deserve.
Very shortly parents will be emailed the subject choices that their child has chosen for Year 10. The Curriculum Handbook can be found both in Student Café and Parent Lounge to assist with conversations about those subjects. When the students picked their subject selection for 2025 parents should have received an email regarding those selections. I encourage all our parents to talk to their children about their subject choices and if any further clarification is required to contact me at any stage.
During tutorials this term we have been discussing issues around alcohol and the associated risks for teenagers. Over the last week we have been looking at the effects that Vapes have on the body and the risk that they possess, especially on a developing body. The message I have given the students is: “Vaping can damage your health by exposing you to harmful chemicals. These may affect both your physical and mental health. We know that vaping can damage your lungs and harm the brain, which is still developing and maturing into your late 20s. The long-term effects of vaping aren’t known yet, but what we know right now isn’t great. There’s no such thing as safe vaping, even occasional vaping can be harmful to your health”.
This Friday is National Day of Action Against Bullying and the students will be engaged in activities relating to Cyber Bullying. There will also be a dress down day to fundraise and raise awareness for this year’s theme ‘Everyone Belongs’. When we all feel like we belong, bullying struggles to find a place. It's about embracing who we are, respecting everyone's differences and standing up together against unkindness. Belonging means we all have a role in preventing bullying. We're encouraged to speak up and create a safe place where everyone feels supported and respected, and our voices are heard and valued.
The Year 10 students deserve recognition for their active participation in the SET Plan interview process, which has now officially begun.
Most Year 10 students are expected to complete their SET Plan during Term 3, ahead of their departure for camp in week 9. If you have any lingering concerns or questions about this process or subject selections in general, please feel free to reach out to me.
In Leadership over the past few weeks, the Year 10 students have been exploring the topic of ‘Consent and Sexual Education’ with a specific focus on the concept of coercion. These sessions act as a continuation of the recent visit by Adair Donaldson. The Year 10’s have approached this subject with remarkable maturity and respect for one another, which has led to several thought-provoking and meaningful questions from the group that have been addressed in each of their respective form classes.
Lastly, thank you all for your continued patience and participation in the Year 10 Outdoor Recreation Program. As we near departure, each group will have an information session to address any remaining questions about their trip. Thank you to those who attended the Infuse NZ & China pre-departure meeting last Sunday. For the remaining sessions, students have been informed of the dates and venues and will receive reminders as the sessions approach.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.
Welcome to mid-term! Our Year 11’s have a busy few weeks coming up.
Week 6 is The National week of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA). It is an annual event in Australia aimed at raising awareness about bullying and promoting positive actions to create safe and supportive environments for young people. The NDA is organised by Bullying. No Way!. a government-supported initiative developed by all Australian education authorities.
The NDA encourages students to speak up, seek help, and work together to combat bullying. It also emphasises the importance of promoting positive behaviours, fostering empathy, and building strong relationships among students and the wider community. The Year 11’s will be creating posters and freeze frame posters to raise awareness for their peers on what to do if they are experiencing negative behaviours.
During week 7 and 8, the Year 11 exam block will commence. If your child is away for any of their exams, please ensure you obtain a medical certificate for the absence/s and contact me as soon as possible to reschedule. I have been encouraging the Year 11’s to practice some healthy habits around exam preparation. Preparing for exams can be a challenging time for students, but with the right study strategies and a bit of discipline, they can make the most of their study sessions and perform well on their exams. Here are some effective study tips for you to assist your child/ren with at home:
Remember, everyone's study habits are unique, so find what works best for your student. Remind them to stay positive, stay focused, and believe in their ability to succeed. I wish them good luck with their coming assessment and exams! If you are at all concerned about the welfare of your student, please reach out.
It has been lovely to see the smiles, and quite likely relief coming from students as they complete the last of their internal assessment items.
Looking towards Mock exams, students have been made aware that during this exam period of weeks 9 and 10 of this term, they need only attend school for their exams. All Mock information can be seen by students on the Leadership Teams class OneNote. This is updated with further information as it comes to hand including frequently asked questions. Additionally, there may also be some students required at school to complete Certificate assessment if they are not up to date. Many boarders are making plans to head home during certain times of this exam block and to ensure they are on track to completing all subjects given the limited class time in Term 4, boarders who plan to depart early will need to ensure a Request for Leave form is completed. This form has been emailed to students and Boarding staff and is also available on the Leadership Teams Onenote.
On Wednesday of last week, students celebrated the milestone of 100 days left until the end of school with a BBQ and cake. It also provided the opportunity for the school to show their thanks to all that these students have contributed during their time at Grammar.
Looking forward, this week will see several Year 12 ladies rocking the chop for the Ponytail Project. These ladies have been fundraising for the better part of this year, raising much needed funds for Cancer research. On Wednesday, their dedication to this cause will culminate in cutting a significant length of their hair to go towards making wigs for cancer patients. Year 12 students are permitted to wear their Senior jersey on Wednesday in a show of support for a gold coin donation towards this worthy cause. This follows our Rugby gentlemen who participated in Shave for a Cure at the end of Term 2.
Friday of this week is a dress down day for a gold coin donation with funds going to Kids Helpline and Headspace in support of the Bully No Way: National week of Action. Well done, Seniors, your dedication to making the world a better place for those doing it tough is commendable.
In upcoming Form classes this term, students will be directed to complete their Student Colours nomination form. Criteria for these Colour categories will be provided to students soon, however I do encourage Year 12’s to start considering all areas where they have shown leadership across the school, including areas such as coaching a younger sports team, actively assisting to organise and run events and helping at various events. This will make their nomination form much easier to complete once they have that opportunity in Form class.
A reminder below of the upcoming events and presenters that we have during the final weeks of Year 12:
Secondary School News
Term 3 Key Dates
30 August
- Student Free Day (Primary & Secondary)
2 - 13 September
- Year 12 Mock Exams
6 September
- Last day of Term 3 for students (P – 11)
9 - 10 September
- Student Free Days
RGS is supporting Bullying No way - National week of action on Friday 16 August.
The RGS Secondary School will host a dress down day on Friday with a gold coin donation.
On 26 July, 19 students in Year 7, 10, 11 and 12, showcased the School’s values of endeavour and responsibility when they participated in the RGS Impromptu Speech Competition.
The winner of each year level received 15 points for their House and a Galactic Donuts voucher. The runner ups received 5 House points. Every other participant received one House point for the courage that it took to take part in this new initiative created by the Public Speaking Captains.
Congratulations to the following students who won their respective divisions: Robert Muller (Year 7); Twaha Noor (Year 10); Kathleen Nguyen (Year 11); and Martha Dingle (Year 12).
Wheatley gained the most house points with 32 in total, followed by Jardine (29), Kellow (22) and Wheatcroft (18).
Thank you to all participants!
On Friday, 2 August, 19 secondary students attended CQUniversity to compete in the largest regional Robotics competition to date.
Students have been working hard since Term 1 to build and code their robots across 3 categories: On Stage, Rescue Line and Soccer.
Congratulations go to teams RGS French Baguette (Vaeda Merson, Yasmin Powles-Steed and Elsa Li) for coming 3rd in their On Stage division, and RGS Robotniks (Neal Dhamsania, Ziran Lekha and Eric John Dennis) for winning 1st place in the Soccer division.
All students demonstrated the school values regardless of whether they placed or not, and I was extremely proud of their effort and resilience.
RGS Careers news
QTAC Applications OPEN
Year 12 students who wish to apply for university in Queensland in 2025 are invited to start their QTAC applications. During Prep for Senior, Students were shown how to complete their applications. If your student missed this session, I highly recommend they book an appointment with me if they are having any issues with their application or have questions about what to include in each of the sections.
Students considering a career in medicine or dentistry, during Year 12 will need to sit a compulsory entry exam known as the UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) before they can apply for relevant placements in the aforementioned fields of study within most universities in Australia. Along with the UCAT, most universities in Australia will invite students to attend an interview before being offered a place in their programs. Below are some preparation opportunities for students who are considering these careers.
Available programmes for Year 10, 11 and 12 students
Future Doctors Program
: Medicine (4-day attendance: Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne).
Academic Insights Program
: Medicine, Psychology Engineering, Business Management, Creative Writing and Veterinary Studies (11-day residential summer holiday program in Sydney).
17 August - 8 September 2024
Intensive Interview Preparation Workshop
limited spots left
21 December 2024
UCAT Preparation Workshop
- 5 UCAT sections covered + full mock exam under timed conditions + introduction to medical interviews.
UCAT Training Course - various levels of preparation and options available to meet individual student needs.
CQUni | Open Days 2024
August 18, 2024
Explore our facilities and learn about your study options direct from our supportive staff.
Get your questions answered: We're a friendly and passionate bunch who take the time to explain the nitty-gritty of starting study. Ask us about your pathway options, fees, scholarships, and support with your application.
Start planning your future: With both TAFE and university study options available, we’ll help you discover your dream course. You’ll even get the opportunity to speak with our teachers about work placements, graduate outcomes, and career opportunities.
Experience campus life: Step onto our vibrant campuses and soak in the atmosphere. From relaxed student spaces to cutting-edge facilities, you’ll feel right at home.
UQ | Gatton Open Day 2024
August 18, 2024
We can’t wait to welcome you to Open Day at UQ’s Gatton campus. Explore your interests and study options, immerse yourself in university life and get answers to all your questions. What to expect:
* Attend sessions to uncover your study area of interest and find out more about the degrees we offer.
* Enter a competition, grab some freebies, listen to live music, get hands-on in a workshop or come on a tour.
* Get to know UQ. Ask current students and teachers all your questions and find out about student life.
SCU | Open Day 2024, Gold Coast
August 18, 2024
Want to check out Southern Cross University campuses in person? Come to our Open Day at the Gold Coast campus in August 2024. Find out more
Important Future Events
Griffith | Tertiary Education Experience (TEE)
August 21, 2024
Our Tertiary Education Experience is a program for high school students in Years 9–12 with disabilities to check out their university options. Our full-day program includes:
* an overview of assistive technology at Griffith
* a panel discussion with current students and staff
* a workshop to help students find a career path based on their strengths and personality
* a tour of Nathan campus and its facilities.
* a special information session for parents, guardians and carers on university life.
You’ll also have the opportunity to become a pilot for a day and experience what it’s like to take to the skies in a cutting-edge VR simulation. Find out more
TAFE QLD | Gold Coast Online Open Day
August 21, 2024
TAFE Queensland on the Gold Coast invites you to attend our Online Open Day. Experience our on-demand video content and delve into the study areas that interest you. Take a virtual tour of our cutting-edge facilities, reserve a spot for a campus tour, get first-hand experiences from our students about their time at TAFE Queensland, and much more. Our Online Open Day is an opportunity to:
* Watch on-demand videos featuring our experienced educators
* Experience our virtual campus tours of key learning spaces
* Explore our student stories
* Access digital course guides
* Learn more about how to enrol, course fees and available subsidies
* Chat live during business hours
* Book an in-person campus tour
CQUni | Open Day 2024, Gladstone
August 22, 2024
Explore our facilities and learn about your study options direct from our supportive staff.
Get your questions answered: We're a friendly and passionate bunch who take the time to explain the nitty-gritty of starting study. Ask us about your pathway options, fees, scholarships, and support with your application.
Start planning your future: With both TAFE and university study options available, we’ll help you discover your dream course. You’ll even get the opportunity to speak with our teachers about work placements, graduate outcomes, and career opportunities.
Experience campus life: Step onto our vibrant campuses and soak in the atmosphere. From relaxed student spaces to cutting-edge facilities, you’ll feel right at home.
SAE Institute | Open Day 2024, Brisbane
August 24, 2024
Come along to SAE’s Open Day and find your future in creative media! Open Day is your ticket to everything SAE – get a taste of our courses in workshops, explore activations on campus and get some hands-on experience with our state-of-the-art facilities. Find out more
Whitehouse Institute of Design | Open House 2024, Brisbane
August 24, 2024
Are you excited by design and dreaming of a creative career? Whitehouse Institute of Design, Australia invites you to Open House, a day where you can explore our courses and the endless possibilities within the world of design. Explore your study options, meet our incredible team, and tour Whitehouse’s unique facilities. Whether you’re interested in Fashion Design, Interior Design or Creative Direction and Styling, this is your chance to see what makes Whitehouse has to offer. Find out more
JCU | Heroes in Business
September 3, 2024
September 4, 2024
September 5, 2024
September 9, 2024
September 11, 2024
Fuel your passion for a career in business or commerce as you learn from industry experts. From this one-day program you’ll gain unique insights into the professions that funnel into a business and commerce career. Our experienced Professor in Management will expertly lead you through the process of creating, exploring and pitching a business opportunity, including the marketing and financial implications. JCU Advisors will be on hand to provide information about courses and university life. Find out more
QUT | Advice Night
September 10, 2024
If you’re a current Year 12 student or parent/guardian of a Year 12 student, join us online to discover the 5 essentials of getting into QUT in 2025. You’ll hear about:
* entry requirements
* Year 12 Early Offer Scheme (for Queensland QCE students only)
* adjustment schemes
* upgrading pathways
* scholarships.
You’ll also hear from real students about their uni experience and have a chance to ask questions about their course, why they chose QUT, the QTAC process and uni life. Registration will open in early August. Find out more
Griffith | Year 12 Academic Bootcamps
September 16 to September 26, 2024
Griffith’s Academic Bootcamps are highly effective four-day courses run in the September school holidays, designed to help Year 12 students achieve their full academic potential in their final external exams. They aim to improve confidence and understanding in senior science and maths subject areas, reducing anxiety around assessment and preparing students for future tertiary study.
On-campus subjects
General Maths
Maths Methods
Online subjects
General Maths
Maths Methods
Márta Svéd Scholarship
$5,000 AUD
Open date:
July 19, 2024
Closing date:
September 8, 2024
The Márta Svéd scholarship is an exciting opportunity established by the Discipline of Mathematical Sciences – within the School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences – to support three female undergraduate students who are looking to undertake a Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences or a Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Advanced) program at the University of Adelaide. Find out more
UniSC Vice-Chancellor’s Honours Scholarship
$5,000 AUD
UniSC Vice-Chancellor’s Honours Scholarships are to encourage and support students commencing an Honours program, with a long-term view to enter the research field. This scholarship is intended to recognise, reward and encourage academic excellence. Find out more
QUT Faculty of Science Scholarship for Women and Non-Binary People
Up to $10,000 AUD
Closing date:
January 1, 2025
This scholarship aims to support high-achieving female and non-binary students who are starting their first year of an undergraduate degree in science, mathematics or IT. The scholarship also aims to foster leadership and networking by encouraging recipients to contribute to and participate in diversity, inclusion and belonging initiatives of the Faculty of Science and student clubs. Scholarship offers will be made from mid-January 2025. Find out more
USYD Bill and Melia Hutchinson Scholarship
Up to $8,500 AUD p.a.
No additional application is required.
Up to $8,500 p.a. scholarships to support undergraduate students at the Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Medicine and Health. The purpose of the MySydney Scheme and The Bill and Melia Hutchinson Scholarship is to address the educational disadvantage experienced by people living in areas affected by socio-economic disadvantage, by facilitating and supporting their participation in University of Sydney engineering or medicine and health courses. Find out more
USYD Margaret Hamer Scholarship for Women in Engineering
$6,000 AUD
Open date:
July 1, 2024
Closing date:
September 30, 2024
A $6,000 undergraduate scholarship to encourage prospective female students with a strong academic record to pursue further studies in engineering. Find out more
Federation University 2025 Foundation GPG Scholarship
$10,000 AUD
Open date:
January 6, 2025
Closing date:
March 2, 2025
The Foundation GPG Scholarship is open to domestic, female or Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students undertaking one of the following courses at Federation University:
* Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Information Technology
* Master of Engineering Technology (Mechanical Engineering)
* Master of Engineering Technology (Renewable Energy and Electrical Power Systems)
RGS Co-Curricular - Term 3.
Over 258 chess players from Central Queensland competed in the inter-school district tournament recently, with over 850 games played across 7 rounds. Despite 75% of the RGS Secondary players being in Year 7 and 8, the teams played gallantly receiving mixed results, displaying terrific sportsmanship, and representing RGS proudly.
William Cappellone (Year 9) and Basilu Hewavithana (Year 8) both received Ribbons of Merit, and special mention must be made of a terrific game by Ranu Weerasinghe Meegahawattage (Year 7). Facing a Year 12 student from Emmaus and with only 10 seconds left on the clock, Ranu narrowly missed beating his opponent with the game determined a draw by the Arbiter. His opponent went on to win the day for his board (class/level) which meant the Year 12 was subsequently invited to the State Finals in Term 4; so, the game really highlighted just how well Ranu and his teammates played given they were competing in the Premier Division. Although there were no medals for the secondary team in this round, they should all be congratulated on their fine efforts.
Vicki Wilson Cup
The First VII Magic team travelled to Brisbane on the weekend to compete in the State Finals. The top 20 schools in the state competed over two days with RGS finishing in 17th place.
Match Results:
RGS 29 lost to Helensvale 32
RGS 22 lost to Siena 33
RGS 25 lost to Southern Cross 31
RGS 20 lost to St Peter’s 44 (2024 Championship winners)
RGS 32 defeated Xavier College 29
RGS 31 defeated St Patrick’s College Mackay 19
Congratulations to all team members and coaching staff for their efforts throughout the season.
Emerald Netball Carnival
RGS Storm and RGS Warriors travelled out to Emerald a couple of weekends ago to compete in the Hall Family Junior Carnival.
Warriors played well winning 4 games, losing one and tying one.
Storm also played well missing out on Runner Up for the division on a countback.
Congratulations to Lara Maxwell for being named as one of three players in the division as the Best and Fairest.
Thank you to our umpires Harriet and Ava for coming along and doing a great job with the whistle.
Thank you to Molly for coaching and Miss Zhi for helping with the supervising this weekend. Also, to the parents that were able to come along and support our girls.
Capricorn Coast Netball Carnival
The RGS Netball Club had 12 teams participating in the Capricorn Coach Netball Carnival over the weekend. Teams participated in 96 games over the two days with all teams improving and enjoying the carnival experience. We’d also like to thank all the coaches and managers as well as the 11 umpires who covered 88 games of netball over the weekend and the large number of parents and family who came along to support all our teams.
RGS Primary and Secondary students stepped up to a range of challenges at the CQ Robotics schools’ competition hosted by CQUniversity.
In the Secondary competition, the Soccer team of Neal Dhamsania, Ziran Lekha and Eric John Dennis placed first overall while in the Secondary on Stage competition, the RGS team of Elsa Li, Vaeda Merson and Yasmin Powles-Steed placed third overall.
RGS Primary was also enthusiastically represented, qualifying for the finals in the Rescue category.
Congratulations to all the students who represented RGS in the annual competition and thank you to the RGS staff for their support and encouragement throughout the day.
North Queensland Rowing Championship
RGS won 20 medals in total - 8 Gold, 5 Silver, 7 Bronze.
Congratulations to the 36 rowers who represented RGS rowing in Townsville. Thank you to the coaches, committee and supporting parents who work tirelessly to support the programme. Congratulations to the rowers for their teamwork, resilience and hard efforts. We now look forward to a few weeks of solid training before our last local regatta and host the 2024 Higgins Coatings Queensland State Championships here in Rockhampton!
Rugby League
The RGS First XIII Boys rugby league team has qualified for the Dolphins Cup Grand Final against St Brendan’s College at 5:45pm at Rugby Park on Tuesday 13 August.
The First XIII qualified for the final with a 10-6 win over TCC. The team were first on the scoreboard when their powerhouse prop Henry Kallquist crashed over in the 15th minute. Centre Leo Fanuatanu made it try number two in the shadow of halftime to give them a 10-nil lead at the break. While TCC scored one try in the second half Grammar’s early kicking game and desperate defence was the difference.
The Girls First XIII also played in their semi-final match against TCC and were defeated 32-6. The team were able to create chances in the first half but were unable to covert those chances into points where TCC did convert their chances. This concludes the season for the First XIII with this playing group proudly being the first Girls team to represent the School at the Ballymore Cup, Confraternity Shield, and Dolphins Cup.
Notifications of Achievements
Due to the vast array of core and non-core sporting activities that students participate in, can all students’ sporting achievements be emailed through to Mrs Coetzer, the Sports Administrator –
[email protected]
RGS Secondary School Musical - Anything Goes (16 - 18 August 2024)
Tickets available at
The RGS Rugby Club's Red & Black Dinner is on Friday 30 August at Headrick's Lane. Tickets are now available online at